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UPM-CALC/SEM1/2016-17/CEL2102/SCL-WEEK 1

Listening for Main Ideas, Details, and Specific Details
Deadline: 18/09/2016

1. The following is an online individual activity meant to help strengthen your language for
effective listening and speaking. So, please complete the activity on your own without
copying answers from your friend(s) so that you benefit from such SCL activities.

2. Submit your completed exercise via Edmodo. Marks will only be awarded for each
completed exercise that is submitted on time.


1. Listen to the attached audio track.

2. Answer the following questions:

a) What is the main idea of the audio track?

7 ways to be happy right now

b) List down 5 suggestions as mentioned in the audio track.

(i) smile
(ii) tell to yourself that you love yourself and I am the best
(iii) think and talk what you want
(iv) say no to negativity
(v) exercise and meditation

c) What do you tell yourself when you look at the mirror?

You can do it. Fighting !!!

d) What are the benefits of meditation to the mind?

Give mind to rest and heal

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