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To fit bust 82 87 92 97 102 107 cm ●● Paintbox Yarns cannot accept responsibility for the finished
32 34 36 38 40 42 in item if any yarn other than the recommended yarn is used.
●● Yarn quantities are based on average requirements and are
Finished measurements therefore approximate.
●● Colour reproduction is as close as printing processes will allow.
Bust 86 91 96 101 106 111 cm ●● Instructions are written using UK terminology with changes
33¾ 35¾ 38 40 41¾ 43¾ in for US terminology given in italics in round brackets ( )
Length to 43 44 44 45 45 46 cm ●● Repeat figures in round brackets ( ) the number of times
shoulder 17 17¼ 17¼ 17¾ 17¾ 18 in stated afterwards.
●● Instructions are given for the smallest size, with changes
Sleeve 3 3 4 4 5 5 cm for the larger sizes given in square brackets [ ] afterwards.
length 1¼ 1¼ 1½ 1½ 2 2 cm
YOU WILL NEED beg = beginning; C4B = slip next 2 sts on a cable needle and
●● 50g balls of Paintbox Yarns Metallic DK (As seen on cover) hold at back of work, k2, then k2 from cable needle;
. 6 [7: 7: 8: 9: 9] × Pina Colada C4F = slip next 2 sts on a cable needle and hold at front of
●● Pair of 3.25mm (UK 10 - US 3) knitting needles work, k2, then k2 from cable needle; cm = centimetres;
●● Pair of 4mm (UK8 - US 6) knitting needles cont = continue; inc = increse; K = knit;
●● Cable needle m1 = make one st by picking up and working into back of
loop lying between st just worked and next st; P = purl;
TENSION (GAUGE) rem = remaining; rep = repeat; skpo = slip 1, k1, pass slipped
24 stitches and 36 rows to 10 cm, 4 in square over st st using st over; st(s) = stitch(es); st st =stocking stitch;
4mm (UK 8 - US 6) knitting needles, or size required to give tbl = through back loop; tog = together.
correct tension (gauge).
Visit for
It is vitally important to check your tension (gauge) before
more patterns or to buy yarn online
starting as working to the wrong tension (gauge) will mean
your item will not be the size shown and could result in yarn
being left over, or more yarn being required. Before beginning,
knit a tension (gauge) swatch at least 13 cm, 5 in, square and
86 [91 : 96 : 101 : 106 : 111] cm
measure your tension (gauge). If there are more sts and rows 33¾ [35¾ : 38 : 40 : 41¾ : 43 : 43¾] in
than stated, try again using thicker needles. If there are less sts
1¼ [1¼ : 1½ : 1½ : 2 : 2] in
3 [3 : 4 : 4 : 5 : 5] cm

and rows than stated, try again using thinner needles.

16½ [17 : 17 : 17¼ : 17¼ : 17¾ : 17¾] in
42 [43 : 43 : 44 : 44 : 45 : 45] cm

FRONT Divide for back shaping
With 3.25mm (UK 10 - US 3) needles, cast on Lower right back
105 [111: 117: 123: 129: 135] sts. Next row Patt 53 [56: 59: 62: 65: 68], m1, turn and work on
1st row P1, (K1tbl, P1) to end. these 54 [57: 60: 63: 66: 69] sts only for first side of back,
2nd row K1, (P1tbl, K1]) to end. leave rem sts on a spare needle.
Rep the last 2 rows 17 times more, ending with a 2nd row. Next row P to end.
Change to 4mm (UK 8 - US 6) needles. Next row K to last 9 sts, K2tog, P2, C4B, P1.
Beg with a K row, work in 50 [52: 54: 56: 58: 60] rows in st st. Next row P7, P2tog, P to end.
Next row K to last 9 sts, K2tog, P2, K4, P1.
Shape Armholes Next row P7, P2tog, P to end. 50 [53: 56: 59: 62: 65] sts.
Cast off 5 [6: 7: 8: 9: 10] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Work a further 28 [30: 32: 34: 36: 38] rows decreasing on
95 [99: 103: 107: 111: 115] sts. every row as set.
Next row K1, skpo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. Leave these 22 [23: 24: 25: 26: 27] sts on a spare needle.
Next row P to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 4 times. 85 [89: 93: 97: 101: 105] sts. Lower left back
Work 24 rows straight, ending with a P row. With right side facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, patt to end.
54 [57: 60: 63: 66: 69] sts.
Shape Neck Next row P to end.
Next row K24 [25: 26: 27: 28: 29], turn and work on these sts Next row P1, C4F, P2, skpo, K to end.
only for first side of neck, leave rem sts on a spare needle. Next row P to last 9 sts, P2tog tbl, P7.
Next row P to end. Next row P1, K4, P2, skpo, K to end.
Next row K to last 2 sts, skpo. Next row P to last 9 sts, P2tog tbl, P7.
Rep the last 2 rows 9 times. 14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts. 50 [53: 56: 59: 62: 65] sts.
Work 7 [9: 11: 13: 15: 17] rows straight, ending with a P row. Work a further 28 [30: 32: 34: 36: 38] rows decreasing on
every row as set.
Shape Shoulder Leave these 22 [23: 24: 25: 26: 27] sts on a spare needle.
Cast off rem 14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts.
With right side facing, slip next 37 [39: 41: 43: 45: 47] sts Right back
onto a holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, K to end. With right side facing and 4mm (UK 8 - US 6) needles,
Next row P to end. work across sts left on spare needle.
Next row K2tog, K to end. 1st row K3 [5: 7: 9: 11: 13], P2, K5, P1.
Rep the last 2 rows 9 times. 14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts. 2nd row P to end.
Work 7 [9: 11: 13: 15: 17] rows straight, ending with a P row. Work in patt as follows:
1st row K to last 8 sts, m1, P2, C4F, K1, P1.
Shape Shoulder 2nd row P to end.
Cast off rem 14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts. 3rd row K to last 8 sts, m1, P2, K5, P1.
4th row P to end.
BACK Work a further 40 [42: 44: 46: 48: 50] rows as set, increasing
With 3.25mm (UK 10 - US 3) needles, cast on on every right side row. 33 [36: 39: 42: 45: 48] sts.
105 [111: 117: 123: 129: 135] sts. Next row With sts of lower right back behind sts of right
1st row P1, (K1tbl, P1) to end. back, (K first st of right back tog with first st of lower right
2nd row K1, (P1tbl, K1) to end. back) 22 [23: 24: 25: 26: 27] times, then K to last 8 sts,
Rep the last 2 rows 16 times more and the 1st row again. m1, patt 8.
Inc row Rib 50 [53: 56: 59: 62: 65], m1, rib 5, m1, rib Work 3 more rows, working inc on right side.
50 [53: 56: 59: 62: 65]. 107 [113: 119: 125: 131: 137] sts. 35 [38: 41: 44: 47: 50] sts.
Break off yarn.
Slip first 11 [13: 15: 17: 19: 21] sts onto a holder. Shape armhole
Change to 4mm (UK 8 - US 6) needles. Next row Cast off 5 [6: 7: 8: 9: 10] sts, K to last 8 sts, m1,
1st row Cast on 11 [13: 15: 17: 19: 21] sts, K36 [37: 38: 39: 40: 41], patt 8. 31 [33: 35: 37: 39: 41] sts.
P2, K9, P2, K36 [37: 38: 39: 40: 41], leave rem Next row P to end.
11 [13: 15: 17: 19: 21] sts on a holder. Next row K1, skpo, K to last 8 sts, m1, patt 8.
2nd row Cast on 11 [13: 15: 17: 19: 21] sts, P to end. Next row P to end.
107 [113: 119: 125: 131: 137] sts. Rep the last 2 rows 4 times. 31 [33: 35: 37: 39: 41] sts.
Work in patt as follows: Next row K to last 8 sts, m1, patt 8.
1st row K47 [50: 53: 56: 59: 62], P2, C4B, K1, C4F, P2, Next row P to end.
K47 [50: 53: 56: 59: 62]. Rep the last 2 rows 11 times more. 43 [45: 47: 49: 51: 53] sts.
2nd row P to end.
3rd row K47 [50: 53: 56: 59: 62], P2, K9, P2,
K47 [50: 53: 56: 59: 62].
4th row P to end.
These 4 rows form the central cable with st st at each side.
Work a further 6 rows.

Shape neck SLEEVES
Next row Patt 34 [36: 38: 40: 42: 44], turn and work on these With 3.25mm (UK 10 - US 3) needles, cast on
sts only for first side of neck. 69 [73: 77: 81: 85] sts.
Next row P2tog tbl, P to end. 1st row P1, (K1tbl, P1) to end.
Next row K to last 2 sts, skpo. 2nd row K1, (P1tbl, K1) to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 6 times. 20 [22: 24: 26: 28: 30] sts. Rep the last 2 rows twice more.
Next row P to end. Change to 4mm (UK 8 - US 6) needles.
Next row K to last 2 sts, skpo. Beg with a K row, work 4 [4: 6: 6: 8: 8] rows in st st.
Rep the last 2 rows 5 [6: 7: 8: 9: 10] times.
14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts. Shape sleeve top
Work 1 row straight, ending with a P row. Cast off 5 [6: 7: 8: 9: 10] sts st beg of next 2 rows.
59 [61: 63: 65: 67: 69] sts.
Shape shoulder Dec row K1, skpo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
Cast off rem 14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts. Next row P to end.
Next row K to end.
Left back Next row P to end.
With right side facing and 4mm (UK 8 – US 6) needles, work Rep the last 4 rows twice. 53 [55: 57: 59: 61: 63] sts.
across sts left on spare needle. Dec row K1, skpo, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1.
1st row P1, K5, P2, K3 [5: 7: 9: 11: 13]. Next row P to end.
2nd row P to end. Rep the last 2 rows 6 [7: 8: 9: 10: 11] times. 39 sts.
Work in patt as follows: Cast off 2 sts at beg of next 10 rows. 19 sts.
1st row P1, K1, C4B, P2, m1, K to end. Cast off.
2nd row P to end.
3rd row P1, K5, P2, m1, K to end. NECKBAND
4th row P to end. Join right shoulder seam.
Work a further 40 [42: 44: 46: 48: 50] rows, as set, increasing With right side facing and 3.25mm (UK 10 - US 3) needles,
on every right side row. 33 [36: 39: 42: 45: 48] sts. pick up and K25 [27: 28: 30: 31: 33] sts down left front neck,
Next row Patt 8, m1, K3 [5: 7: 9: 11: 13], with sts of lower left K37 [39: 41: 43: 45: 47] sts from front neck holder, pick up and
back behind sts of left back, (K first st of left back tog with K25 [27: 28: 30: 31: 33] sts up right front neck,
first st of lower left back) 22 [23: 24: 25: 26: 27] times. 27 [28: 30: 31: 33: 34] sts down right back neck, K8 from
Work 3 more rows. 35 [38: 41: 44: 47: 50] sts. holder, k last st tog with first st on left back holder, K8, then
pick up and K27 [28: 30: 31: 33: 34] sts up left back neck.
Shape armhole 158 [166: 174: 182: 190: 198] sts.
Next row Patt 8, m1, K to end. 1st row (K1, P1) to end.
Next row Cast off 5 [6: 7: 8: 9: 10] sts, P to end. 2nd row (K1tbl, P1) to end.
31 [33: 35: 37: 39: 41] sts. 3rd row (K1, P1tbl) to end.
Next row Patt 8, m1, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. Rep 2nd and 3rd rows twice more.
Next row P to end. Cast off in rib.
Rep the last 2 rows 4 times. 31 [33: 35: 37: 39: 41] sts.
Next row Patt 8, m1, K to end. TO MAKE UP
Next row P to end. Join left shoulder and neckband seam. Join side seams.
Rep the last 2 rows 11 times more. 43 [45: 47: 49: 51: 53] sts. Sew lower backs in place behind backs. Sew sleeves into
armholes, easing to fit.
Shape neck
Next row Patt 9, slip these sts onto a holder, K to end.
34 [36: 38: 40: 42: 44] sts.
Next row P to last 2 sts, P2tog.
Next row K2tog, K to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 6 times.
Next row P to end.
Next row K2tog, K to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 5 [6: 7: 8: 9: 10] times.
14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts.
Work 1 row straight, ending with a P row.

Shape shoulder
Cast off rem 14 [15: 16: 17: 18: 19] sts.

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