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Fahad Aziz Malik 10691

Faiq Saleem 07085

Mustafa Hasan 18386
Shaikh Farhaj Ahmed 18485
Muhammad Umair 11281
Ali Kamal 18540
Ahmed Ali 18492
Ambreen Ahmed 18504

What are the alternative options Lisa could have taken. What do you think is the best course
of action?

Lisa Benton should act on what her boss said during lunch and should focus on the things
that her boss wanted her to improve. She should have a strong understanding of herself and
know how to deal with conflicts.
Benton should not take the easy way out by quitting since this is a new learning opportunity
for her. She should stay focused and work on her weaknesses to prove herself.
She should take initiative during meetings and presentations so that her input is visible
amongst her superiors and colleagues. She should not be over or under confident but try to
establish a balance while giving her input.
She should also be a team player and be able to adjust with people with different behaviors
and attitudes.
She should document all the tasks which Scoville and Linton have asked her to do and
compare these tasks with her job description.
Instead of trying to simply perform tasks given to her she should also work on maintaining
relationships with her superiors.
She should have a strong control over her emotions and be able to handle stressful situation

She should have also clearly expressed her grievances to Vernon who was the group product
manager. She should have specifically mentioned her issues with Linton to Vernon as
Vernon might have been able to present her with some sort of resolution. Vernon was also
in a position to talk to Linton and discuss the issue with her.
We believe that the best course of action is to speak with Vernon about the problems she is
having since she is unable to resolve the conflict by speaking directly to Linton or Scoville.

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