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Exxon Mobil views good corporate citizenship as a key component of sustainable development.
As part of them daily their daily operations, Exxon face the complex challenge of providing the
energy needed to support economic growth and improved living standards while balancing
impacts on society and the environment. To ensure success, Exxon engage with shareholders,
neighbors, customers and communities as they work to bring affordable energy to the global
market in ways that are safe.

Exxon Mobil approach to sustainability is focused on these key areas:

 Safety, health and the workplace

 Managing climate change risks
 Environmental Performance
 Community engagement, human rights and strategic institutions.
 Local development and supply chain management
 Corporate Governance

A review on the key areas above for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018

This analysis is basically on differences, improvement and lags in the environmental

sustainability for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018

 Managing Climate Change Risk: Exxon Mobil believes the risks of climate change are
serious. It will take business, governments and individuals working together to make
meaningful progress. Exxon Mobil is committed to providing affordable energy to
support human progress while advancing effective solutions to address climate change.

Exxon Mobil risk management strategy includes four components:
 Engaging on climate change policy
 Developing future technology
 Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions for customers
One such factors is natural gas, which emits up to 60% less than carbon dioxide , Carbon
Capture and Storage technology is another promising solution. Since 2000, Exxon Mobil has
spent nearly $7 billion researching, developing and deploying emission- reducing technologies.


Exxon Mobil continues to take action to mitigate emission and help customers lessen their
greenhouse gas impact.

Since 2000, Exxon investment provides lower-emission energy solutions have totaled more than
$8 billion. Technology is been deployed to reduce methane emissions.


Exxon Mobil outlined resources to reduce methane emissions by 15% and flowing by 25% by
2020. They also continued to advance research into next-generation, breakthrough energy
solutions, including biofuels, carbon capture and storage and technology to lower the energy
intensity of individual processes.

Since 2000, Exxon Mobil has invested more than $9 billion in lower-emission energy solutions.


Over the years, Exxon has adopted different technologies such as Natural gas, CCS,
Cogeneration, biofuel etc in managing climate change risks. However their investment in lower-
emission energy solutions keeps increasing across the years from $7 billion to $8 billion and
finally to $9 billion in 2018. Investments keep on increasing year after year so it indicates that
they are serious about environmental sustainability.

 Community engagement, human rights and strategic investments

Exxon Mobil strategically invests in programs that are important to their business and
align with a country’s economic and social goals. Their spending is focused on corporate-
led initiatives to improving education, combating malaria and advancing economic
opportunities for women
They contributed $239 million to communities around the world.
Exxon focus many of it community investment efforts on three signature initiatives which
 Improving education
 Combating malaria and
 Economic opportunities for women


Investments in communities continue to grow. They spent about $4 billion on local goods

and services.


A huge increase in contribution from $239 million in 2016 to $4 billion in 2018, although,
monetary value of community investment was not given in 2017.

 Local Development and Supply Chain Management: Exxon Mobil’s local content and
supply chain management strategies are designed to deliver lasting and shared values to
host countries, local countries and their businesses. They focus on establishing long-term
economic benefits.


The local content approach focuses on these areas:

 Employing and training a local workforce

 Supporting local suppliers and services providers
 Improving livelihoods of community members.
This multi-tasked approach, combined with strategic community investments, allows Exxon to
provide sustainable economic benefits, both direct and direct, to the communities where they


Exxon Mobil focuses on:

 Training and employing a local workforce

 Supporting local suppliers
 Improving the livelihood of communities through local investment

The supplier diversity program continued to expand globally with women and indigenous owned


Exxon Mobil work to ensure sustainable economic benefits for communities

They focused on:

-Employing and training a local workforce

-Supporting local suppliers

-Improving people’s livelihood through direct community investments.

As part of their long-term commitment to support local development priorities, Exxon invested
$10 million in a collaboration with conservation international and the University of Guyana for
sustainable job opportunities and to expand community-supported conservation.


ExxonMobil focuses over the years remain the same which is:

 Training and employing a local workforce

 Supporting local suppliers
 Improving the livelihood of communities through local investment.
This show how consistent ExxonMobil is in its environment sustainability activities.

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