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My name is Daniel, 29 years old from Lisbon.

My formation and professional experience

have always been focused in languages, reading and editing. I’ve had the privilege to
work within the book industry almost all my life, which is coincidentally also my passion.
Writing and reading is what I consider my main skills.
Writing as in having my own style, vast knowledge of grammar and syntax gained
through my translator and content writer experience and a great synthesis capacity to
digest a lot of information in a consistent but effective miniature or in an alternative
perspective if necessary. Also, I am quite strong at velocity of rationale and judgement
when I am trying to communicate by words a story or an article, also due to me editor
years in publishing companies.
Reading as in having a highly trained analytical eye developed in my years as
proofreader, content moderator and editor. My intellectual curiosity has been my main
guide in my career and personal life, and I prioritize this above everything.
Meeting deadlines, task management and teamwork are my day to day context since I
started to assume new challenges as I went along. So, I’m used to pressure and don’t
consider it to be a negative part of my responsibilities, but an extra motivation to surpass
myself and find new and better solutions to any problem or situation.
I speak, write and read fluently in my native Portuguese as well as in Spanish and
English. I also have an intermediate level of Italian and basic Catalan. And I’ve just
started to learn German which will be my 2020 objective to become fluent.
After some months in working at Dow Jones as a PEP Research Editor in the Risk &
Compliance department, where I already fulfilled my yearly objectives in only five months
instead of 12 with excellent accuracy, I’ve also acquired new capacities by analyzing a
lot of info and data and identifying the details required in a relatively shorter time.
Monitoring media is also quite comfortable to me, again due to recent roles as content
manager and in the publishing industry.
Although I may lack a financial background, I am quite autonomous at taking the initiative
to learn and obtain new knowledge since it’s a way of working I’m used to. I always did
this when I was confronted with alien areas of expertise when working as a translator
and editor to technical or legal content.
This role of Reporter seems like the perfect fit to my abilities therefore I consider that I
will be a great help to the department and contribute to exponentially make it grow into
new and ambitious proportions.

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