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Connecting with nature.

Calming and relaxation the effects of forest

Phytoncide is a substance emmitted by plants & trees and generally means the aroma of the
forest. "Phyton" means "plant" in Latin, and "cide" means to exterminate. Phytoncides are
produced to help plants & trees protect themselves from harmful insects and germs.

The forest -the panacea. We all long for a healthier life, achieving rejuvenation,
experiencing bliss and balance within. Walking and breathing in the forest

When we walk and breathe in a forest, we are breathing in multiple aerosols given off by
trees. Among these airborne chemicals are phytoncides that plants give off to protect
themselves from insects. The antifungal and antibacterial qualities of phytoncides fight
disease. When we breathe in phytoncides, our bodies increase the activity of our white
blood cells; the same ones that kill tumor- and virus-infected cells.

Studies have shown that just spending time in a forest reduces blood pressure and
stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenalin. Researchers discovered that forest
bathing significantly decreased scores for anxiety, depression, anger, confusion, and

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