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Reflection XI: Running Out of Title Names


There has been debated throughout the ages; fate or destiny? Do we have a set

purpose on this Earth, that was laid out for us, and we can never change? Or are we in charge

of our future; do we actually possess free will? My answer is: both of these ideas are terrifying. It

is terrifying that me over sleeping, getting stuck in traffic, pursuing my current job is exactly how

my time on Earth was meant to be spent; I feel like I am making these choices myself, but in

reality it was already made for me… I have no free will, only the illusion. It is equally terrifying

that I am in charge. I dictate exactly how my life goes; if I fail its my fault, the same goes for if I

succeed. Do I really want the responsibility of creating my own life and even having

negative/positive effect on the lives of those around me? Jean-Paul Sartre, an important figure

in existentialism, believes that we are the masters of our own lives. Of course people refute this

and say that God has a set purpose for our lives, thus fate is the correct answer. Whether

Christians like it or not, the bible did say that God gave us all free will; which may or may not

have been a mistake. He wanted us to make decisions on our own and learn from our mistakes

so we can grow as beings. This is no different from Sartre’s teachings. He wants us to

understand that there is no one to blame for our actions but ourselves. He offers an optimistic

approach to existentialism, which is usually rooted in the idea that no matter what path we take,

it doesn’t matter. He instead says that our walk through life is unique to us; we have our own

subjective views on the way we live our lives.

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