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The intercom buzzed and Gabriella de la Cruz pat

dcm n her cup of tea to pick up the phone. - Yes. Me-

-There is someone here to see you. - her assistant said.

To Gabi's ears Melissa sounded excited, the way she'd been

that time she'd won five hundred dollars on a scratch-off
lottery card. She could only guess that another one of the
celebrities Melissa was always cyber_Malkin had dropped by
looking for a nanny. Gabi 1144 startether nanny service
seen years ago alter a very successful nrn as a live-in nanny
for the Hollywood director Mal,. Jeffers. Mal and his
wife h a d su n g G a b i ' s p s , t e d s h e s t a r t h e r
business when oid enough to no longer

need a nanny
ray minutes." Gabi said.

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