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Silas Thompson

Joyce Barnes

English Composition II

8 September 2019

Research Proposal

I have seen a lot of articles in the news about the economic downfall recently in

Venezuela and it sparked my interest immediately. I was curious about how this situation could

happen and leave a country so broken and destroyed. I have been thinking about what events and

factors led up to this and contributed to the economic downfall. I have also heard about this

situation in some of my classes at school. My teachers explained what was happening, but they

never explained why it was happening. The reason I choose this subject is to learn how the root

of the problem and, in result, learn more about how countries, currency, and economies work.

I feel very curious and intrigued about the economic downfall in Venezuela. Before doing

any research, I think that this topic needs to be looked into more so that this downfall will not

happen in any other countries. I believe that the root of this problem was caused by Venezuela’s

political leaders and their views. I already know that the main problem is that the Venezuelan

currency lost its value, making it nearly impossible to buy things in their country.

I still need to know who Venezuela’s leaders are and their political views and stances. I

also need to learn to more about how economies and how a currency’s value can increase and

decrease. I’m hoping to learn what the root of the economic problem is and also how

Venezuela’s leader’s decisions played a part in the downfall. I think I will start to find answers to
these questions by doing broad research on economies, currency, and countries, and then

narrowing the research down to the situation in Venezuela.

What decisions by the Venezuelan leaders led to/caused the economic downfall? How do

currencies lose their value? What should other countries do or not do to prevent an economic

downfall similar to this one?

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