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1) What is 1S

Ans : 1s means Sorting (SEIRI)

• Make use of tag system.

• Discard unwanted items.
• Store only that which is needed.
• Remove obstacles.
• Effective utilization of available space.
2) What is 2S
Ans : 2S means Orderliness (SEITON)
• A place for everything and everything is it’s place.
• Zero searching time.
• Easy accessibility.
• Allocate suitable space considering nature of items to be stored.
• Use of signboards.
3) What is 3S
Ans : 3S means Cleanliness (SEISO)
• Keep workplace clean.
• Identify problem and initiate corrective action.
• Owing up of responsibility by every individual.
• Timely detection of abnormalities and prevention of break down.
• Reduction of accidents.
4) What is 4S

Ans : 4S means Standardization (SEIKETSU)

• Consistent and systematic implementation of 1S, 2S & 3S

• Standardization of system and processes.
• Continuous improvement on 1S, 2S & 3S levels.
• Visual factory and visual controls.
• High employee morale.
5) What is 5S
Ans : 5S means Self-Discipline (SHITSUKE)
• Systematic implementation of 1S, 2S, 3S & 4S across the organization.
• Consistency in implementation of 1S, 2S, 3S & 4S.
• Maintaining self discipline.
• Meeting organizational objectives through team work and discipline.
• Impart training to all employees.
6) What is 3S objective of department
Ans : 1) Zero breakdown 2) Zero accidents 3) Productivity improvement to reduce engineering
cycle time.
7) When other comments to be filled.
Ans : When improvement in process required or no repairing required.
8) When Yellow tag to be filled.
Ans : If any equipment/object fail/damage and repairing is required then fill yellow tag to be
9) What is Type – A in yellow tag
Ans : To close the tag within three months.
10) What is Type – B in yellow tag
Ans : To close the tag within one month.
11) What is Type – C in yellow tag
Ans : To close the tag within one week.
12) When Red tag to be filled.
Ans : When the material / documents is not required or not be used in future then Red tag to be
13) How much is search time
Ans : 30Sec.
14) 5S Meeting frequency & time
Ans : Every Monday at 2.00 pm. Every FIRST & THIRD Monday at 2.30 pm
15) Meeting frequency time
Ans : Every Monday at 2.00 pm.
16) Your departmental Master File list is in which format - hard or soft format?
Ans : In soft MS Excel format.

17) Where the master files softcopy stored?

Ans : It is stored on our server at location  \\rndnt\forders\5S-Filing-System

18) Where is the location of policy boards in your department?

Ans : Immediately on the right wall of the main entrance of department.

19) Where is the location of Fire Extinguisher in your department?

Ans : It is at the main entrance lobby, near the lift / staircase, of the department.

20) Where the ‘Monitoring of cleaning checklist’ of each individual is available.

Ans : It is maintained/updated by each individual.
It is put-up on the soft board of individual’s desk.

21) How 5S of PC is maintained?

Ans : i) Daily cleaning of ‘deleted item’ (if any) from mailbox
ii) Weekly emptying of recycle bin.
iii) Weekly deleting the temporary files in “temp” folder.
22) Where is the red tag area of our zone
Ans : It is in front of Cupboard area marked with red strips.

23) What is our our Zone no

Ans : A-10

24) How do you define the responsible person for yellow or red tag
Ans : We have distributed responsibility of common areas within our team, list of responsible
person for each area is displayed on 5S board.

25) Who is trained fire –fighter in our Department

Ans : i) P.V. Joshi Anil Kurve
ii) Pushkar Sonak

26) Who is concern person for First Aid in our Department

Ans : P.V. Joshi Anil Kurve

27) Why Should I Adopt the 5s System?

Ans : i) Safer workplace: Improve safety by keeping your workplace clean and organized.
ii) Fewer defects: Reduce errors and defects by making it easier to identify and solve
iii) More efficient workforce: Make work easier with standard procedures.

28) Who is responsible for tagging

Ans : All team members

29) IS there any particular day & time for yellow tagging and disposal
Ans : Tagging : As & when abnormalities observed
Disposal: Within timeline as per A/B/C types

30) Where are the rags stored

Ans : Near the 5S visual board in each model area

31) Can you show your desk location/cabin/cupboard on department layout

Ans : Study department layout and identify all locations

32) Where do you keep keys of discussion room/cabin

Ans : In the key box near entrance.

Importance points

- Keep your desk net & clean

- Don’t keep unwanted documents on your desk
- Don’t keep unwanted stationary/things in your drawer.
- Give file no to each file on your desk and update reference file list.
- Give retention period to each file
- Update and tag list of your books on desk/cupboard.
- Keep chairs organized while leaving desk/meeting.
- Put off nearest electrical appliances like tube light, fan etc while leaving office.
- Ensure your dustbin is emptied daily

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