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10/29: Write about a dog. Either about it’s character. or using it in a scene.

My whole life I thought I never really had a true friend. I never thought I would get 
close to anybody. And if I ever did have a friend, I never got too attached. I always put 
distance between them and myself. I never expected that one day, the only true 
friend I ever had would have four legs and stand 9 inches off the ground. My best 
friend is my Shiba Inu, Toby. He had golden brown-tinted fur, and it was as soft as 
fresh-out-the-dryer blankets. 
3 Monologue Exercises 
Write a monologue for the character you’ve created. The monologue must be at least 
40 sentences. The monologue must do ONE of the following: 
● The character needs to reveal a secret to the listener. 
● The character needs to prove something to the listener. 
● The character needs to reveal they love the listener. 
● The character needs to reveal they hate the listener. 
● The character needs to stand up to the listener. 
Monologue #1 context:​ Samuel and Salem have been surviving together with Haley 
for a while, and for a while Samuel began to act out and get angry and irritable with 
the group. Eventually enough probing questions from Haley and Salem breaks 
Samuel, and he spills a monologue.  
Samuel: Look, Salem. This isn’t easy, okay? None of this is fucking easy. You and Haley 
keep making it seem like I have to keep everything together and that I’m acting out 
for no reason when I’ve been carrying all the pressure of the three of us for the longest 
time. I had plans, Salem! I was supposed to go to college! I was supposed to make 
money and fucking work my ass off and get a house and a fucking car and start a 
family and have a happy and successful life. All of that was taken away from me, and 
you expect this to be easy for me?! You expect me to be able to seamlessly transition 
from being the scrawny white kid who gets straight As to figuring out how to patch 
up a gash and start a fire? This isn’t fucking easy. (pauses, and reads Salem’s facial 
expression) Salem… I’m sorry. This is none of your fault, you aren’t the reason we’re 
here. You didn’t cause this and you don’t deserve to hear all my shitty complaints and 
feelings, you deserve happiness and warmth. To be honest, I really admire you, Salem. 
The way you keep on pushing and the way you manage to always lift me up, even 
when you’re down. I just don’t really know how to handle all my feelings when I’m 
around you. I don’t know how I’m supposed to act, and I- I don’t know what I’m 
supposed to say and how I’m supposed to be or any of that shit. Salem, I really liked 
you, and all this time we have together is making me realize what kind of person you 
are. You continue to show me your character - even when you don’t need to. You 
don’t have to be there to listen to me when I cry. But you’re always there. Every single 
time. Salem, I have never felt this way about anything or anyone and this is all so new 
and weird for me. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what this is, I’m just so 
confused. All I know for sure is… Salem, I love you. I love you so much. I love how your 
hair stops just beneath your ears and how it bounces behind you when you walk. I 
love how you never wear a shirt that’s your size and how it’s always too big for you. I 
love the way the shade of your cheeks turn to pink whenever you smile. I know we’ve 
only really… been together in a weird kind of situation but… if this is the kind of person 
you are, I know that you make me really happy with everything you do and I wouldn’t 
change any of this if it meant being with you. Isn’t that crazy? 
Write a monologue for the character created. The monologue must be at least 40 
sentences. The monologue must do ONE of the following: 
● The character starts MAD and ends HAPPY. 
● The character starts SAD and ends PROUD. 
● The character starts FEARFUL and ends JOYFUL. 
● The character starts JEALOUS and ends with COMPASSION. 
10/29: Write about an alien. Either about it’s character. or using it in a scene. 
Reuniclus was an alien from a galaxy thousands and thousands of lightyears away 
from the human race. He levitated and was the shape of multiple orbs stacked on top 
of eachother. He was translucent, and was the color of mucus. He had the texture of 
thin slime, and he gargled as he floated about. 
Writers Notebook 11/7/18: Working person with a family 
A MAN HAD A FAMILY AND A JOB. He had a cat and a dog. His son had a rat and a 
frog. The man shat out a log. He laughed at his mom, because she was a fat ugly slob.  
Writers Notebook 11/9/18: Working person with dead family. 
Writer’s Notebook 11/16/18: Choose your own character to write about 

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