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Founded in 1963
Honored by the Patriarchate of Alexandria
October-December 2019 / Issue 30
Editor: Nostis Psarras
Authors are responsible for their own
Ss. Missionaries Cyril and Methodius articles.


04 Pacific Islands Orthodox Missionary Fraternity
6, Mackenzie King st., Hagia Sophia sq.
06 Kenya - Nairobi 546 22 Thessaloniki, Greece
08 Ghana 2310 279910, fax. 2310 279902
12 Sierra Leone
16 Congo (Brazzaville) communications
20 Congo (DRC) - Goma
23 Malawi Registered Charitable Association
26 Tanzania - Dar Es Salaam Spiritual founder:  Fr. Chrysostomos
Papasarantopoulos (1903-1972)
28 Kenya: a Fruitful Land Founding president:  Pantelis Bayas
31 Orthodoxy in Colombia Great Benefactor:  Panagiotis
33 Bishop Germanos Honorary president: Patriarch Theodore II of
34 In the Footsteps of a Saint Alexandria and all Africa

39 Divine Gifts Board of Directors

40 The Truth Charalampos Metallidis President
44 Chrys. Papasarantopoulos Nostis Psarras Vice president
Angeliki Arnaouti Secretary General
Dimitrios Sotirkos Τreasurer
Constantinos Metallidis Secretary Asst
You can give your love for the
Zenobios Iatrou Treasurer Asst
Orthodox Missions abroad via Paypal at
Evangelia Traikoudi Member by check or
Aikaterini Alexandrou Member
by deposit in our bank account:
Prodromos Kalaitzidis Member
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Similarly licensed works of the following authors were
Other bank accounts: used in the respective pages: 4 Andrew Moore 8 Hugues 12 David Denicolò
14 Eduardo Fonseca Arraes 16 Roberto Saltori
An ofiicial receipt for your donation will 20 Julien Harneis 23 Gustave Deghilage 26 xorge
be issued and mailed to you. 30 Derek Keats 31 kzoop 37 Guido Menato 38 Hans
Olofsson 44 Rod Waddington 46 Jeff Attaway
Holy Nativity 2019
May the grace of our newly-born Christ
shine upon you and the nations in the new year 2020

Gone with the sea

Dear Mission Friends and Support- for each child along with transla-
ers, tion and authenticity validation for
By the Grace of our Lord we entry permits to be issued in both
were in Greece on July 5, escorting Australia and Greece, their study
from the Mission Orphanage of the permit in Greece, acceptance and
New Zealand Holy Metropolis to enrollment at the Ecclesiastical
the Fiji islands three children, Mo- School of Patmos, as well as one
ses, Basil and Gabriel, so that they year tickets and travel insurance for
would study at the Ecclesiastical each child. All the above cost 3,500
School of Patmos, learn the Greek euro per child. It was a procedure
language and the Holy Scriptures. that had never been done before,
God willing, these three children and it is a valuable asset for the fu-
will eventually become the first ed- ture, as it made us gain the knowl-
ucated native Priests of Fiji. edge required to keep the road open
This trip is the culmination of and strengthen the relationship be-
an 18-month effort on the part of tween Fiji and Greece.
many people from Fiji, New Zea- Patience and perseverance were
land, Australia and Greece, during valuable allies. The contemplation
which 31 documents were required of the ultimate goal gave strength.

Praying and invoking the Holy 40%, and it is constantly improv-
Name of God overcame all kinds ing. The result of cooperation in
of difficulties. We reached the first the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is
milestone. We move on to the next marvelous. Wherever there are 2 or
one by the Grace of God Almighty. 3 gathered in His name, He is there
Thanks be to God. too. Thanks be to God.
Moreover, during the past 6 We are small and weak. The Al-
months a successful attempt was mighty God sends His Angels and
made for Fr. Panayiotis to move from illumines His will in our minds and
Fiji to Sydney, Australia, in order to hearts and gives us the power re-
undergo double surgery on the right quired for its accomplishment. May
eye and have a partial restoration of He enable us to perceive it, accept it
his vision. His eyesight had been and serve it to His Glory at all times.
completely lost in the left eye due Finally, may the Almighty God
to diabetes. His double transition to bestow His abundant blessings
Sydney over a 3-month period and upon you, your associates and the
the operations performed restored readers of your magazine.
his right eye vision from 10% to † Myron of New Zealand

Our Fijian orphans chanting 5

KENYA - Nairobi

Travel to Nowhere
We are in the middle of the messages of knowledge and
nowhere! One must have a vivid education, despite harsh conditions.
imagination, or be endowed with A simple meal, even if it
the gift of writing poetry or painting consists of two slices of bread with
to be able to depict on this lifeless some butter or jam- or even without
paper the feelings and thoughts it, will relieve the empty stomachs
that dominate one’s entire existence of those little children, who have
when visiting such a place. every right to have access to some
Our Orthodox Church has set food in order to survive. After all, we
as her main priority the project that live in the 21st century! Is that so
exists in these forgotten - remote difficult? What we, civilized people,
areas, education, along with what take for granted, is a distant dream
is called a “food program”. It is for them. Is it really right for us to
practically impossible- even for indulge in all kinds of food, fill our
little children who are still innocent stomachs and rest without thinking
and pure- not to understand that of those innocent little children
they cannot be educated unless who are starving to death? We will
they first put something in their not give out of what little we have,
stomach to keep them alive. Only since deep inside we know very well
then will they be able to capture that we have too much of a surplus
for our own survival, or rather our of wild wood and earth, which
well-being and enjoyment. Let us eventually collapsed and because
realize that it is our own duty to save of that all sorts of insects came
innocent souls who trust us and beg in, and of course, the cold. What
us to offer them what we so richly could I possibly say to them in
enjoy: their lives… that situation that I found them?
I’m starting to get concerned Naturally, they were starving. What
as traveling to nowhere takes were they supposed to eat and
me to places that really leave me where? The whole nature is dead
speechless. There, in those places and the soil has covered their faces,
of my pastoral exile, I reached since they had no other choice but
the most forgotten poor and to play outside. These children are
unprotected little children who alive with the little means they have
lived in anticipation of a word and but they definitely need love and
a little smile. I met them. And what affection, a tender embrace, a good
do you think I saw in front of me? A word and something to warm their
structure - supposedly their school- innocent heart. Further comments
where they attend classes daily and are superfluous.
get educated. A construction made † Makarios of Nairobi

Touring around the countryside parishes 7


Youth Gathering in Larteh

Another activity of the Holy Me- icating time from their vacations
tropolis of Accra is that of the youth and their activities.
gathering, which, by the grace of In a pleasant Christ-centered
God and the blessing of the Primate environment, focused on daily wor-
of the Alexandrian Church Pope and ship and liturgical assemblies, with
Patriarch Theodore II, was held at lectures and discussions with the
the premises of St. Peter’s School in bishop, the priests, and the partici-
Larteh, Ghana, from 1 to 13/8/2019. pation of a group of volunteers from
The young men and women the United States of America, expe-
who frame the activities of the H. rienced theologians and teachers,
Metropolis and staff the parishes the young men and women got an-
with their qualifications, had the op- swers to issues that concern them,
portunity to experience moments of which in their turn will impart to
relaxation and enrich their spiritu- their ministry areas themselves as
al knowledge by studying the Bible catechists.
and the Holy Fathers’ teaching, ded- As we know, the institution of

camp is a way and place of socializa- er to the Creator God and teaches
tion and coexistence of different in- them to respect it, listen to it, pro-
dividuals, where each one has their tect it, recognize the species of the
own character and way of thinking, plant and animal kingdom, manage
creating a miniature of an orga- it and only take what they need in
nized large society. What unites the order to improve their lives without
members is their common faith, the destroying it.
common chalice, possibly the same Crafts and games, whenev-
interests, the same desires, and the er they need to relax, unwind and
cultivation of the Orthodox spirit. work off the daily tension, are a way
Campers are given the oppor- to showcase their talents and pro-
tunity to develop their skills, per- mote cooperation, team solidarity
sonality dynamics, leadership skills, and mutual help.
while learning to live far from the This period under the auspic-
safety of their family environments. es of the Holy Metropolis, was truly
Contact with nature, which is a spiritual refuge for the beautiful
truly a paradise, brings them clos- company of the young attendees,

as they experienced the meaning of so we cannot confine Orthodoxy.
love of Christian life and learned a Orthodoxy is not individual and
lot of things about essential cate- selfishness does not fit within it be-
chism and Mission. cause Orthodoxy is steered by our
Some people argue that Ortho- God and Savior Himself with His
doxy cannot offer solutions to build- Gospel and deals with the whole of
ing a proper society, thinking that it human existence. It does not sep-
is simply a religion, which is wrong. arate the unity of spirit, soul and
Orthodoxy is a communication of body. Everything contributes to per-
persons relying on the real fact of fection and union with the Divine.
man’s search from God Himself and This fact of Orthodoxy is something
not on man’s attempt to create a that we Missionaries live in our
god. A God who approaches us to ministry. We deal with the human
heal our passions, without us attrib- being as a whole. We try to offer
uting human weaknesses to Him. A him everything, just as God offers
God who comes to settle even earth- us everything. We strive to create
ly affairs without restricting Him- a society not of activists limited to
self solely to spiritual life. ideologies, events and groups, but a
Just as we cannot confine God, real society without discrimination,

conflict, opposition and/or tram- bellishing them with innocence and
pling on the equality of persons. purity.
All this and many more are Grant to the Pope and Patriarch
things that we lived during our stay Theodore II, role model of our Heav-
at the Camp. We proved that by sim- enly Father, health and longevity, so
ple means and things we can create that we can find in His loving heart
a society of persons without op- the rest we have been longing for.
portunism and interests, mine and Bestow Your heavenly power
yours. We proved that we can coex- upon our laboring brothers, work-
ist in peace by uniting our powers ing staff and volunteers, so that they
and our prayers as Orthodox Chris- can carry out the ministry of this
tians, praying: hospitality, and grant that with one
«O Lord Jesus Christ our God, voice and one heart we may glorify
the one who said, “Let the little chil- and praise Your most honorable and
dren come unto me”, bless them majestic name, of the Father and of
and make them earthly angels in the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now
this place / camp, which is like a and forever and to the ages of ages.
heavenly Paradise. Bestow the tran- Amen”.
scendental virtues upon them, em- † Narcissus of Accra


Missionary Journey to Sierra Leone

On Thursday, May 16th and turned back and freed the captive
after many delays on the few flights slaves, who had now gained their
to West Africa, I arrived in Sier- freedom. The first free slaves land-
ra Leone’s capital, Freetown. The ed in Sierra Leone, and for this rea-
name “Freetown” has been given to son the capital of the country was
the city since the time of the slave named Freetown, which means the
trade. European slavers loaded the city that gave freedom to the en-
boats with African slaves into the slaved Africans.
city port under such miserable con- Among other things, Sierra Le-
ditions that the human mind could one’s colonists made sure that the
not possibly capture, and headed country’s airport was remote and
for Brazil and America. inaccessible to protect it from any
In 1807, when the English were possible revolutionary attacks. So
forced to stop slave trade after the in order to get to the city after a dif-
international community’s disap- ficult and long journey (at best with
proval, the ships that had already two connecting flights) one has to
set off for the new continent re- board a high-speed boat or a ferry

and cross the sea bay that separates Academy, and having contact with
the airport from the city. One is teachers, youth and volunteers. In
very lucky if the sea is calm without the afternoon we conducted the
strong winds or the tropical storms Vespers service at the Church of
of the Equator. Saints Constantine and Helen.
Once again, by the grace of On Saturday, May 18, the Di-
God, the protection of Our Most vine Liturgy was celebrated at the
Holy Lady and the blessings of our Church of St. Moses the Black.
Patriarch, I arrived at the port of During the service, we had two ordi-
Freetown safe and sound. There I nations: one of Deacon Athanasius
was received by Fr. Themistocles Sesay as an Elder and another of the
Adamopoulos and the holy cler- teacher David Tholey to the Diacon-
gy of Sierra Leone. Due to the de- ate. Addressing the young clergy, I
lays and the local conditions, time emphasized the importance of hu-
had already passed, so we headed mility, prayer, obedience, reaching
straight to our lodging. out to others for Christ and giving
Friday rolled along smoothly out of selfless love.
overseeing school complexes, the After the Divine Liturgy, His

Eminence distributed sweets to tine and Helen Mission Center. Af-
young children and then visited ter that, he was shown around the
all the areas of the Mission Center orphanage, which will soon begin
including orphanages and nursing operating under the care and su-
homes, talked with all the teachers pervision of Ms. Mary Adams, an
as well as with the foster mothers Australian volunteer teacher. In
who take care of the orphans. What the orphanage courtyard the youth
followed was a festive event in the organized a very beautiful and suc-
large event hall. cessful festive event. The heavy
On Sunday, His Eminence tropical rain that broke out so unex-
conducted the Divine Liturgy and pectedly made the festivities stop,
preached the Word of God at the but after about 60 minutes they
Church of St. Eleftherios. After the were continued with gaiety and en-
dismissal, he blessed the food that thusiasm. Then a dinner of love was
was offered to more than a thou- offered to all the young men and
sand people. In the afternoon he women of our Church in Sierra Le-
performed the Blessing service at one.
the newly built Orphanage within On Monday morning, May 20,
the premises of the Saints Constan- His Eminence visited the Ortho-

dox Schools, and talked with both nence referred to the great figures of
students and teachers. Next he met the celebrated Saints, to the historic
with the holy clergy of the country Decree of Independence issued by
and gave proper counsels and in- Emperor Constantine which ended,
structions. among others, the long and cata-
In the afternoon he officiated strophic persecution of Christians,
in the festive Vespers Service at the and to the great contribution of his
Church of Saints Constantine and Mother Helen, including her find-
Helen. ing the Holy Cross of our Lord. Fi-
On the feast day of the Equal- nally, he exhorted the new clergy to
to- the- Apostles, Kings and Em- have the celebrated Saints and all
perors Constantine and Helen, His the Saints of our Church as bright
Eminence celebrated the Divine examples in their lives and to be the
Liturgy and preached the Word of best example for their flock them-
God at the namesake celebrating selves. After the Divine Liturgy,
church. During the Divine Liturgy a meal of love was offered to the
he ordained as Elder Deacon Soter- whole congregation.
ios and as Deacon Teacher Emman-
uel Tonkie. In his address, His Emi- † George of Guinea


The Nkayi Orthodox Brothers are Grateful

Dear Friends of the Mission, pose of Mission always remain the
By the mercy of Almighty God Lord’s Commandment-legacy: “Go
we communicate with you from dis- ye therefore, and teach all nations,
tant Congo-Brazzaville, the country baptizing them in the name of the
that is bisected by the equator and Father, and of the Son, and of the
wetted by the waves of the Atlantic Holy Ghost: Teaching them to ob-
Ocean, where the newly established serve all things whatsoever I have
Holy Metropolitan of Brazzaville commanded you: and, lo, I am with
and Gabon is headquartered, in or- you always, even unto the end of
der to express the sincere gratitude the world.»(Matt. 28: 19-20). This
of the local Church and our little- meeting with our Savior and Re-
ness to all of you, the honorable deemer Lord, which is not symbol-
brothers, for your valuable practical ic but real, takes place in the Holy
assistance through the well-known Chalice, in the Thanksgiving gath-
Orthodox Missionary Fraternity to ering. Consequently, through the
the laborious missionary work that Divine Liturgy all of us, the heaven-
is carried out in this corner of the ly Orthodox faithful, become with-
African land. out exception partakers of the Life
We never forget that the foun- of Christ, while by receiving His
dation, statutory principle and pur- Body and Blood we are inextricably

united among us, members of the The aforementioned church
One, Holy, Undivided, Catholic Or- building had remained unfin-
thodox Church. ished since 2010 for lack of fund-
The predominant place for the ing. It was founded in 2007 by the
celebration of the Holy Eucharist late blessed Metropolitan Ignatius
was and still is/has always been the (Madenlides) of Pentapolis. Work
church; the church, which is at the began on Monday, June 3, 2019 and
same time heaven, while it sancti- lasted three months. Given the dis-
fies and unites people under a com- tance of Nkayi from Pointe-Noire
mon faith. This miracle occurred (about 250 km) which raises pric-
in Nkayi, the fourth-largest city es in goods in the town where the
in Congo-Brazzaville, where the erected church is located, the most
Church of the Holy Transfiguration expensive building materials, such
of the Saviour and St. Cosmas of as floor tiles, glue for their installa-
Aetolia is located, which was com- tion, wall-painting supplies, elec-
pleted just a few days ago. And this trical stuff, were purchased from
miracle was achieved thanks to your Pointe Noire to save money. 5,000
generous heart, which through our bricks, sand, gravel and cement
Fraternity offered the money re- were purchased locally.
quired for its completion. On Sunday, June 9, 2019, we
celebrated the Divine Liturgy in so they need houses of prayer to
blessings of the construction work worship true God, be taught the
that was just beginning. The grati- immaculate Orthodox faith and be-
tude and joy of the parishioners was come candles of light themselves
indescribable, since they would for their fellow countrymen.
have their own beauteous church , In Congo-Brazzaville, with
to which we have also added a bell struggle and pain, with prayer and
tower which was not planned, as well patience, with effort and labor,
as men’s and women’s toilet facili- churches were made to glorify the
ties and a parish priest’s office. This name of the Triune God and con-
joy culminated on September 29, vey the message of the Resurrection
2019, the day on which the sacred to this beautiful people. The Lord
inauguration service took place. blessed us to establish seven parish
Honorable brothers, communities with corresponding
The Orthodox Mission needs churches, three of which were un-
the creation of churches, since the finished for lack of resources, upon
number of the Congolese who dis- our establishment in the country
cover Orthodoxy «which has grace (February 2013) as the First Shep-
and power» - as they say when they herd of the neophyte local church
first appear before us - is growing, of Brazzaville, while in the north

the faithful, most of whom belong According to the words of our
to the most ancient tribe of Pyg- Lord and Savior, the purpose of
mies, gathered in a rented house to the Church is man’s sanctification.
pray. Consequently, no one can claim to
But «The Lord God of hosts have been saved by Christ, to have
is alive»! (3 Kings 17: 1)! During lived his personal resurrection,
the past six years (2013-2019), the while turning his back on those
Impfondo Church of St. John the whom the God-man Jesus called
Forerunner was erected from the His brothers, namely the least. Be-
ground up and was inaugurated on loved brothers in Christ, help to
February 5, 2017), while two more complete and build more churches
magnificent church buildings have in Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon,
been completed and inaugurated in to hear more orthodox bells ring in
Pointe Noire, one dedicated to St. Africa, the continent of the future,
Photini (May 6, 2018) and anoth- disperse the darkness of demons,
er to St. Demetrius. The latter is the and let the Light of Christ shine
beauteous Cathedral, which was in- “before men, so that they may see
augurated on February 17, 2019 by your good works, and glorify your
His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch father who is in heaven. Amen!
of Alexandria and All Africa Theo- † Panteleimon
dore II). of Brazzaville& Gabon

Holy Transiguration Church in Nkayi,

sponsored by our Fraternity 19
CONGO (DRC) - Goma
A New Diocese in the North of the Congo
By the Grace of the Most Holy With the blessings of His Beat-
God, the Holy Diocese of Goma was itude the Pope and Patriarch of Al-
established in November 2018, and exandria and All Africa Theodoros
I was appointed as the new Patriar- II, we arrived at our missionary seat,
chal Commissioner of the Diocese. i.e. the city of Goma, the capital of
The Holy Diocese of Goma is lo- North Kivu, the Center of our Dio-
cated in Eastern Congo and consists cese. What did we find? Neither a
of two provinces, those of North home, nor a church, only the good
and South Kivu. With a total area of souls of about thirty-five catechu-
24,553 km2 and 12,427,000 inhab- mens, a Greek citizen and many
itants, Goma is the worst afflicted tears of joy and hope from the af-
Congolese region with 25 years of flicted souls who had been waiting
war, illnesses such as the fatal ep- for us to hear the word of God, to
idemic of Ebola and a very high attend a Divine Liturgy so as to keep
death toll, a region full of desperate, the flame of their hope lit. On Palm
helpless, hopeless souls. It is in this Sunday, we conducted the first Di-
region that the light of Orthodoxy vine Liturgy in a school classroom
rose with the foundation of the Di- which was kindly given to us for
ocese in order to bring hope, peace, that day, and we were able to preach
strength and life to these humble the word of God.
souls. Glory be to God for all things. We moved around our diocese

so as to get a general idea of the Our next stop was at the city of
whole situation from our partners Uvira, at Fr. Demetrius’ parish. We
there and plan our future course. went to St. Basil’s Church, a big tem-
We set off on our journey from the ple with a school building, where
capital of the South Kivu province we were welcomed by many people
Bukavu, where we were impatiently thirsty for the word of God. Here
awaited by a group of catechumens, we should point out that the build-
to whom we conveyed the blessings ings were constructed by Fr. Dam-
of our Patriarch and distributed ascenos of Gregoriou during his
various books on Orthodoxy. missionary ministry in the region.
Next we visited the town of Finally, we went to the Holy Me-
Kamanyola, where we met with Fr. tropolis of Burundi and Rwanda to
Demetrius Rizikis, priest of the St. meet His Eminence Innocentios and
Vasilios parish community in Uvira be enlightened by his experience, as
and the faithful of the Annunciation this region had been under his spiri-
parish in Kamaniola region, where tual jurisdiction for quite some time.
the Divine Liturgy is occasionally During our inspection tour,
conducted by Fr. Demetrius. The with the help of God and the bless-
parish there consists of nearly 200 ings of His Beatitude, apart from the
faithful and catechumens. Divine Liturgies that we performed,

we preached Orthodoxy and con- itants, and they said: they are not
versed with the faithful and the sorcerers, they have crosses on; they
catechumens wherever we found must be Christians, but not like the
them, crossing rivers, lakes, forests others. Despite the big waves of the
for the name of our God. We man- lake, we did manage to perform the
aged to baptize the first Christians, Holy Mystery of Baptism. When we
19 neophytes in Goma, and we per- had finished, the inhabitants who
formed the sacrament of marriage. had called the police, humbly asked
How great our Almighty God is! us to baptize them. We told them
On the same day when God enlight- that catechesis precedes baptism,
ened us to baptize our first Chris- and God willing, their wish would
tians in Goma, we had an episode. be eventually realized.
Along with our catechumens, we Our diocese has 12 parish com-
went down to Khufu Lake, where munities, two priests, three church
we would perform the baptisms, buildings, and one school. There is
set up our table, and while we were a lot of work to be done, particularly
about to get started, the local peo- in this heavily afflicted area, but we
ple, who had not seen a priest in believe that with the help of God, the
black before, thought we were sor- blessings of His Beatitude and the
cerers and called the police. When support of warm-hearted people we
the police came, they neither did will make it. May God bless you all.
nor asked anything; they were just Fr. Chariton Musungayi
watching us along with the inhab- Patriarchal Commissioner of Goma


Devastation in Beira
Dear friends of Mission, Orthodox Christians 110 years ago,
It is with great joy and gratitude has suffered great damage from the
that I contact you, since I know your deadly cyclone that struck the re-
charitable heart and great interest gion.
in the advancement of the Ortho- We kindly knock on the door of
dox Missions. your hearts and ask in sorrow and
My brothers, let me ask you, is pain. Please help us to the extent
spiritual fruition in our diocese pos- possible with the restoration of this
sible if the roofs of our churches are holy church so that sacred services
hole-ridden? Definitely not. can be celebrated there seamless-
Good-hearted Christian broth- ly and souls can be driven into the
ers, fellow Cyrenians in the min- eternal kingdom of our Savior and
istry of love, I regret to announce Lord Jesus Christ.
that one historical church of our We thank you in advance for
Patriarchate in Beira, Mozambique your prompt, earnest interest and
– which has been entrusted to my support to our struggle.
care, built with toil and sacrifices by † Photios of Malawi

TANZANIA - Dar Es Salaam
10th Mission Seminar in Tanzania
Like every August, the 15 -day group consisting of women, and
seminar of catechetical sessions continued from the 14 August on
was held this year, focusing not only with the men’s group. The faithful
on simple issues of our faith, which came from the Morogoro region.
form the foundation and the core The reason why we had two groups
of the two thousand -year -old his- instead of one was no other but lack
tory of the Orthodox Church, but of accommodation spaces.
also on the Holy Fathers’ experi- Thus, as a matter of fact, we
ence. Once again, the seminar was had no other option but to use the
hosted by the parish of the Holy church as a classroom for the cat-
Cappadocian Fathers Arsenios and echetical sessions as well as the
Paisios (the Church was construct- Medical Clinic for our faithful to
ed in 2005 by His Eminence Met- sleep at night and rest to the extent
ropolitan Dimitrios) in the city of possible, since you can imagine the
Morogoro (which is the seat of our living conditions: all the faithful on
Mission Center), with Fr. Cleopas the cement floor, on plastic mats,
Bachuda in charge in cooperation women and children. Of course you
with my humbleness). are going to tell me that these peo-
The seminar started at the be- ple are accustomed to such condi-
ginning of August with the first tions since most of them come from

the Maasai tribe, who are used to of faith but also to have them get to
sleeping on the ground. know each other better and make
Therefore, the seminar start- them feel that we are all members
ed on Saturday 10th August, and of a big truly Orthodox family.
for the first time there were audio- This is how 15 blessed days
visual means used for a more effi- passed along with the simple-heart-
cient consolidation of the things ed and destitute Tanzanian broth-
said during the sessions. It was ers, who always have a smile on their
very successful indeed, which was faces, which is definitely something
made evident by the large number missing from the rich and “civi-
of questions asked on the part of lized” contemporary western man.
the participants, their dedication One thing is for sure though: all of
and great interest during the ses- us gained something from this sem-
sions, as well as by their joy and inar. Glory to God for all things. Be-
satisfaction, which grew even more fore closing, I would like to make an
when we announced our intention earnest appeal to you all. Remem-
to hold similar seminars at regular ber us in your prayers. May God
intervals, not only to enable them bless your works and families.
to enrich their knowledge on issues Monk Thaddaeus

Kenya: a Fruitful Land
If we must specify the firm pil- the management of the Patriarchal
lar of propagation and empower- School of Nairobi. He was then still
ment of the missionary work in the a young layman. Nowadays, Bish-
African continent, then undoubt- op Makarios of Nairobi is a worthy
edly we will refer to the Holy Dio- continuator of his predecessors and
cese of Nairobi, Kenya. does great missionary work all over
The man who envisioned and Kenya, which includes: 400 par-
founded this work was the late Ma- ishes, 350 priests, 30 medical cen-
karios III, Archbishop and Presi- ters, nursery schools, 30 primary
dent of Cyprus. schools, 18 secondary schools, or-
The facilities of the Holy Dio- phanages, a College of Education
cese of Nairobi were constructed in and a Patriarchal Seminary.
1958. In the same year the incum- Another program of great
bent bishop of Nairobi, Makarios, importance is the food program
received an invitation from the late for orphaned and indigent chil-
Archbishop Makarios III to become dren, which provides them with
a teacher and later on undertake breakfast and lunch and also cov-

ers the tuition fees for their ed- Eminence in Nairobi on the prem-
ucation with a monthly spon- ises of the Holy Diocese.
sor contribution of 20 euro. We had the honor and joy to
As Bishop Makarios says, the accompany him on his journey all
two main poles for the outreach and over Western Kenya. Our itinerary
propagation of the Orthodox Mis- included visiting Nakuru, Kisii and
sions both in Kenya and all across Kisumu and the villages nearby. We
the African continent are the Patri- visited their parishes and we met
archal Seminary and the College of many people, warm, unassuming,
Education. The priests and teachers affable and friendly.
that graduated from these, staff the Along with Petros, we ex-
parishes and schools all over Ken- amined many locals with oph-
ya and other African countries. thalmological problems in mud-
Nowadays, the Orthodox faithful in hut-churches, and helped them
Kenya amount to one million. with portable equipment, eyeglass-
In August 2019, together with es and medicinal drugs. After our
Petros Trikoupis, an undergraduate tour, we also examined people at the
student of Agriculture, we received Diocesan Medical Center in Riruta.
the rich and warm hospitality of His As regards Bishop Makarios of

Dr. Catherina Alexandrou, ophthalmologist, examining locals 29

Kenya, we have come to realize that long service to ministering
he has been a very influential per- to the problems and needs
son in the field of Orthodox Mis- of his people.
sion. When our journey to Kenya
He is: came to an end, we felt as if we had
• an affectionate father to been taught a great lesson!
many orphaned and indi- Therefore, after these teach-
gent children whom he at- ings, one can easily realize that
tends every step of the way: happiness in this world is neither
their childhood, their edu- unreachable nor far away from us.
cation, their coming of age, All we have to do is reach out
their personal happiness, and touch another person’s hand,
their children’s fruition and or simply smile at someone and we
generally, all their life de- get another smile in return. All we
velopment. need to do is open our arms, and we
• a tireless prelate who reg- receive a wide-open embrace.
ularly travels all over the If we realized that such simple
country, having close rela- movements could make the whole
tionships with his parochi- world vibrate, all misery and war on
al priests (who were previ- this bedraggled planet would disap-
ously his seminarians) and pear.
teachers, as well as the Or- When human vanity peaks in
thodox faithful. He is high- structures such as that of the high-
ly esteemed, respected and est skyscraper in the world, it is
accepted by the people of because we do not realize that real
Kenya. heights can only be found in the
• a professor and at the same humble and giving hearts of human
time the director of the Pa- beings.
triarchal Seminary with These are the heights that
great and important bibli- please the heavenly world and give
ography. cause for a great celebration up
• a cordial host, an unassum- there…
ing man with a great heart Catherine Alexandrou
dedicated throughout his Ophthalmologist, Board member

Orthodoxy in Colombia
Dear Mission friends and came to realize that the true faith is
supporters, not with the papists, when we read
It is with brotherly love that I the following: “The Spirit expressly
write to you in order to share with says that in latter times some will
you the story of the conversion of depart from the faith, giving heed
me and my family to Orthodoxy. to deceiving spirits and doctrines of
In Colombia, Orthodoxy is demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy,
unknown. Most people are Roman having their own conscience seared
Catholics and are nescient of the with a hot iron, forbidding to
existence of the Orthodox Church. marry” (I Timothy 4:1-3). Thus, we
In Roman Catholicism, priests are understood that this prohibition
not permitted to get married. My had been imposed by people and
wife and I wanted to devote our lives not by God! Glory to God, we found
to the work of God, but we wanted the true faith!
to do so through the vocation of In order to learn about
marriage. A Roman Catholic priest Orthodoxy, we traveled to
with whom we were aqcuainted Venezuela and Argentina. There I
suggested our seeking Orthodoxy. met some Serbian Orthodox and I
By studying the Holy Bible, we consequently went to Serbia, where

I was ordained a deacon. Later on, Our parish community lies in
in Colombia, bishop Athenagoras Cereté. We celebrate the Divine
visited Medellín and invited us to Liturgy once a month at my
become members of His diocese. parents’ house, because I live in
Four years ago I was ordained a priest Medellín and the journey to Cereté
by His Eminence Athenagoras, and is 10 hours long by bus. Thankfully,
we have since striven for the growth our community has grown a lot
of Colombian Orthodoxy. and I will now move to Cereté
His Eminence Metropolitan permanently with my wife and our
Athenagoras of Mexico is a very three children. This community,
good man who has greatly labored however, is very poor and cannot
for Orthodoxy in our region. He is provide financial support to our
the man who opened the doors of parish. Last June we conducted the
Orthodoxy to our country and has first Orthodox wedding. In Cereté
sent many people to Greece so that there are 300 Orthodox faithful, 40
they can learn about Orthodoxy of whom have been baptized and
in depth and communicate this the rest are catechumens. We want
knowledge to their countries. My to share the true faith with every
eldest son is among them and is person who seeks the real Church
currently studying Theology in that preaches God’s love.
Thessaloniki. Fr. Rafael Padilla

32 Fr. Rafael officiating at a strawhut church

Bishop Germanos Galanis
A virtuous spiritbearer
The Orthodox Missionary Fraternity with lot of joy
is announcing the election to bishopric of its own child
and our brother in Christ bishop Germanos of Tamiathis
at the ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa.
We cordially pray that his God-bearing faith will flower with the
spiritual fruits of love, humility, simplicity, affection, wholesomeness
and countless other virtues on the holy path of his life.
Axios! Axios! Axios!

In the Footsteps of a Saint
By Charalampos Metallidis, Board President

he course of life of a person who cherishes inside of him a deep
love for Jesus Christ, the true God and Savior of the world, is indeed
a mystery. With these thoughts, I began with Mr. Nikos Aslanides,
an experienced journalist, dear friend, Missionary partner and member of
our Fraternity, to follow in the footsteps of the pioneer Elder and spirit-
driven founder of our Fraternity Father Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos.
We began our journey with him in secret, for it was in secret that he was
given the Grace and power by God for this work. Our purpose was to record
step by step the desire of this Saint to convey to the natives of Africa the
joyful message of the Resurrection of Christ.
He firmly believed that the time had come for Orthodoxy as divine
worship and faith to be proclaimed to the black angels, as he called the
natives. Being extremely poor himself like them and suffering due to
advanced age and ill and fragile health, he arrived in Kampala, the capital of
Uganda, in 1960, and put up his hut among those he loved so dearly, friends
and children.
It is up on a beautiful hill in Kampala that he built the first Church of St.
Nicholas. This beautiful church that overlooks the whole city, though small,
is well-made and graceful, built in a cruciform shape, with a high belfry and
windows all around. The late indigenous pioneers, seekers of Orthodoxy and
keepers of true faith and worship, are all buried around the church building.
Bishop Christopher Mukasa Spartas, Fr. Obadiah Basajakitalo, Fr. Irenaeus
Bangimbi, Bishop Theodoros Nankyama and others, devout, faithful, loyal to
Mother Church until the end of their lives.
The next day we made our way to Dijiye village, where the first Orthodox
Divine Liturgy was celebrated in 1933, by pioneer missionary Archimandrite
Nicodemus Sarikas. We went 4 hours deep into the country, passing by
endless plantations of corn and sugar beet rooted in the Nile basin. There
was so much green everywhere, so much light, so many children playing
and going to school! There was a smile on everyone’s face but also two
innocent eyes wondering:»what do these muzungu (white people) want in
our land with the stuff that they are carrying on them (cameras, stanchions,
The natives are simple-hearted, kind people with a wide smile. They
open their arms to embrace you, and you, the “muzungu”, can see straight
into their heart, their pure, undefiled soul, the vast world of love, the creation

of the Master Artist, the image of God.
This is what the Elder saw as well when he first came here: the
selflessness and purity of these people’s souls, the image of God, which is
why he walked many kilometers through the jungle. He sent thousands of
letters asking for help. «Son, I am writing to you from Africa. Please, come
over; I’m here (and I’m) waiting for you. Don’t be long.»
In a dying and shrinking Europe that kills thousands of children through
abortions, Africa remains alive and growing. Children walk around the road
every day and cover very long distances on foot to get to school, to acquire
knowledge, to receive education.
It is for these children that Fr. Chrysostomos made schools, which on
Sundays were turned into churches, a place of worship and devout reverence.
We traveled on bad dirt roads for many hours. It would have been
impossible to find the way if Fr. Stephen had not sent his son from Nakyaka
village to meet us and take us to the Church of the Annunciation.
The church building was large and spacious, covered with sheet metal,
like all the churches here. The reception the children gave us was friendly and
cordial, with rhythmic songs and drum beats. For years now, the drumbeat
of the natives, the rhythm, the body movements along with hand-clapping
and singing, have been a way of expressing joy, sadness and gratitude to God.
The next day we covered even more kilometers and reached Nakabale
village, with St. Paul’s parish. The school was situated next to the church and
the children were all neatly dressed in the same color.
St. Paul’s Church is in need of maintenance but the people are poor
and weary, and by no means could they afford to pay for the repair to the
church building and its maintenance. Their heart is pure and innocent, and
despite all their deprivations, they offered us bananas, beans and rice. They
consider it both an honor and an obligation to host you. They gave the bishop
a surplus of their love, a few beans, a few bananas and a rooster.
Late in the afternoon, being really exhausted after covering so many
kilometers, we returned to Jitsa, the city with the beautiful red brick church
on a small plot of land. The parish priest, who was there with his wife, was
a prudent, serious, educated person with a European mentality. Bishop
Sylvester has confidence in his abilities and great expectations of him. The

town is well built, with curbs and beautiful
houses. In the evening, we arrived dead-tired
at St. Lavrentios Orthodox Cathedral in the city
of Gulu, Northern Uganda. A beautiful church
indeed, built in the highest part of Gulu, bright,
with many windows and doors, a refuge for the
Orthodox Christians of the region.
Once again, we set off on our next journey
very early in the morning. We had to go through
endless forests and dense vegetation to meet a
tribe of natives speaking a different language,
which even the bishop did not understand.
Communication was held with the help of a
translator. There, after many hours, we were
welcomed by our Orthodox brothers who were
waiting for us with singing and dancing, holding
branches in their hands. The people here live in a
primitive condition, with the water being about 2
hours’ distance from the village. They have lived
in this region for thousands of years the say way
as their ancestors, and they live on fruit from
the trees and produce from farming in its most
rudimentary form. They have their mud-huts
around in the jungle and amidst them the large
church of St. Nectarios. The grace of the saint has
come as far as this place; may the Saint intercede
with God for them. A large church indeed, with
only three icons hung on its built icon screen;
even these icons along with the vessels of the
Holy Altar are borrowed, brought here by the
bishop. We started with the conduction of the
Matins Service, went on with the baptism of 70
people and ended up with the Divine Liturgy.
Both children and adults with patience, prayer

and devout reverence entered into the church of Christ to be baptized and
become members of the spiritual body of believers in the big embrace of the
Orthodox faith.
After the Holy Eucharist was over, everyone was glowing with happiness
and joy because they had all received Holy Communion. They held in their
hands a sheet of paper bearing names of Martyrs and Saints of our Church.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy food was offered to us under the trees while
the children were waiting patiently for their turn to eat. When I asked them
why the children were not eating, they told me that according to their law, it
is the strong that eat first because they are the ones that will feed the weak.
They all show respect for the unwritten laws of the jungle. The chief of the
tribe, with his clothes and shoes patched with wire, spoke to us about their
needs, the lack of water and the need for a borehole in this area. The children
walk all day to get to the nearest school, which is about 10 kilometers away,
and receive education. We thanked him and left without giving any promises
very late at night.
On the return journey, my mind was running back to reunite with
these people, whose daily life is embraced by death, suffering and illness.
Mortality rates are high, there are no hospitals and clinics, and life is as it
was thousands of years ago.
My eyes grew heavy and my mind weary, sunk in thought, trying
to connect the images of the day. I could only see the eyes, the children’s
eyes that were following me. I erased my few thoughts in Saint Nectarios’
embrace. “Saint of love and patience, open people’s hearts, illumine their
minds and support us in this missionary effort «in the footsteps of a Saint».
We walked in the footsteps of the late Elder and pioneer missionary Fr.
Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos, and we smelled the scent of Holiness. He
taught us that whatever is done for Mission, should be done it wholeheartedly,
without a single doubt about its rightness, with full confidence in God’s
promise «and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.»
We felt the Saint’s anguish and struggle for a better future, a better life, a
life grafted in with the power of Orthodox faith in the Black Continent. Elder
Chrysostomos whispered to us that holiness wants no signs but evidence
of spiritual greatness, sacrificial course, missionary action, and absolute
confidence in «May Thy Will Be Done.» ∎

Gifts of God to Guinea and Malawi
Looking at the natural donations - such as those of Lake Niassa and the
Los Isles, which our Creator offered to Malawi and Guinea respectively -
and returning from the God-driven shipments of another two containers of
love and hope filled with 50 tons of humanitarian aid (food, ecclesiastical
stuff, stationery, furniture, clothing, and toys), I have come to realize that
these efforts as well are gifts of God, acts of His divine grace. It is He who
gives the mandate for Mission,» Go ye therefore, and teach all nations”
(Matt. 28:19). It is He who exhorts for mercy and charity,» Be ye therefore
merciful» (Luke 6:36). The Churches of Malawi and Guinea, their bishops
who receive the aid as well as the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity and
its members at the Storehouse in Filyron are all His. Finally, the fruit, the
joy, and the peace that flooded the hearts of those who contributed to the
whole operation, all this is His Own gift.
Constantinos Metallides, Theologian-Board Member

The Truth
The Church is the natural space world the unknown until then law
of love and peace, and it is wonder- of the Spirit, which would encap-
ful when this House of God is expe- sulate all prophets and the word of
rienced thus, and only thus. It is this the Old Testament. How could this
God who willingly humbled himself Truth really be perceived by the hu-
so as to leave this unique legacy on man mind? Here there is no room
the Wood of the Cross, admitting for “enemies”. There is only room
first into His heavenly Kingdom for brothers, and whoever loves this
neither a prophet, nor anyone re- Truth, let them try to experience
nowned or well-esteemed by the so- it in the place where those seeking
ciety where He lived and preached, Truth may enter without discrimi-
but the bottom-most thief, who was nation. “What is the Truth?”
badly hung on His right. This thief, …I remember sitting at this
however, was His companion in that beautiful parish in the evenings
final moment, when the circle of alone with the little children of the
the soteriological work was coming makeshift church which we man-
to an end, and soon the great day aged to build despite numerous
would rise and would bring to the temptations and which really made

history for the Mission here in Tu- ternoon southern wind. Let’s go, my
lear and in our hearts since it was brother, the night has come. And
associated with the most emotion- another voice in you: “Love. This is
al memories from this land. Then the Truth.”
I remember the children joyfully …Wait a minute, you say. Here
falling into my bosom, as if some- are the creatures I love above all.
body sent them to give you what And at this very moment Ι see ten
you never had in your loneliness. I dirty, shabbily dressed half-naked
was athirst for those moments sit- children with their hands stretched
ting close to the fishermen who so out. Little shepherds, parched and
gracefully dropped their pirogues sunburnt, of the Masikoro tribe,
into the cyan Indian Ocean. A stun- one of the two tribes I loved the
ning painting of the memories of most on this land. But aren’t these
this land is unfolding before me, kids the same ones who stopped
when like a dream I hear your voice you yesterday and stretched their
that so lovingly permeates my heart hands to you? Now along with
and soul together with the late af- yours, one more hand is stretched

towards these kids and a voice tell- has just departed. I have to translate
ing you: “see, you are not alone. Do but I cannot do it anymore. Mem-
you hear me? I am with you to show ories are unwinding like a movie
you what you went without in your before my eyes, although imag-
struggle for many years. Love. This es keep coming blurry. I am in the
is the Truth.” sanctuary. Our 16-year-old boy,
…We go to the hospital. The Chrysanthos, has left us, but I can
kid is suffering, you say. He cannot still hear his voice greet me in the
breathe or cope with his pain, which churchyard. “Father, I am leaving”,
is unbearable. Now your hands are he is telling you now. “I’ m leaving,
blessing it. “It will not live long.” but don’t cry, I’ll be with you. And
After two days, our kid went away, forget not, you are no longer alone.
Father. Our hands together bless it And sorrow is ended. For you have
for the last journey. “We now have Love by your side. This is the Truth.”
an angel in Heaven to pray for us.” How strange is this union of
Your last words, the farewell kiss of death and life in our faith! Final-
the Bishop to our new sprout that ly, you cannot find the Truth any-

where, my brother, you say, but in in charming and haughty pride,
the Love of Christ alone. at full sail, in order to feed by the
We are together in this strug- grace and blessing of God these
gle. You must doubt no more. It is wonderful creatures, who may be
in Love that you start gaining an poorly educated, but every day they
understanding of Truth. And this is can teach you the principle of every
really the fullness of Truth. virtue and basis of every philosophy
Evenings are wonderful by the and every good in this world. Love
sea of Tulear. This sea of ours is and joy in it.
peacefully preparing to receive her Your hand is gently tapping me
all-bright companion that has al- on my back; however, I don’t feel the
ready been dressed in its carmine heavy and graceless hand of a “des-
tunic so as to meet her yet another pot”, but the hand of a real father
time under the charming starry sky. encouraging me and saying: Love
The children beside you and in the above all. For in it lies every Truth.
bosom of the respectable Father and For this is the Truth in this
Bishop of the land fill you with sand world.
with their endless games, while the
pirogues enter the sea once more Fr. Polycarpos of Hagia Anna

Fr. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos’s
Contribution To Christian Mission in Africa
By His Eminence Metropolitan Nikiphoros of Kinshasa - Part IV

In August 1972 he was sent back educated and the chiefs of the natives,
to Kolwezi by Metropolitan Kyprianos of and they themselves, under my guidance,
Central Africa, probably because the natives catechize the majority. I am expecting the
had been fervently seeking his presence. consent of His Eminence of Central Africa
On August 7 he departed from Kasenga and to begin baptisms or confirmation of the
went to Kolwezi. Fr. Chrysostomos himself newcomers into Orthodoxy so that we
writes, «With the consent and blessing of can have the establishment of the African
His Eminence, I came back again, not as a Orthodox Church of Kolwezi. The number
parish priest this time but as a missionary – of faithful may exceed 100. Meanwhile, the
Missionnaire de l’Eglise Orthodoxe– for the two cities of Kananga and Mbuji-Mayi in
native people, who had been asking for my the interior of the country are anxiously
return ...» awaiting my arrival. «
On August 13 he celebrated the Divine On 12-6-1972 the sect «EGLISE DE
Liturgy in Swahili in a plain classroom. Ever MYSTERE DE JESUS CHRIST» of Kananga
since, he was performing it in the hall of his sent a letter to the Metropolitan of the
house, where, as he says in his letters, lots Orthodox Church asking to be catechized
of faithful came on foot, even from afar. and enter Orthodoxy. On 15-7-1972,
As a catechetical tool, he used Metropolitan Kyprianos answered
the book «Catechism»by His Eminence seeking clarifications. He soon ordered Fr.
Metropolitan Germanos Polyzoides. Chrysostomos to go to Kananga.
He writes: «I have distributed it to the Fr. Chrysostomos arrived in Kananga
by rail in early October 1972 accompanied admitted to a Kananga Medical Clinic. On
by Sister Olga. On November 8, 1972, December 29, 1972, he delivered his spirit
the Governor of the Province signed the to God. Three days before his repose, he
approval of officiating for the Orthodox had told Sister Olga that in three days’ time
Church Missionary in Kananga. The first something important was going to happen.
Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the house There was no Orthodox priest to read the
where he lived. funeral service. What he had answered
He visited parishes and the those who were telling him to return to
surrounding villages with the Greece finally came true: «I’d rather die
accompaniment of Edmond Lukwete unglorified in Africa, than glorified in the
Bakajika, the leader of one of the sects that peace and silence of my cell. I can’t go away
had invited him. He observed the world’s from here; I don’t want to, something holds
desire for Orthodoxy. «Then,» as, one of me back. «
the first catechumens, Fr. Cyril Bakatufikila A few days later, Vicar General Fr.
writes: «he called the sect leaders and on Emmanuel Zoppas came from Lubumbashi
November 20th, 1972 at 4 o’clock pm. he and went through the funeral service
held an assembly, which was also attended over the grave saying, «My brothers, the
by the regional head of the Department of departed is not dead. He is alive. What
Justice. He talked to them about Orthodoxy. happened was God’s will.»
He was so convincing! His preaching was Indeed, Fr. Chrysostomos left this
so amazing that the people there had world as a martyr, which reminds us of
never heard anything similar before in his words: «Some people need to die as
Kananga, either by Roman-Catholics or by martyrs to get our mission started.» And
Protestants. «At the end of the assembly, this is what happened. He himself suffered
Kabeya Noe, one of the attendees, said hardships for his faith and went through
that he would concede a plot of land on his own martyrdom, shedding his blood on
Kamuandu Avenue to the Orthodox Church. the African land.
On December 12, Fr. Chrysostomos In Kananga he was succeeded by Fr.
performed his first baptisms and weddings. Chariton Pnevmatikakis, with whom he
On December 13 he set off for had a close friendship and a spiritual bond
Mbujimayi. There was a priest ordained in since their ministry in Edessa; in Kolwezi,
Greece, Fr. Kalala Kalonsi. Unfortunately, on by Fr. Amphilochios Tsoukos, who brought
the way the car got stuck in the sand due John Aslanides, later known as Fr. Kosmas
to heavy rain. It is at that point that the Gregoriates, and Archimandrite Nectarios
bleeding occurred. After being given first Hadjimichalis. Finally, Fr. Athanasios
aid, he was forced to stop the journey and Anthides went to Mbujimayi in 1974.
returned to Kananga to receive appropriate In 1977 his exhumation took place.
medical treatment. Those who helped in it say the following:
On December 25 it was difficult for Initially, permission was sought from
him to officiate, and the next day he was the state for the exhumation. According

to eye-witness testimonies, when the us by Fr. Chariton himself on New Year’s
grave was opened, they noticed that his Day in 1986, when I visited Kananga along
priestly vestments were intact and part with His Grace Bishop of Rodostolos and
of the spine had not decomposed; it was the current Bishop Nathaniel of Amantia.
red and it was bleeding. Fr. Chrysostomos He also told us: «When I performed the
Bakuatshibaso writes: “Fr. Chariton asked exhumation ceremony of Fr. Chrysostomos,
Fr. Andrew Kayaya and me to hold the I took his relics, laid them on the throne
box and a white sheet to cover the part and exclaimed, “Fr. Chrysostomos, bless
that had not decomposed yet. He put it your people.»
in a basket to lay it in the same grave. The missionary tree in Congo was
«The same testimony is mentioned by planted by the Triune God through Fr.
those performing the exhumation, Fr. Chrysostomos, who watered it with his own
Andrew Kayaya, Gerasimus Kamgu and blood. Today we can feel his help coming
Evarestos Musenge. The whole incident from heaven. His tree is growing and
was reported to Metropolitans Ignatius bearing fruit. As regards his contribution
of Pentapolis and Nikiphoros of Kinshasa to Christian Mission in East Africa, those
at an ecclesiastical assembly in Kananga engaged in ministry there could speak
in 2016 by clergymen, some of whom had better.
witnessed the ceremony of exhumation. Finally, we could say that Fr.
Clergy and laymen also mentioned other Chrysostomos had not been sent by any
miraculous events, stressing the fact that association or brotherhood, but as he
every time they invoked his help, he gave himself wrote on June 14, 1960, «It couldn’t
it to them, and adding that to them he was be otherwise.» The voice of our Lord and
a holy man.» Besides that, they said that Master Jesus Christ is compelling inside
whenever Fr. Chariton faced a difficulty, he me, and I simply had to obey despite the
would go to the grave to ask for his help, protests of many people beloved to me.
and he did receive it. Once he had reached The angel of the Lord always preceded me
the point of preparing his suitcase to leave. and opened all doors, so that I would not
He only went to the grave to say goodbye. encounter any serious difficulty.
He cried out in anguish, «Why did you bring His ministry always had the blessing
me here and you are not helping me out? of the Patriarch, as he believed that the
Don’t you see the difficulties that I’m going Mission work performed falls under the
through? I’m leaving this place.» Soon auspices of the Patriarchate, which he
though, he calmed down as if someone had humbly served.
talked to him and reassured him that he He outlined the goals, targets
would overcome the difficulties he had to and ways of action of our Patriarchate’s
face. We are told by Fr. Andrew, who was missionary effort. He was practical as a
present, «He turned around, unpacked his person, not a theoretical one. He moved
suitcase and stayed.» This incident as well having full confidence in God.
as other similar ones were mentioned to He constantly wrote letters and

through them he not only updated people worker of the Lord… But your struggle is
but also stirred their souls, putting them not meant for a low-wage job, it is meant
before their responsibilities regarding for something lofty, noble, eternal.”
Mission. In one of his last letters, in The news of his death sounded like a
November 1972, he wrote to a student, major spiritual earthquake all over Greece.
deacon and spiritual child of his who The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece
postponed his departure for Africa: “I issued circulars, declared March 18, 1973,
myself will definitely fight with all my power Sunday of Orthodoxy, in memory of Fr.
on this battlement and I may die fighting Chrysostomos’ sacrifice in all churches and
on the front line. You, though, as a brave held a memorial service for him. Magazines
young man, at least undertake the task of and newspapers had articles on him and
telling all our students and seminarians, radio broadcasts stressed his missionary
all our younger celibate clergymen, the work and his virtues.
following verse of old Tyrtaeus to the Fr. Chrysostomos was not just a
warriors of Ancient Sparta…” Shame on remarkable person, he was the pioneer
you! You should feel ashamed for letting an who began the new era of Mission under the
old feeble man die fighting on the frontline auspices and blessing of our Patriarchate in
while you, young men, stay on the backline”. Africa, and was an inspirational role model
Not that I deserve or offer anything, I am for many people in the rest of the Orthodox
only an unworthy servant and earnest world, Asia and America. ∎

The Orthodox Missionary Fraternity

“A Holy Course in Africa”

In sacred emotion, our Fraternity is inviting
you to a memorial and honorofic event
dedicated to the pioneer missionary of
Africa and spiritual founder of our association

Archimandrite Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos


on Sunday, 28 December 2019, 6 p.m.

at the Ceremony Hall of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The event will host their Eminences

Metropolitans Makarios of Nairobi & Nikiphoros of Kinshasa


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