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Name : Ariqoh Ansori (2021611005) The Abundance Structure Of Plankton As

An Indicator Of Water Quality At Sengaran Beach East Belitung Regency
Suvervisor : Siti Aisyah S.Pi., M.Si.

Plankton are living organisms that float, or swim very weak, meaning that
they cannot resist the tide. Plankton has an important role in the water, but as the
basis of the feed chain (primary producer) is also one of the parameters of the
fertility of the water. The purpose of this research is to know the condition of
coastal waters of East Belitung district based on Plankton diversity index and
know the abundance of plankton types found in Sengaran beach area Belitung
District East Timor. The study was held on 29 December 2018 at two stations.
The results of this study were the discovery of 9 species each of which is 7 species
of phytoplankton and 2 species of zooplankton with the genus name as follows:
Rhizosolenia, Synendra, Thalassionema, Cycotella, Netrium, Tetraedron,
Rhizosolenia For phytoplankton and Diaphanosoma and copepods for
zooplankton. From the analysis using the formula obtained average value H ' is
3.662821 for stations I and 12.0114 for station II. From the analysis can be known
that the index diversity of plankton in Sengaran beach East Belitung Regency
belongs to the category of medium and High, because the value of H ' Each station
is 2.3< H< 6,91 for station I and H' > 6.91 for station II.

Keyword : Abundance, Plankton, Sengaran Beach

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