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Talk about food passions. ‘Make an excuse to decline food. Discuss lifestyle changes. Describe local dishes. ihe Eating Well PREVIEW 2-3 servings per day Tor calcium 5:5 servings por ay for viearine and fiber 6:1 servings per day Tor carbohydrates 7 servings per day for protein and vitamins Look at the suggestions above for eating a healthy diet. Do you think Diseningraday | this diet is healthy? Why or why not? PR B Complete the chart about the foods you eat each day. Compare charts 3-5 servings a day with a partner. = © DISCUSSION How are the Healthy Diet suggestions different from your fos asi chart? Which do you think is a healthier diet? Explain. ~More'than 5 servings a day 62 UNTS D820 PHOTO STORY Read and listen to people talking about food choices. Rita: Didn't you tell me you were ‘avoiding sweets? Joy: I couldnt resist! | had a craving for Rita: Well, | pretty good. How manyy calories are in that thing anyway? idea. Want to try some? Rita: Thanks. But | think pass, 'm avoiding carbs. Joy: You? I don’t believe it. You never ‘used to turn down chocolate! 1 know. But 'm watching my, weight now. Rita: OK. Maybe j Joy: Hey, you only *carbs (informal) = carbohydrates E FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Find an underlined sentence or phrase in the Photo Story with the same meaning as each of the following, 1 I don’t know. 2 I should say no. 3 I couldn’t stop myself. 4 ('m trying not to get heavier. SPEAKING Read the descriptions of diets. Would you ever try any of them? Why or why not? 5 | really wanted . 6 lagree 7 say noto 8 Hil try a little 44 1don’t believe in the Atkins Diet. Alot of meat, eggs, and cheese ‘doesn’t sound like the ight balance Of foods for good health. 99 ‘The Atkins Diet For weight lows. Eat high Prosi foods sch 2 mex, egos and chose thoi ors tre high in corbohydraes, such oF Potatoes, bread, grains, tnd 1090 Joy: Come on! It's really good. UNITS 63 Food passions 321 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Vm crazy about seafood. ma big meat eater. 'm a big coffee drinker. V'm a chocolate addict. I'm a pizza lover. 1 She (is crazy about / doesn’t care for) sushi 2 He (loves 3 She (isa mango lo can’t stand) asparagus. doesn’t care for mangoes). 4 He (is a big pasta eater / isn’t crazy about pasta). 5 She (is an ‘ A mangoes pasta PAIR WORK Tell your partner about some of your food passions. Use to / used to {52 LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Circle the correct words to complete each statement about the speakers’ food passions. aa 64 1m really a seafood lover, but Pm not crazy about clams. Use use to and used to + the base form of a verb to describe things that were true in the past but are no longer true in the present. |Lused to be crazy about candy, but now | don't care for it. ‘She didn’t use to eat cheese, but now she has it all the time. Did you use to eat alot of fatty foods? | Yes, did. op No, | didn’ 64 UNS. Yes, | used to. No, | didn't use to. What did you use to have for breakfast? (Eggs and sausage. But not anymore.) Why did you use to eat so much? (Because | didn’t use to worry about my health.) ” Be carefull ‘They usedto...BUT pid they use to... -? Tean’t stand fish. 'm not crazy about chocolate. don’t care for steak. I'm not much of a pizza eater. V'm not much of a coffee drinker. S asparagus ‘They didn't use to. ESM ». 134 * Use to / sed to: use and form, ‘Be used to vs. get used to Repeated actions in the past: would + base form, common errors now he eats at home more often. 2 Nina eata lot of pasta, but now she does 3 Vinnie drink a lot of coffee, but now he's a coffee addict. 4 Anton but now he doesn’t she's crazy about fish. == PRONUNCIATION Sound reduction: used to .. 1 1 WSedHES be a big meat eater. 2 Jack USERREG like sweets CONVERSATION MODEL A338 Read and listen to two people talking about their food passions. A: Are you a big coffee drinker? B: Well, I couldn't live without it. NOTEPADDING Complete the notepad with foods you like and dislike the Conversation Model, exchanging information and the Vocabulary from page 64. ‘Ask about more foods and drinks. \: Are you a big r - What about you? GRAMMAR PRACTICE Use the context to help you complete each sentence with used to or didn’t use to. Then write two sentences about yourself. 1 Gary go out to eat a lot, but eat a lot of vegetables, 5 Cate hate seafood, but now B: Definitely. I'm crazy about coffee. What about you? ‘A: | used to drink ita lot. But recently I've cut back. P8325 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner, B CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change about your food passions. Talk about what you used to and didn’t use to eat or drink. Use your notepad. CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about other food passions, 6 Ted eat a lot of fatty foods, but now he avoids them. 7 Burt drink a lot of water, but now he has several glasses a day. 8 May like salad, but now she has salads several times a week. 9 (used to) | 10 (didn’t use to) | 8231 Notice how the pronunciation of to in used to changes to /ta/ in natural speech. Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat. Practice the sentences on your own. 3 Sally US8AIKD be crazy about fries. ° 4 They didn’t USBI like seafood. Talk about food passions iin My food passions Foods I'm crazy about Foods I can’t stand UNTé 65

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