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Advancing human growth

to achieve “whole
wellness” including social,
personal, emotional,
cognitive and physical
Helping client to avoid some
undesired outcome
(interpersonal violence,
suicide, depression, anxiety
disorders, eating disorders,
addictive behavior),
enhancing coping skills to new
situations or new challenges.
Learning to use and
enhance special talents,
abilities and interests in
realizing one’s potential
Correcting performance
or behaviour-related
Examining thoughts and
feelings in relation to the
problem, examining
options skills and
When a client is making
progress, it is important
that the approval and
support of the counsellor
be evident.
Acquiring good habits for
good health
Assisting individuals to
make good decisions,
helping them to realize the
consequences of their
Positive self-image (self
concept), good social
interaction skills,
emotional control

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