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The philosophy of linguistics deals with philosophical issues arising in connection with the discipline of

linguistics. It covers a wide variety of topics, including: (a) ontological issues, such as the nature of
languages and of related entities (e.g. sentences and words), as well the proper characterization of the
subject matter of the discipline; (b) epistemological issues, such as the nature and scope of a speaker's
knowledge of her language; (c) methodological issues concerning the goals of theorization and the nature
of linguistic explanation, the appropriate roles of abstraction and idealization, the import of the
competence/performance distinction, and the kinds of data that may justify linguistic hypotheses.
Key works Chapter 1 of Chomsky 1965 contains a seminal
discussion of methodological and epistemological
issues, such as the competence-performance
distinction, the connection between explanatory
adequacy and language acquisition, the place of
intuitions/judgments as a source of evidence and
the nature and role of abstraction and idealization
in theorization.

Chomsky 1980 has Chomsky's replies to criticisms

posed by philosophers (among others), including
worries about innateness and about the
"psychological reality" of the posits of linguistic

Chomsky 1986 is the locus classicus for the

distinction between I-Language and E-Language,
and it also presents a very influential (and
controversial) characterization of linguistics as a
"branch of cognitive psychology".
Katz 1980 is a sustained critique of the Chomskyan
perspective, and offers an alternative, Platonic
conception of linguistics as a non-empirical, formal
discipline. Soames 1984 and Higginbotham 1983,
respectively, seek to combine an empirical view of
linguistic research with a Platonic ontology of its
subject matter.

Katz 1985 is the first collection of papers to bear

the title "Philosophy of Linguistics", and it features
many of the early key works. George 1989 includes
several influential papers dealing with the ontology
and epistemology of linguistics—notably George
1989 and Peacocke 1989.
Devitt 2006 is an attack on several aspects of the
Chomskyan conception, such as the "psychological"
view of linguistics and what Devitt calls the
"Cartesian view" of linguistic intuitions.

Ludlow 2011 is one of the most recent monograph-

length treatments of the topics mentioned above,
and also contains discussions of issues such as
normativity and rule-following, simplicity and
formalization, and the externalist-internalist debate
in semantics and in syntax.
Introductions Pelletier 2000, Ludlow 1998

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 Natural Language Ontology (Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics).Friederike
Moltmann - forthcoming - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of
Metametaphysics. Routledge.
 This paper gives an outline of natural language ontology as a subdiscipline of both linguistics and
philosophy. It argues that part of the constructional ontology reflected in natural language is in
significant respects on a par with syntax (on the generative view).
 Metaontology, Misc in Metaphysics

 Methodology in Metaphysics in Metaphysics

 Ontological Pluralism in Metaphysics

 Philosophy of Language

 Philosophy of Language, Miscellaneous in Philosophy of Language

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 The Evolution of (Proto-)Language: Focus on Mechanisms. Przemyslaw Zywickzinski, Nathalie
Gontier & Slawomir Wacewicz - 2017 - Language Science 63 (63):1-11.
 This article introduces a special issue on mechanisms in language evolution research. It describes
processes relevant for the emergence of protolanguage and the transition thereof to modern
language. Protolanguage is one of the key terms in the field of language evolution, used to
designate a hypothesised intermediate stage in the emergence of language present in extinct
hominins: qualitatively different from non-human primate communication in possessing some, but
not all, of the features that characterise modern language. Much debate in language evolution (...)
 Languages in Philosophy of Language

 Philosophy of Biology

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 До питання про мовну толерантність (результати опитування, проведеного у
Вінницькій області).Taras Tkachuk - 2017 - Language: Classic – Modern – Postmodern 3:68-
 Стаття продовжує цикл опитувань, метою яких було з’ясування факторів впливу на вибір
мови в білінгвальному середовищі. В аналізованому опитуванні, проведеному у Вінниці та
Вінницькій області, охоплено 560 старшокласників віком 14–17 років. Результати анкетування
дали змогу зробити висновки про психологічні чинники, що впливають на респондента, який
перебуває в двомовному середовищі.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language

 Tolerance in Normative Ethics

 Toleration in Applied Ethics in Social and Political Philosophy

 Ukrainian Philosophy in European Philosophy
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 El Enigma de Pierre y la Atribución de Actitudes Proposicionales. Una teoría Objetual de las
Creencias.Markel Kortabarria - manuscript
 Este trabajo constituye un intento de arrojar luz sobre el problema de la atribución de creencias
surgido a raíz del planteamiento que hizo Saul Kripke en su artículo ‘’A puzzle about belief''
publicado en ''Meaning & Use'' en el año 1979. El artículo de Kripke no pasó inadvertido, recibió
una gran variedad de respuestas y generó una amplia bibliografía. De entre todas las respuestas
que se ofrecieron, expondré la solución que ofreció Ruth Barcan Marcus en ''A proposed solution
to a (...)
 Attitude Ascriptions in Philosophy of Language

 Modal Epistemology in Metaphysics

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language

 Rationality in Epistemology
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 Infinity and the Foundations of Linguistics.Ryan M. Nefdt - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):1671-
 The concept of linguistic infinity has had a central role to play in foundational debates within
theoretical linguistics since its more formal inception in the mid-twentieth century. The
conceptualist tradition, marshalled in by Chomsky and others, holds that infinity is a core
explanandum and a link to the formal sciences. Realism/Platonism takes this further to argue that
linguistics is in fact a formal science with an abstract ontology. In this paper, I argue that a central
misconstrual of formal apparatus of (...)
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language

 Philosophy, Misc

 The Application of Mathematics in Philosophy of Mathematics

 The Infinite in Philosophy of Mathematics

 Theories and Models in General Philosophy of Science
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 Dionysius of Halicarnassus - De Jonge Between Grammar and Rhetoric. Dionysius of
Halicarnassus on Language, Linguistics and Literature. Pp. Xiv + 456. Leiden and Boston: Brill,
2008. Cased, €146, US$216. ISBN: 978-90-04-16677-6. [REVIEW]Jaana Vaahtera - 2010 - The
Classical Review 60 (1):65-66.
 Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy

 Classics in Arts and Humanities

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Epistemology for the Rest of the World. [REVIEW]Mark Satta - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly
69 (275):438-440.
 Epistemology for the Rest of the World. Edited by Mizumoto Masaharu, Stich Stephen, McCready
 Defining Knowledge, Misc in Epistemology

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language

 Social Epistemology in Epistemology

 The Concept of Knowledge in Epistemology

 The Gettier Problem in Epistemology
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 An Alternative View of Polarity Items.Ana Von Klopp - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21
 Philosophy of Language

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language

 Semantics in Philosophy of Language
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 Le tout et ses parties. Langue, système, Structure.Lia Formigari & Albano Leoni Federico -
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Sciences du langage et psychologie à la charnière des 19e et 20e siècles. Lia Formigari & De
Palo Marina - 2010
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 Corporeità, linguaggio, cognizione.Lia Formigari - 2004
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Italian Studies in Linguistic Historiography.De Mauro Tullio & Formigari Lia - 1994
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Leibniz, Humboldt and the Origin of Comparativism.Lia Formigari & Tullio De Mauro - 1990 -
Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi: J. Benjamins.
 Leibniz, Misc in 17th/18th Century Philosophy

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 Prospettive di storia della linguistica. Lingua, linguaggio, comunicazione sociale Book. Lia
Formigari & Lo Piparo Franco - 1988 - Roma RM, Italia: Editori Riuniti.
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 Lingua, tradizione, Rivelazione. Le Chiese e la comunicazione sociale. Lia Formigari &
Donatella Di Cesare - 1988 - Milano MI, Italia: Marietti.
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 Marxismo e teorie della lingua.Lia Formigari - 1974 - Messina ME, Italia: La Libra.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Herder-Monboddo, Linguaggio e società.Lia Formigari - 1973 - Roma RM, Italia: Laterza.
 17th/18th Century British Philosophy, Misc in 17th/18th Century Philosophy

 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Linguistica e antropologia nel secondo Settecento.Lia Formigari - 1973 - Messina ME, Italia:
La Libra.
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 Maupertuis, Turgot, Maine de Biran: origine e funzione del linguaggio Book.Lia Formigari -
1971 - Roma RM, Italia: Laterza.
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 Hermann Paul. I princìpi e la storia.Lia Formigari - 2018 - Bollettino di Italianistica 15 (2):101-
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Lingue e linguaggio. Testi fondativi nella storia delle teorie.Lia Formigari - 2018 - Blityri. Studi
di Storia Delle Idee Sui Segni E le Lingue 7 (1):24-43.
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 Philosophie du langage et linguistique. Binome ou antinomie?Lia Formigari - 2018 - Cahiers
de l'ILSL 53:25-38.
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 Gli sconfinamenti di un linguista.Lia Formigari - 2018 - In Stefano Gensini, Piemontese
Emanuela & Solimine Giovanni (eds.), Tullio De Mauro. Un intellettuale italiano. Roma RM,
Italia: pp. 267-272.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Wilhelm Wundt and the Lautgesetze Controversy.Lia Formigari - 2018 - History and
Philosophy of the Language Sciences.
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 Theory and History of Theory. A Few Notes on Linguistic Historiography.Lia Formigari - 2017
- Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 1:157-165.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Sentence and its Parts. A Psycholinguistic Theory of Syntactic Values. Lia Formigari - 2015 -
Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage 37 (1):9-25.
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 Le seuil du langage. Intersections épistémologiques à l'époque du comparatisme. Lia
Formigari - 2014 - In Archaimbault Sylvie, Fournier Jean-Marie & Raby Valéry (eds.), Penser
l'histoire des savoirs linguistiques. Hommage à Sylvain Auroux. 27480 Lyons-la-Forêt, Francia:
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 L'origine del linguaggio. Ricognizioni storiche e valenze epistemologiche. Lia Formigari - 2013
- In Banfi Emanuele (ed.), Sull'origine del linguaggio e delle lingue storico-naturali. Un
confronto tra linguisti e non linguisti. Roma RM, Italia: pp. 13-22.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Il linguaggio fra automatismi e intenzionalità. Alle origini del darwinismo linguistico. Lia
Formigari - 2013 - In Große Sybille, Hennemann Anja, Plötner Kathleen & Wagner Stefanie
(eds.), Angewandte Linguistik/Linguistique appliquée. Berna, Svizzera: pp. 87-97.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 De la grammatisation à la linguistique générale: Un parcours d’histoire et
d’épistémologie.Lia Formigari - 2012 - Historiographia Linguistica 39 (1):115-122.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 A Psychophysics of Linguistic Forms.Lia Formigari - 2012 - Blityri. Studi di Storia Delle Idee Sui
Segni E Sulle Lingue 1 (1):157-176.
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 Forma, funzione, reificazione.Lia Formigari - 2012 - In Francesca M. Dovetto, Valeria Micillo &
Elda Morlicchio (eds.), Traguardi e prospettive nelle scienze del linguaggio e Riflessioni con
Federico Albano Leoni.
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 'Néo-humboldtisme': histoire d'un métaterme.Lia Formigari - 2011 - Cahiers de l'ILSL 29:33-
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 Presentazione.Lia Formigari - 2010 - In Elena Gagliasso & Giulia Frezza (eds.), Metafore del
vivente. Linguaggio e ricerca scientifica tra filosofia, bios e psiche. Milano MI, Italia: pp. 9-13.
 Philosophy of Linguistics in Philosophy of Language
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 Présentation.Lia Formigari & De Palo Marina - 2010 - Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage 32
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 La genèse motrice de la parole.Lia Formigari - 2010 - Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage 32
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 Historicité des langues et Méthode de la linguistique Journal Article.Lia Formigari - 2009 -
Beitraege Zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaf 19:141-147.
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 Modelli del pensare metaforico.Lia Formigari - 2009 - Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 1
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 Philosophical Naturalism and the Language Sciences.Lia Formigari - 2008 - In Willems Klaas &
De Cuypere Ludovic (eds.), Naturalness and Iconicity in Language. Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi:
pp. 25-46.
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 Il linguaggio tra teoria e storia della teoria.Lia Formigari - 2006 - In Gensini Stefano &
Mortone Arturo (eds.), Il linguaggio. Teoria e storia delle teorie. Napoli NA, Italia: pp. 12-21.
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 Pour une philosophie de la linguistique.Lia Formigari - 2006 - Histoire Epistémologie Langage
1 (28):117-125.
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 Re-Reading Locke.Lia Formigari - 2003 - Beiträge Zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaf 2
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 Herder entre universalisme et rélativité.Lia Formigari - 2003 - In Pénisson Pierre & Waszek
Norbert (eds.), Herder et les Lumières : l'Europe de la pluralité culturelle et linguistique. Parigi,
Francia: pp. 133-143.
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 Austinians and Romantics.Lia Formigari - 2002 - Historiographia Linguistica 1 (29):191-2002.
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 Les théories linguistiques des Lumières.Lia Formigari - 2001 - In Haspelmath Martin, König
Ekkehard, Oesterreicher Wulf & Raible Wolfgang (eds.), Language Typology and Language
Universals. An International Handbook. Berlino, Germania: pp. 222-233.
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 Eloge de l'abbé de Condillac, ou: du matérialisme dans les théories linguistiques. Lia
Formigari - 2000 - Beiträge Zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaf 10 (2):241-252.
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 Philosophies de la nature et philosophies du langage au début du XIXe siècle. Lia Formigari -
2000 - In Bloch Olivier (ed.), Philosophies de la nature. Parigi, Francia: pp. 319-33.
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 Grammar and Philosophy in the Age of Comparativism. Lia Formigari - 1999 - In Embleton
Sheila, Joseph John & Niederehe Hans-Josef (eds.), The Emergence of the Modern Language
Sciences. Studies on the Transition from Historical-Comparative to Structural Linguistics in
Honour of E. K. Koerner. Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi: pp. 3-12.
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 Idealism and Idealistic Trends in Linguistics and in Philosophy of Language. Lia Formigari -
1999 - In Schmitter Peter (ed.), Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit, I. Der epistemologische Kontext
neuzeitlicher Sprach- und Grammatiktheorien. Tubinga, Germania: pp. 230-253.
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 Semantycna teorija Hajmana Staintalia.Lia Formigari - 1998 - Zbirnyk Xarkivs'koho Istoryko-
Filohicnoho Tovarystva 7:45-56.
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