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Jethel Adasa

Professor Batty

English 101

11 November 2019

Coming from a family that is a huge meat consumers, it stokes my heart reading articles

like Peter Singer’s “The Ethics of Eating”. In the Philippines, most people eat meat, but little did

we know that animals were being mistreated by the producers to supply more for the consumers.

Globally, more and more people have been eating meat, but in order for the people to have the

food we eat almost every day, these animals couldn’t have the justice of living and do their own

thing. Consuming meat is a norm for most of the individual but most of these animals still need

to be treated decently and a minimal life of their own. Forcing these animals to produce more

could only lead to an unhealthy products that could cause environmental disease and is very

dangerous for the consumers. The best way consumers could do is to lessen the meat

consumption and not support these methods that are cruel to animals.

People ave been consuming generous amount of meat and certain farming methods

needst to be cruel in order to produce more meat for the consumers. Even if there is a huge

demand of meat production, it doesn’t mean that these animals should be treated poorly.

According to Peter Singer, “more common is the view that we are justified in eating meat, as

long as the animals have a decent life before they are killed” (Singer). A lot of animals like

chickens, cows, and pigs are experiencing cruelty in farms. This could also lead diseases to the

animals due to the mistreatment from the producers.

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Mistreatment to these animals could leat unhealthy meat products. Mosb of these animals

are being kept in a small crates, and being fed with foods that shouldn’t be fed for them. When

Singer states, “mad cow disease shocked many people, not only because it shattered beef’s image

as a safe and healthy food, but also because they learned that the disease was caused by feeding

cattle the brains and nerve tissue of sheep” (Singer). This clearly shows that certain animals were

not being taken care of because cow should be eating grass but surprisingly, they were being fed

with a brain of a sheep.

Animals should be treated nicely because they are one of the main source of food for

most people, and sick animals could also lead to sick consumers. Mistreating these animals could

only result to unhealthy products. People should not support this type of method because it is

very cruel to the animals. This situation matters the most because if this continues, more and

more animals would get sick and this would be very unhealthy for the consumers that could

mostly leat to diseases. We the people have the power to refuse and change the way animals

producers supply our daily needs, and so mistreating animals should not be necessary.

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