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My heroine

The person I admire is my mom. First of all, Her name is Elsa , she is 40 years old. Her
parents are Honorio and Natividad .She finished Elementary School at age 12 at the
Adolfo Jurado School. she wanted to continue studying at high school but she didn't
because she didn't have the money for continue with your dreams. Also, She has
worked at since 15 years old. she married at 20 years old and she has three children:
Tania, Daisy, Brayan. My parents' marriage ended in divorce when I was 9 years old.
Since then my mom has raised me and my brothers alone .She has made sure that we
have everything we need: love,care,education above all and she is a really kind and wise
woman which is why I always turn to her for advice. She is very important to me,
because she has taught new a better person every day. To summarize, She is a good
example for me because she is a very strong woman and brave. she never gave up.
Finally,She has a beautiful she heart and that is why she is my heroine. I want to be like

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