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The Education Instructor

Subject : Seeking Recommendation regarding scholarship


I am pleased to recommend Mr. Deepanshu Aggarwal for

admission in your institution with out question. One of the four or
five most outstanding students I have taught. Heis extremely
conscientions about his work and attending class and lab. Because of
his hard work
, he consistently scored in the Top five percent in all exams. His work
demonstrates an attention to detail and an ability to integrate
material to create larger frameworks for discussion.

Deepanshu Aggarwal intelligent and insightful contributions during

full class discussion , but it was in lab that his enthusiasm and
learning abilities shone. After the first term exam , he become the
leader of his computer lab group and I would often see him patiently
explaining a procedure or concept to his lab mates. He is a genuine
assest for money of his classmates and the class dynamic as a whole .

I would heartedly recommend Deepanshu as a prospective computer

student. In fact ,I can think of few students whom I would
recommend as highly.

I believe that Deepanshu’s strong acadmic abilities and his clear

dedication towards learningmake him a very strong candidate for
computer programme . If there are any question I can answer ,
please fell free to contact me


D.S Dagar (Lacturer)


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