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NIM : 1802010225


Suro one night is indeed famous for its sacred and full of mystical aura for some people. What
actually is there in the night of one suro?

Since I was a child until now the myth of the one-night suro has often been heard in the ears as
the New Year's Day is approaching.
Many haunted and mystical stories about one suro night

Malam Satu Suro is the Lebaran of Magical Creatures

This story must have often been heard in our ears, some people in the past believed that if Suro 1
night was a Lebaran for supernatural beings so many of them came out of their respective places.
Strangely, this myth is often associated with the appearance and disturbance of spirits that night.
I do not know where this myth began, which is clear that the myth is still widely believed.
It's too much to believe that one suro night is the worst night of the year. There are even some
people who think that in Suro there are a lot of bad luck and disasters that will befall humanity.

Assumption most lay people consider Suro Month is a month full of disaster, full of disaster, full
of bad luck, sacred month and very sacred.
Those are the various responses related to the month of Suro or the month of Muharram.
So that we will see various rituals to avoid bad luck, disasters, calamities carried out by them.
Among these are the Ruwatan event, which means cleansing. Those who are routed are believed
to be free from success or defilement.
There are a number of criteria for those who must be questioned, including ontang-earring
(single son / daughter), kedono-kedini (a pair of sons and daughters), spring capit shower (one
son flanked by two daughters).
Those born like this fall prey to Bhatara Kala, a symbol of evil.
Because of the misfortune of the month of Suro too, to the extent that some parents advise their
children like this:
"Son, be careful this month. Do not often speeding, it can be damned. It's suro, you know. "
Because this month is an unlucky month, some people don't want to have a wedding celebration,
If you make a celebration this month it will get a variety of calamities.
The marriage was not smooth, it could cause a rift in the household, his child would be born with
disabilities and many other myths.
Those are various mystical assumptions regarding the general public regarding Suro month and
the bad luck in it.

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