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Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or

answers the question.
1) With respect to service facility location, it is not prudent to open ________.
1) _________
A) an information-based service in a downtown area with high real estate prices
B) a new facility next to one's competitors
C) multiple facilities within the same area, thus cannibalizing one's own business
D) All of the above

2) In the decision to locate a public health clinic, which one of the following
criteria is not appropriate? 2) _________

A) Maximize utilization. B) Minimize distance per visit.

C) Minimize cost. D) Minimize distance per capita.

3) The nature of the service act depends on to whom or to what the service is
directed and the degree of "tangibility" of the service provided. An example of a
tangible service directed to the possessions of a customer would be ________.
3) _________

A) a stay in a hotel B) a fortune telling session

C) a full-service car wash D) an investment advising session

4) A batch type of service process has the characteristic of ________. 4)

A) many specialized departments
B) uninterrupted delivery
C) a group of customers treated simultaneously
D) a one-of-a-kind engagement

5) Service design generally differs from product design in which of the following
ways? 5) _________
A) There is less visibility to customers.
B) Service design tends to focus on tangible factors.
C) There is less latitude in detecting and correcting errors prior to delivery.
D) There is a lesser requirement to be aware of competitors' offerings.
E) There is no difference.

1) A

2) C

3) C

4) C

5) C

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