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We open on a blank white studio with an easel and canvass in the

centre of room. We see an ARTIST walk towards it. He/she picks up
the brush and dry-pallet up and starts to paint a picture.

Were going to tell you things you wouldn’t think were true, but
research suggests that 80% of artists suffer from mental health
issues relating to stress.

We see his movements grow in ferocity: from small light strokes to

long drags.

40% of creative people see the systems that keep this country
running as incompetent.

He starts to become more aggressive again, creating Pollock-like

splats upon what would have been a lovely still life photo.

Many artists have become criminals, some of which you already know.

As this happens his brush transitions to a knife and the canvass

starts to be cut into bleeding ribbons upon the floor. We see grisly
close ups of the wounds this artist has inflicted upon the canvass.

We see a close up of him/her putting the blade down as he/she steps

back from her ‘masterpiece’.

Half of artists have committed a violent crime: will you stand for

She walks out of frame to reveal the bloody mess she has wrought; an
orgy of ripped canvass and blood is all she made. Text flashes up on
the screen saying: stop crime, stop them…

Then the logo for the ‘art and creatives assembly’ flashes up on the


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