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Rona Liansari 1, M. Gazali 2

Postgraduate Professional Education Student Of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Departement,
Faculty Of Dentistry, University of Hasanuddin Makassar, Indonesia
Lecturer of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of Dentistry, University of
Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract :

Objective : odontogenic infection disease still wide found at the society. One of them is
infection at facial area. The most common facial infection is infection at submandibular or also
called submandibular infection. The complicated of this infection can cause death. It happened
because abscess spread to antoher area at neck area so can result airway obstruction. We report
one case of submandibular abscess caused by infection of mandibular molar tooth.

Method : a male patient aged 16 years old come to RSGM Unhas with complaint swelling at
mandibular right cheeck area, accompanied by pain and hard to open mouth since 4 day before
enter the hospital. According clicinal and radiography examination result patient diagnosed with
dextra submandibular abscess bases on indication pulp necrose 46. Therapy was given is
extraoral incision, drainage installation and tooth extraction 46.

Result : after treatment patient in better condition. Symmetrical face, decrease of pus drainage
and mouth opening has begun normally. Patient instructed to maintain his oral hygiene and
control at 7 days after therapy.

Conclucion : drainage extraoral incision and toot extraction are choice of therapy at
submandibular abscess case to prevent further spreading of infection

Keyword : submandibular abscess, extraoral incision, drainage, extraction

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