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• What have you studied?

I have studied business administrator at the University SENA

• What are you studying now?
Actually, I’m studying English and I’m ending the final work the university and
administrator management
• What have been your motivations to study?
I think that I have been motivated to study because I always could be able to of
count numbers and also I want to be an important director in a big bank at on
Colombia, also because I want a example for my daughter ana Sofia
• Do you plan to study anything else? Why or why not?
Of course, I want to study anything like a master in MBA ‘’ Master in Business
Administration’’ or Master in Business, I would like to study other language like
French and English.
• What do you want to do professionally speaking in the next three years?
I hope to have a new job where I could have more experience and skills and I want to
study my Master in a good university

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