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1. Sophists-​a person who reasons with clever but fallacious arguments.

2. Protagoras-​taught as a Sophist for more than 40 years, claiming to teach men 

“virtue” in the conduct of their daily lives. 
3. Subjectivism - There is no absolute truth
4. Relativism - the view that there are no absolute values; all values are relative to time,
place, and culture
5. Sophism- A false argument usually made to deceive someone, rhetoric over reason
6. Gorgias- “There is nothing” “If there were anything, no one could know it” “If anyone did
know it, no one could communicate it”
7. Thrasymachus- ​Thrasymachus was a sophist of ancient Greece best known as a
character in Plato's Republic
8. Callicles and Critias- two of the most cynical philosophists
9. Skepticism- The theory that certain knowledge is impossible
10. Nihilism- nothing matters, life is meaningless
11. Epistemological- the study of knowledge,
12. Postmodernism- no definite terms, boundaries, or absolute truths exist
13. Poststructuralism-an effort to understand, interpret, or shape our social environment
14. Socrates-founder of Western philosophy/Socratic Method/(469-399 B.C.E)/̈An
unexamined life is not worth living.¨
15. Plato-founded the first university of the western world-​The Academy​/(427-347
B.C.E)/Student of Socrates/Teacher of Aristotle/Theory of the Line
16. Metaphysics- beyond science and logic. Within the soul. Not to be dealt with physically.
17. Necessary conditions- Features of a concept that must be present if the concept is to be
deemed correctly.
18. Allegory of the cave- The more you know the more freedom you have.
19. Sufficient conditions - features which, when present, guarantee that the concept in
question has correctly been defined
20. Forms - images of something higher / the concept of something perfect
21. Mystical - something that is beyond being and knowledge

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