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Woodrow Wilson Presidency RDG

1. Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve System because the country did
not have a central bank at the time and during times of economic crisis, hundreds
of small banks would collapse.
2. I feel like the Federal Reserve System is the most important of Wilson’s reforms
because if an economic crisis would strike and there was no central bank to keep
people’s funds, then thousands of people would have their life savings taken
from them with no questions.
3. Woodrow Wilson supported the KKK and moved to segregate the country again.
4. I believe that Wilson’s Progressivism was good for the country but they were
slightly counteracted by his decisions to segregate the federal government.
5. Germany attacked boats that had Americans on it and Germany had promised
Mexico that they would get New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas after the war was
6. I would rate Woodrow Wilson as an average president because while he did
some good things for the country, he had done some controversial things.

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