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Measuring Induction Period for Calcium

Sulfate Dihydrate Precipitation

Amedeo Lancia
` di Napoli ‘‘Federico II,’’ P. le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Dip. di Ingegneria Chimica, Universita
Dino Musmarra
Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione, CNR, P. le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Marina Prisciandaro
` di L’Aquila, Monteluco di Roio, 67040 L’Aquila, Italy
Dip. di Chimica, Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali, Universita

Homogeneous nucleation of CaSO4 ? 2H2 O (gypsum) based on an optical diagnostic

technique was studied within a supersaturation range of 1] 4 at 25 ] 908C. The experi-
ments were carried out using an experimental apparatus consisting of a batch crystallizer
with the related measurement de®ices. Signals of scattered and transmitted light coming
from a He ] Ne laser source were analyzed to measure the induction period (t i n d ), that
is, the time delay necessary for homogeneous nucleation to take place. As expected from
theory, it was found that t i n d decreases when either temperature or supersaturation
increase; from the dependence of t i n d on supersaturation, it was possible to distinguish
between the mechanisms of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. From the ex-
perimental data relati®e to homogeneous nucleation, the interfacial tension (gs ) between
CaSO4 ? 2H2 O and the surrounding aqueous solution and the acti®ation energy (Eat t )
for CaSO4 ? 2H2 O crystallization were e®aluated. In particular, the dependence of t i n d
on temperature made it possible to e®aluate Eat t at 30 kJrmol and the dependence of
t i n d on supersaturation offered the ®alue of gs to be about 37 mJrm 2 , which does not
®ary with temperature in the inter®al explored.

The wet limestone-gypsum flue-gas desulfurization process A significant amount of work has been done to improve
is the most widely used method to reduce sulfur dioxide the understanding of the nucleation and growth mechanisms
emissions into the atmosphere by combustion of fossil fuels. of CaSO4 ? 2H 2 O crystals, both with a fundamental and an
In this process SO 2 is absorbed by a limestone suspension in operating approach. For what concerns crystal nucleation
a multistage turbulent absorber or a spray tower. Down- kinetics, an important parameter is the time which elapses
stream from the absorber, a hold tank in which air is sparged between the onset of supersaturation and the formation of
is provided: in the tank oxidation of calcium sulfite takes critical nuclei, or embryos Žclusters of loosely aggregated
place, together with the crystallization of a solid byproduct molecules which have the same probability of growing to be-
mostly made of gypsum ŽCaSO4 ? 2H 2 O.. The crystal habit of come crystals or dissolving to disappear into the mother solu-
the gypsum produced is an important aspect of wet limestone tion.. This time, defined as true induction period Ž tU . Žs., pri-
scrubbing, since it significantly affects the byproduct dewater- marily depends on solution supersaturation and temperature.
ing properties, and consequently the economics of the whole However, as pointed out by Sohnel¨ and Mullin Ž1978., tU
process. cannot be experimentally measured, since it is not possible to
detect the formation of critical nuclei; rather, in order to per-
form the measurements, it is necessary to let such nuclei grow
until they reach a detectable size. Consequently, it is possible
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to A. Lancia. to experimentally evaluate only a time referred to simply as

390 February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 AIChE Journal

induction period Ž t ind . Žs., with t ind G tU , defined as the time insensitive to variations in calcium sulfate concentrations:
elapsed between the onset of supersaturation and the first since it is generally acknowledged that in homogeneous con-
changes in the system physical properties due to the form- ditions t ind is strongly dependent on supersaturation, the au-
ation of a solid phase ŽSohnel¨ and Garside, 1992.. It has to thors interpreted this result by suggesting that the nucleation
be observed that t ind cannot be considered a fundamental process is heterogeneous; however, it has to be pointed out
property of the system, since its value depends on the tech- that this is at least partially in contrast with the result re-
nique employed to detect the formation of the solid phase; ported in Eq. 1 ŽPackter, 1974.. Sarig and Mullin Ž1982. also
nevertheless an analysis of experimentally determined values investigated the effect of trace impurities, namely Alq3 and
of t ind can give some important information about the mech- Fy ions, on gypsum precipitation. They found that when such
anisms of solid phase formation and about the growth pro- ions are simultaneously present in solution, they form alu-
cess which leads from critical nuclei to detectable crystals minum-fluoride complexes which retard precipitation and
ŽSohnel and Mullin, 1988.. If the process which takes place is thus increase the induction period.
truly homogeneous nucleation, that is, it occurs in a clear Amathieu and Boistelle Ž1988. studied crystallization kinet-
solution under the effect of supersaturation alone, t ind is in- ics of calcium sulfate dihydrate both in homogeneous and in
versely proportional to the nucleation rate, defined as the heterogeneous conditions. In particular homogeneous nucle-
number of nuclei formed in solution per unit time and vol- ation was studied by mixing clear solutions of sodium sulfate
ume. Therefore, as shown by Mullin Ž1993. and Sohnel ¨ and and calcium chloride, and the induction period was measured
Garside Ž1992., it is possible to use the experimental knowl- by means of a conductimetric method described above ŽSarig
edge of the induction period to estimate two characteristic and Mullin, 1982.. The authors showed that t ind strongly de-
thermodynamic quantities; namely, the dependence of t ind on pends on supersaturation Ž s ., decreasing from 1,200 to 60 s
temperature allows to evaluate the activation energy for nu- when s increases from 4 to 7, and found that the following
cleation, while its dependence on supersaturation allows to equation well describes the experimental results
determine the interfacial tension between crystals and the
surrounding solution ŽSohnel, 1982; He et al., 1994.. It is to
be pointed out that the roles of homogeneous and heteroge-
t ind A Ž ln s .
neous nucleation in crystallization from solution are gener- Ž2.
ally difficult to separate and then quantify. Therefore, a great
attention is to be payed both from an experimental point of
view by accurately preparing the feed solutions in order to He et al. Ž1994. experimentally determined induction peri-
exclude the presence of foreign particles, and in data treat- ods for the homogeneous nucleation of gypsum in NaCl solu-
ment, by distinguishing between the two phenomena, in or- tion with NaCl concentration varying from 0 to 6 kmolrm3 at
der to use the experimental data relative exclusively to homo- 258C, and in 3.0 kmolrm3 NaCl solutions at temperatures
geneous nucleation to estimate parameter values. from 25 to 908C. They measured both Ca2q concentration
Packter Ž1974. studied gypsum precipitation from solutions and turbidity, and evaluated t ind as the time elapsed between
with different calcium sulfate concentrations, and used both the onset of supersaturation and the first observed change in
optical microscopy and chemical analysis; he measured in- any of these two variables. The authors investigated the ef-
duction periods, and determined crystal concentrations and fects of saturation level, temperature, and ionic strength on
dimensions. The induction period was found to decrease from nucleation kinetics, and furthermore used the measured val-
12,000 to 3 s when calcium sulfate concentration was in- ues of t ind to determine the activation energy for gypsum nu-
creased from 20 to 240 molrm3, and the author proposed the cleation and the interfacial tension between gypsum and the
following relationship aqueous NaCl solution. They found that the induction period
not only depends on temperature and supersaturation, but
also on ionic strength, and, namely, that the higher the ionic
y4 strength, the lower t ind ; this last result was interpreted by
t ind A Ž cy ceq . Ž1. assuming that, due to the nonideal behavior of concentrated
ionic solutions, a correlation exists between ionic strength and
gypsum solubility.
where c is calcium sulfate concentration Žmolrm3 . and ceq is The analysis of the literature shows that few data are avail-
calcium sulfate solubility Žmolrm3 .. However, it has to be ob- able for t ind for gypsum nucleation in homogeneous condi-
served that the work of Packter concerned conditions of het- tions, and, therefore, for the activation energy and the inter-
erogeneous nucleation, in which gypsum crystals formed on facial tension of the crystallization process. Furthermore,
dust particles suspended in the supersaturated solution. most of the data have been obtained by means of chemical or
Therefore, the results obtained could be used neither for the photographical techniques, which are not fast and sensitive
evaluation of the activation energy nor for that of the interfa- enough to give reliable measurements of relatively short in-
cial tension. ¨
duction periods ŽSohnel and Mullin, 1978.. With the aim of
Sarig and Mullin Ž1982. investigated the effect of various developing a more sensitive method to measure induction
additives on the induction period for gypsum crystallization. period for gypsum nucleation, a new technique, based on light
The authors used the so-called stopped-flow technique, which scattering, has been devised. In this article this technique,
is based on the conductivity change which occurs in a super- which allows to have a continuous in-situ measurement of the
saturated solution when nucleation takes place ŽNielsen, light scattered and absorbed by the crystal suspension, is pre-
1964.. The values of the induction periods were found to be sented, and an experimental apparatus based on such a tech-

AIChE Journal February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 391

nique is described. By means of this technique, it has been ŽWrm2 .. The signal of the scattered light Ž Isca . is collected by
possible to estimate the activation energy for gypsum crystal- two focal lenses 120 and 50 mm, at 908 with respect to the
lization and to evaluate the interfacial tension Žgs . between laser beam; this signal is sent through a quartz optical fiber
CaSO4 ? 2H 2 O and the surrounding aqueous solution. which ends on an interferential filter to a photomultiplier
tube, connected to a power supply with a voltage variable in
the range of 0]1,000 V. The signal of the transmitted light
Experimental Apparatus and Procedure Ž Itrans . is collected by a photodiode located beyond the cell at
The experimental apparatus consists of a reactor with a 08 with respect to the laser beam. The two analog signals of
related optical device, and is shown in Figure 1. The reactor scattered and transmitted light, together with Io , are ac-
is a batch cylindrical crystallizer, made of glass, with a work- quired and are sent to a data acquisition device ŽPrisciandaro,
ing volume of 1.0=10y3 m3 and a diameter of 90 mm. The 1998..
crystallizer is surrounded by a water jacket for temperature Supersaturated solutions of calcium sulfate were prepared
control; agitation is provided by a two-blade polypropylene by mixing directly into the reactor two clear equimolar aque-
propeller, with agitation rate ranging between 1 and 10 sy1. ous solutions of reagent grade CaCl 2 ? 2H 2 O and Na 2 SO4 in
An off-take tube, placed at half of the working height of the bidistilled water. After their preparation, the two solutions
vessel, allows the removal of samples from the suspension; were filtered by using a 0.22 m m filter ŽMillipore. and a vac-
the position of the tube has been chosen to ensure that the uum pump in order to eliminate all foreign material in-
content of the exit stream is the same as the content of the evitably present in the solution. The concentration of each
reactor ŽZacek et al., 1982.. salt varied between 26 and 105 molrm3. The dissolved Ca2q
The stream removed by the off-take tube is sent, by a peri- ion concentration in the solution was measured by EDTA
staltic pump, to an analysis flow-through cell, and then is titration using Idranal Pellets ŽRiedel-de Haen. as an indi-
again conveyed to the crystallizer. The cell is made of quartz cator, while SO42y ion concentration was measured by means
and is 70 mm long with a square section of 10 and 2.5 mm of turbidity measurements carried out in a spectrophotome-
thickness. A 10-mW He]Ne laser beam Ž l o s632.8 nm. is ter ŽHach, DRELr5..
focused on the cell, orthogonal to its walls; the beam is verti- The induction period was evaluated by measuring the
cally polarized with a diameter of 2 mm. On the path of the intensity of both scattered and transmitted light as a
laser, placed at 458 with respect to beam direction, a beam function of time. Figure 2 refers to an experiment carried out
splitter is provided in order to divide the laser beam into two at a temperature of 508C and with initial concentrations of
parts; one of these is used to illuminate the measure cell, CaCl 2 ? 2H 2 O and Na 2 SO4 of 62.5 molrm3 Ž s s 2.73.. In the
while the other one, collected by a photodiode, allows the figure the ratios ItransrIo and IscarIo are reported as a func-
checking of the stability and the intensity of laser beam Ž Io . tion of time, taking the moment in which the two solutions

Figure 1. Experimental apparatus.

392 February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 AIChE Journal

Figure 2. Intensities of the scattered ( Isca ) and trans- Figure 3. Intensities of the scattered ( Isca ) and trans-
mitted ( I trans ) light vs. time with s = 2.73, T = mitted ( I trans ) light vs. time, mobile average
508C. on 15 points with s = 2.73, T = 508C.

cal, gave results quite similar Ž"10%. and their average value
were brought in contact as the initial time for the experiment
was used.
Ž t s 0.. It can be seen that, at t s 0, it is ItransrIo s1 and
IscarIo s 0, and then, as gypsum crystals start to form, ItransrIo
decreases while IscarIo increases. Both the decrease of Results and Discussion
ItransrIo and the increase of IscarIo have an almost linear de- In Figures 4]6 the smoothed curves of IscarIo and ItransrIo
pendence on time until, at the end of the experiment, such are reported as a function of time for different supersatura-
linearity is lost. In these conditions the suspension is very tion values Ž s . and for three different temperatures ŽT s 25,
dense and ItransrIo becomes close to 0, while IscarIo reaches 50, and 708C..
a plateau due to the onset of multiple scattering, a condition The supersaturation was calculated considering the follow-
in which the measure loses its significance. ing liquid]solid equilibrium between Ca2q and SO42y ions
In order to find the induction period from the data of and solid CaSO4 ? 2H 2 O
IscarIo and ItransrIo reported in Figure 2, two parallel proce-
dures were adopted, one graphical and the other one numeri-
Ca2q qSO42y q2H 2 OsCaSO4 ? 2H 2 O Ž3.
cal. In the graphical procedure, the two curves were first
smoothed by means of a 15-point mobile average. After-
wards, a couple of straight lines was fitted to each curve ŽFig- so that it is
ure 3.: for example, the ItransrIo curve was sketched by a first
horizontal line Ž ItransrIo s1., which is relative to unchanged aCa2q aSO42 y a2w
ss Ž4.
optical properties of the solution and, therefore, to the ab- K ps
sence of a solid phase, and by a second line which refers to
the period of linear decrease with time caused by the precipi-
tation phenomenon. The second line was drawn by position-
ing the best straight line on the signal corresponding to a
change in slope due to the decrease of signal with respect to
the initial value. A similar procedure has been symmetrically
done for the curve of IscarIo ; the first horizontal line is rela-
tive to the absence of solid phase Ž IscarIo s 0., and the sec-
ond straight line was given by an increase of signal with re-
spect to the initial value. For each curve, the intersections of
the two lines gave the induction period value that in particu-
lar, for the data reported in Figure 3, it is t ind s 380 s. In
regard to the numerical method, the value of the induction
period was found by making a logical test, which consists in
the evaluation of the time at which the signal of scattered
light Ž Isca . was higher than 5% of its initial value I0 . ŽCorre-
spondingly, the signal of transmitted light Ž Itrans . was lower
than 5% of its initial value.. A significant change in the signal
initial values corresponds to a modification of the optical Figure 4. Intensities of the scattered ( Isca ) and trans-
properties detected by the laser, such as a solid phase had mitted ( I trans ) light vs. time for supersatur-
formed in solution. The two methods, numerical and graphi- ation values at T = 258C.

AIChE Journal February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 393

Figure 5. Intensities of the scattered ( Isca ) and trans-
mitted ( I trans ) light vs. time for supersatur- Figure 7. Dependence of the induction period on tem-
ation values at T = 508C. perature: `, s=2.60; ^, s=2.34; I, s=2.06.

where a I is the activity Žmolrm3 . expressed as the product of

the molality Ž m I . Žmolrkg. and the activity coefficient Žg I . of 1993.; moreover, it can be seen that the induction period is
the I species Ž I sCa2q, SO42y and water., and K p s is the influenced by supersaturation as well, although less strongly,
solubility product of gypsum. The value of K ps Žmol 4rkg 4 . and that the influence of supersaturation is stronger at low
was calculated as a function of temperature by means of the temperature than at high temperature.
following relationship In Figure 7 the logarithm of t ind is reported vs. 1rT for
three different levels of supersaturation. The analysis of the
figure shows that the higher the supersaturation, the lower
ln Ž K ps . s 390.9619y152.6246 log T y12,545.62rT the induction period, and that a linear relationship does exist
between the logarithm of t ind and the inverse of the absolute
q0.0818493T Ž5. temperature.
The dependence of the induction period on supersatura-
tion is shown in Figure 8 for the temperatures of 25, 50 and
obtained by Marshall and Slusher Ž1966. for calcium sulfate 708C. From this figure, it is possible to see that induction
dihydrate in aqueous sodium chloride solutions from 0 to period for gypsum nucleation continuously decreases with in-
1108C Žsee also Barba et al., 1982; Budz et al., 1986.. The creasing supersaturation, and that such a decrease is particu-
activity coefficient calculations in the supersaturated solution larly strong at high temperature. The dependence of the in-
are reported in the Appendix. duction period on supersaturation is generally described in
Figures 4]6 show that, as expected, the induction period is literature by the following semiempirical correlation ŽPackter,
strongly influenced by temperature Žfor example, see Mullin,

Figure 6. Intensities of the scattered ( Isca ) and trans-

mitted ( I trans ) light vs. time for supersatur- Figure 8. Induction period as a function of supersatur-
ation values at T =708C. ation: `, T = 258C; I, T = 508C; ^, T =708C.

394 February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 AIChE Journal

1968. on which the curves correlating experimental data in
Figure 8 are based on

t ind s Ž6.

where K Žs. and r are empirical constants. In particular for

T s 258C, it is K s 2,119 min and r s 5.6; for T s 508C, it is
K s 240 min and r s 4.0, while for T s 708C, it is K s193
min and r s 3.6, confirming that, as previously indicated, the
dependence of t ind on s is stronger at low temperature than
at high temperature. Nevertheless, Eq. 6 is unable to recog-
nize whether homogeneous or heterogeneous nucleation has
On the other side, data of t ind vs. supersaturation can be
used to distinguish between the two different primary nucle-
ation mechanisms by using the correlation, derived from ho- Figure 9. Induction period as a function of supersatura-
mogeneous nucleation equations, proposed by He et al. Ž1994. tion (homogeneous and heterogeneous nu-
cleation): T = 508C.
log Ž t ind . s Aq 2 Ž7.
T Ž log s .

where t is a constant Žs., Eatt is the activation energy ŽJrmol.

where A is an empirical constant Ždimensionless . and B de- for the process, and R is the gas constant. In particular, Eq.
pends on a number of variables, and is given by 9 was reported as continuous lines in Figure 7, and from the
slopes of these straight lines, the values of 30 kJrmol was
bgs3n 2 NA f determined for the activation energy.
Bs Ž8. In Figure 9, from the slope of the straight line relative to
Ž 2.3 R . 3 the homogeneous nucleation Ž f s1., it was possible to calcu-
late the value of B, and, therefore, of the surface energy for
in which b is a shape factor, gs is the surface energy ŽJrm2 ., the system gypsum]NaCl solution. Namely, in Eq. 8 it was
NA is the Avogadro number Žmoly1 ., R is the gas constant considered b s16pr3 Žassuming spherical particle . and n s
ŽJrmol ? K., n the molecular volume Žm3rmol., and f is a cor- 74.69 cm3rmol ŽHe et al., 1994.. The procedure described was
rection factor which takes into account the heterogeneous carried out for three values of temperature ŽT s 25, 50 and
nucleation; in particular, according to Sohnel ¨ and Mullin 708C., and the mean value obtained was gs s 37 mJrm2 , with
Ž1988., when purely homogeneous nucleation takes place, it no significant dependence on temperature. It is useful to ob-
is f s1 and when heterogeneous nucleation occurs it is f -1. serve that the dependence of gs on T for CaSO4 ? 2H 2 O is a
Plotting logŽ t ind . against 1rwlogŽ s .x2 over a sufficiently wide controversial matter: according to some researchers, surface
range of supersaturation for a fixed temperature gives a cou- tension decreases with increasing temperature ŽWood and
ple of straight lines with different slopes, relative to homoge- Walton, 1970., while, according to others, it increases with
neous and heterogeneous nucleation ŽSohnel ¨ and Garside, increasing temperature either linearly ŽHe et al., 1994. or ex-
1992.. As a matter of fact, the change of nucleation mecha- ponentially ŽRasmussen and MacKenzie, 1973..
nism produces a change in the slope B; since for hetero-
geneous nucleation it is f -1 and for homogeneous nucle-
ation it is f s1, then the value of the slope B relative to Conclusions
homogeneous conditions is higher than that for hetero-
Limestone slurry scrubbing is the most common commer-
geneous conditions. In Figure 9 this behavior is shown for
cial throwaway process for control of sulfur dioxide emissions
T s 508C: at lower supersaturation, heterogeneous nucle-
from combustion of fossil fuels. Nucleation and crystal growth
ation is the predominant mechanism, while at higher super-
of calcium sulfate dihydrate represent an important step of
saturation homogeneous nucleation is the most important
this process, because they affect the scrubber solution com-
position, the water process balance, and the scaling problems
Taking into account values of tind relatively solely to the
in the absorber. A literature analysis showed that precipita-
homogeneous nucleation region, it is possible to evaluate two
tion mechanisms of gypsum are not fully understood, and ki-
thermodynamic quantities, namely, the activation energy for
netic data are not sufficient to adequately predict gypsum nu-
gypsum crystallization and the interfacial tension between
cleation kinetics. In this work an experimental apparatus
gypsum crystals and the surrounding aqueous solution. The
consisting of a crystallizer reactor with a related optical de-
following empirical relationship, proposed by Liu and Nan-
vice is presented, together with a set of experiments concern-
collas Ž1975., was used to correlate data of t ind vs. T
ing the measurement of a gypsum induction period for nucle-
ation as a function of temperature and of supersaturation. By
t ind st exp ž / Ž9. using the experimental data relative to the homogeneous nu-
RT cleation mechanism, the dependence of the induction period

AIChE Journal February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 395

on temperature allowed the determination of the activation Zacek, S., J. Nyvlt, J. Garside, and A. W. Nienow, ‘‘A Stirred Tank
energy for gypsum nucleation, while the dependence on su- for Continuous Crystallization Studies,’’ Chem. Eng. J., 23, 111
persaturation allowed the estimation of the interfacial ten-
sion between the gypsum and aqueous solution. The tech-
nique proposed could be applied to the evaluation of the in- Appendix
duction period for other crystallizing systems, particularly The values of activity coefficients for calcium and sulfate
when it is very short. ions as a function of ionic strength were calculated for cal-
cium sulfate by means of the model proposed by Bromley
Notation Ž1973.. This model gives useful correlation to estimate the
B1s constant in Bromley’s method mean activity coefficient of sparingly soluble electrolytes in
Vs volume, m3 solutions of high ionic strength. Introduction of the mean
l os wavelength, m ionic activity coefficient g " is necessary since the activity co-
efficients of individual ions cannot be independently deter-
Subscripts mined; thus, an electrolyte Mnq Nny in solution, which disso-
abssabsorption ciates to give a number nq of cations and a number ny of
extsextinction anions, is thought to be composed of ions which all possess
ws water the same average properties described by the mean quantity
Xsanion ¨
ŽSohnel and Garside, 1992.

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396 February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 AIChE Journal

and Table A1. Values of Ionic Contributions for
Determining Constant B 1, M i X j
Ž 0.06q0.6 B1, M X . < z M z X <
i j i j
Ion B d
BMi X j s q B1 , M i X j Ž A7.
2 Hq 0.0875 0.103
ž 1q
< zM z X <
i j
/ Naq
SO42y 0 y0.40
in which the subscripts i and j refer to each of the c cations Cly 0.0643 y0.067
and a anions present in solution, respectively.
For each compound Mi X j , Bromley’s model individuates a
constant B1, M i X j , depending on ionic contributions and de- where the values of B and d have been estimated for dif-
fined as ferent cations and anions, and for the ions of the system
CaSO4 ? 2H 2 O in NaCl solution are reported in Table A1.
B1, M i X j s BM i q BX j q d M i d X j Ž A8. Manuscript recei®ed Apr. 21, 1998, and re®ision recei®ed Oct. 27, 1998.

AIChE Journal February 1999 Vol. 45, No. 2 397

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