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Indirect Articles

Which indirect article is correct?

1. key
2. bus
3. orange
4. apple
5. watch
6. ice-cream
7. umbrella
8. university
9. 8-year-old girl
10. hour

Direct Article
Decide whether you must or must not use the direct article.

1. We went to cinema.
2. We usually have dinner at seven o'clock.
3. He plays tennis very well.
4. Can you play guitar?
5. This is my last year at school.
6. Jane loves listening to radio.
7. They went to London by plane.
8. We are going to see my cousins on Sunday.
9. Last night at eight we were watching news on BBC.
10. That was an important day in history.

Singular or Plural?
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the nouns (singular or plural).
1. They ate some (tomato) .
2. You can put (sugar) in your tea.
3. We have to buy new (furniture) .
4. I need to wash my (hair) .
5. We had lots of (fun) .
6. The Milfords have a lot of (money) .
7. How many (people) were at the cinema with you?
8. Could you give some (information) on your project?
9. In this hotel, (family) are very welcome.
10. Those (man) seem to be very tired.

Possessive Case
Fill the gaps with the possessive case of nouns. Decide whether you have to use 's or an
of phrase.

boy's toy
1. The boy has a toy. → It's the .
2. Peter has a book. → It's .
3. The magazine has my picture on its cover. → My picture is on .
4. Our friends live in this house. → It's .
5. There is milk in the glass. → It's .
6. This house has a number. → What is ?
7. The walk lasts two hours. → It's .
8. John has a sister, Jane. → Jane is .
9. The film has a name, "Scream". → "Scream" is .
10. This school is for girls only. → It's a .

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