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cod ine. rayon. or silk.

anywhere and can be dressed up or dawn around shades are rose, peach-. inochaAmik
dependingupon them:awn . Look for simple lines. a and tan.
perfect fit and little detail The skirt should
You should have at least one dress t po
solid color, preferably
be either A-lined or rnoderatelY flared. A in a neutral shade al
dress with a jacket could be an attractive vl a ;
alternative to a suit. Accessories can keep a lightweight fabric. Avoid printed dreviel the
your suit looking different each. time. office, because they are easily recrygnim
BLAZERS Blazers and jackets are very and dated.
much a part oftoday's look. The Long or three-quarters sleeves gi OB
combination of a jacket's style and fabric
dressier appearance. Having your dress suit of
determines how dressy it is. You might Tot
the same color and texture, al
start with a black or gray blazer, pairing
to interchange the same access vies., length;
it with a slightly A-lined or slim skirt.
just above-the-knee or on
The blazer can also be worn over some
is most practical. 2.
DRESSES -A basic daytime dress EVENING 'WEAR -This falls into
should be chosen for versatility. The most categories: formal, informal and leism,
common office dress is the shirt-waist which Formal is usually a long evening dm*. should .

looks like a "till ben ized" man-tailored bodice be as simple and elegant if it is to be worn
for many occasions. Ink--; could be a two- 6.
with front buttons, usually all the way down to
the skirt. This is worn with a loosely fitting belt piece outfit like a long wide-leg pants, blouses. s --
made ofthe same material. The sheath style canes, and pub* velvet blazers. Dresses 7.
8. (
dress has no waist. but is also tied loosely should be ofd fabrics, like quiana, jersey. or
9. i
with a belt to give it that casual look. chiffon.
Traditional fabrics are jersey, lightweight
wool crepe,
This cf
from a
10. sl
1. Explain and give an example; gaudy dress, ti
that mi.
We v,
movie si
and mat
on indii
consider t


g or
ls em
with elegance.
2. What transforms a mere garment into a work of art?
3. Choose between sporty, tailored, romantic or sophisticaed . Bring pictures of each 4•
What questions should you ask yoursel f whi le' taking stock of yourself'.
5. Describe what "first impression" means.
6. What factors make people decide that first impression? Name some.
7. How would you assemble a basic wardrobe?
8. To achieve true style, your clothes and accessories should complement and co each
other. Explain.
9. Shopping traps to avoid.
10. From magazines, choose best style for vou for work-

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