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1. To design a twin tower with a skybridge using A3 paper that can support loads with
different weight.

2. To apply the principles that have been learned in Static and Mechanics of Material course
in the twin tower design.


1. Prepared 5 A3 papers, tape and scissors.

2. For the tower, firstly cut one A3 paper into three parts, then rolled all of them into 3 perfect
cylinders with length 30 cm.
3. Secondly, taped all of them to make a ‘tripod stand’ with its interception point at a height
aproximately 20 cm.
4. After that, rolled and cut 3/4 of another half A3 paper into 3 small cylindrical parts.
5. Then, attached them to each side of the tripod as supports.
6. Lastly for the tower part, cut and rolled a small part of another A3 to make a very small
cylinder with height 10 cm to be attached vertically on top of the tripod as the last piece of
the tower to complete the 35 cm height requirement.
7. All of above procedure have been repeated for the second tower.
8. For the skybridge, firstly cut and rolled one and a half A3 paper into 6 cylinder with length
21 cm.
9. Then, arranged 4 cylinder on top of two cylinder to tape it all together to make the
skybridge with a width of aproximately 4cm and thickness ....
10. Lasly, attached the skybridge on top of the interception point of the tripod.

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