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Keep Vegetation Away From the House

Am I planting my tree too close to the house??

On many different home inspections I find that people don’t keep vegetation away from
the house. Many times I find that they have purposely positioned plants too close the
foundation so it provides a pleasing look to the front and sides of the house. I strongly
recommend that all shrubs, trees and plants be positioned away from the house.

The moisture from the irrigation systems in time will cause the foundation to how to
spell (become flaky and break away) or bring a white, salty-like appearance
(efflorescence) to the face of the concrete near the plant.

What if the tree is small?

Even I, a couple of decades ago, thought I had planted a sweet acacia tree far enough
away from the foundation but it has still caused problems with spalling of my
foundation and has littered the roof in ways that I didn’t anticipate. As you plan you’re
positioning of young, and small, plants and trees, keep the vegetation away from the
house. If you have to ask if your tree is too close to the house, it probably is.

The tree won’t stay small for long and will cause possible problems with your
foundation. Many times I have seen tree roots heading for water sources under the pad
of a home, growing larger over the years until it literally “heaves” the concrete pad up
and forms a crack under your tile floors. You can see the activity as clear cracks in the
tile or fissures in your grout. If you have a carpeted surface, these issues aren’t apparent
but could exist underneath, allowing an entrance for termites.
Keep Vegetation Away From the House

What about planters close to the house?

It’s a good idea to not have planters that hug the house. That provides a ground contact
point with the foundations that can allow water to enter the house and cause damage
over the years. The same holds true with ivy that cling to the outside walls of your
home. It always looks good climbing the side out your stucco walls but it is a breeding
ground for water and insect penetration and causes actual damage to the stucco.

In conclusion, if you have to ask “Is my tree too close to the house?”, it probably is.
Make sure to keep the vegetation away from your home!

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