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How to Prepare Your Home for Your Home Inspection

Congratulations! You’ve received an offer on your house and the papers are signed. The
next step will be a home inspection and there are a few small things you can do to
prepare for a home inspection and make sure the process goes smoothly.

Clean your home:

A dirty, unkempt house can be a big red flag to home inspectors. Additionally,
oftentimes buyers will be present for the home inspection and you want to make sure
they don’t rethink their decision based on the current state of the house.

Fix any minor defects:

Do you have a loose door knob or leaky faucet? It will be worth your time to fix those
yourself, or hire a handyman, before the inspection. A little work now will save you on
your home inspection report.

Clear the way:

Home inspectors will need to access the attic, as well as heating & cooling units. Make
sure there’s a clear path for them to be able to access everything they need to get to
during the inspection.
How to Prepare Your Home for Your Home Inspection

Get rid of bugs:

Do you have a big ant or bee problem at your home? Make sure to get rid of those pests
before the home inspection, as they will show up in your home report.

Leave the keys:

Your home inspector will need to access the garage, so if it’s unattached from your
home, make sure the remote control or key is available to the home inspector.

Considering being gone:

You want to ensure that the inspector can do their job without being distracted, so
consider finding an activity away from your home during the inspection. You also want
to give potential buyers their space, as well. Interacting with them and talking to them
about the house could sway their opinion as to if they still want the house.

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