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Adasa​ 1

Jethel Adasa

Professor Batty

English 101

11 December 2019

Language Barrier of Latinx Students Reflection

The language barrier essay was the first essay that we did in English 101 and I know that

I put so much time and effort into making this essay. I submitted my essay twice at NetTutor and

both of the tutors gave me almost similar feedbacks on what my mistakes are. Both of them gave

me a lot of good feedbacks but they said I also had a few grammatical issues, like run-on

sentences on my introduction. On my introduction part where it was about my experience in

taking assessments, the instructor said I had a grammatical error when I said: “ I enrolled as a

junior high school student and they made me take an assessment test to see whether I belong to

an 11th grade English class or if I should take ESL (English as a Second Language) classes”.

And so I changed this sentence into a more detailed and clear statement on why we needed to

take a standardized assessment.

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