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October 30, 2019 – Thaiss Exercise 5F

1. All the abstracts compared were relatively short and roughly one paragraph. Two of our
abstracts use specialized jargon in their opening sentence, whereas the third was
written very simply in easy to understand language. The one that started with the
simplest sentence, later became filled with more jargon and numbers. All three end in
assumptions of how their research can be useful in the future.

2. I think it’s important that we make the language in our abstract accessible. If people
can’t understand what is being stated in our abstract, they won’t be interested in
continuing further. Our abstract should be roughly 100 words. Our first sentence should
reflect the 30-word summaries we have practiced in class. Our last sentence should
focus on how the research presented can be applied to the future of coral reef
conservation. These strategies would appeal to a broader audience and demonstrate
the importance of the research presented.

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