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Language-related values and attitudes

1. I think English is an interesting subject.

2. Learning English can be important for me because it will help me to get an ideal job in the

3. Learning English helps me to read English books, articles, newspapers, and magazines.

4. I learn English because I like English movies and songs.

5. English will allow me to meet more foreign people coming from English-speaking (or foreign)

6. I enjoy the high feeling while I chat with foreigners in English.

7. Learning English can be important for me because it will help me to further my studies.

8. I want to learn more about the culture and art of English-speaking (or foreign) countries.

9. I study English because I would like to visit English-speaking countries.

10. I enjoy the satisfaction when I find out new things in English.

11. My parents push me to study English.

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