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1. Write an algorithm to find the sum of first 20 natural numbers.

2. Match the software given in the following table with their respective categories:

Sr. No Software Category of software

1 2Microsoft Power point Utility software

2 1Disk Cleanup Application software

3 5Back up System software

4 3Linux Application software

5 4PDF reader Utility software

3. Identify the type (Electronic, Optical and Magnetic) of the devices given in the following table: 5

Electronic (RAM, ROM), magnetic (HD, FD, Tape), optical (CD, DVD)

4. Enlist both ways (formulas) to add values of two cells y10 and z10

5. Write HTML tags for the following:

1. Table

2. Table Row

3 Table Data

6. Access Mode of Data

CD-ROM = Serial

Magnetic Tape: Serial

Hard Drive: Direct

7. Operating system has limited Functionality Yes or No ? Explain ( 5 Marks)

8. write a function to show VU is using Java Script ?

9. Explain Punch Card

10. Explain volatile and Non Volatile memory

11. What is DSS(Decision support system)??

12. Difference btw Microprocessors and Microprocessors system ?

13. what is DTP.. Write down uses?

14. which register are used for store 0 and 1?

15. write down the component of. Microprocessors and what is Arthmetic

16. write properties and behavior of car? given option are color,speed,pressure, play break which is
properties? which is behavior?

17. Go through the basic HTML Tags...

18. Write the HTML code of Submit Button and it that show the, "Hello World"! as Java script
clicking that submit button. (5 Marks)

19. How to write in, Write HTML CODE TAG Paragraph: Bold: Line Break: Highest

20. Mr. Abdullah have to go lahore early. He is using motorway except GT road to reach Lahore
earlier. what type of algorithm is this. (2 Marks)

21. You are making a program (Soft ware) a company for fire alert , short circuit as a emergency
alert. what kind of program will be this?

22. Write the names three famous operating systems. (3 Marks)

23. Micro-phone is input or output Device

24. Which retains the data or memory when a computer starts. (ROM, RAM)

25. Which one is not an Object Oriented Language. (SMALL TALK , C , C++)

26. if a and b have same inputs 1, then what will be the XOR output. (2 Marks)

27. Define microprocessor and processor?

28. Different type of phrase function?

29. O’S function?

30. Draw input button in html?

31. Hard disk, compact disk .define.

32. Define Analytical engine?

33. Display a text in status bar “vu”?

34. Correction of tags?

35. write 3 Attribute of tag <input> 1) NAME 2) VALUE 3) TYPE

36. Machine code in binary system?

37. Java script function?

38. Operating system components?

39. Table?

40. Word processor, correction mistake recover?

41. If A=(introduction to computing) B=(CS101) C=(concentrate X,Y) write down output?

42. Spread sheet and its components?

43. How Hyperlink show in HTML

44. Window.width which is object and property ?

45. Application and utility SW

46. Software problem resolve cycle

47. OS components

48. Productivity software..

49. types of user interface

50. URL and web browser

51. Explain briefly the different techniques that are used to embed JavaScript code in a web page?

52. What is an interpreter? Write its one benifit over compiler.

53. What is a compiler? Write its one benefit over interpreter? (5 marks)

54. What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?

55. Whether response time of a microprocessor is greater or less than that of RAM?

56. Write formula for the following expression.

1) If we want to add the value from cell C3 to C10 we can write

2) If we want to add the value of C2 to the value of C4 and than multiply by C6 , the formula is
written for

57. How can we enter data in more than one line in an html form?

58. What is software life cycle?

59. Elaborate greedy algorithm definition with solid example in favour and one counter example?

60. Write the major types of softwares with examples?

61. What is the major difference between paragraph <p> and Line Break <BR> tags?

62. Why PASCAL was designed and what is the problem with PASCAL?

63. What are the key requirements of E-commerce Software?

64. Write down the pseudo code for the following flow chart.

65. Write down two positive features of client-side scripting.

66. Discuss two deficiencies of JavaScript.

67. What are the key features of a word processor?

68. What is meant by microprocessor's Instruction Set ?

69. What are the basic components of a program?

70. Describe the function of an action attribute?

71. List down the names of any three parameters on which we analyze an algorithm.

72. What is a programming language? In traditional languages what was the problem by keeping
data and methods separate.

73. Write an HTML COde for the following Output on browser: Male Female

74. <A “HREF=VU Home Page"> Click Here <\A> Correct above HTML code segment.

75. What is best algorithm?

76. In what situations that will be the best algorithm? In which situations would it perform poorly?

77. Write three characteristics of JavaScript.

78. What is the difference WYSIWYG and Markup based word processing?

79. What are the two key features of UNDO command in MS-Excel ?
80. Write down the classification of the software’s according to the Mode with examples?

81. Why JavaScript is called Object-based language, why not Object-Oriented ?

82. Draw flow chart symbols for "process" and "off page connector" ?

83. How can you open a link in a new browser window?

84. What is the difference between user requirements and development specification.

85. Which two phases of the SW lifecycle do you think are the most important and effort consuming
steps? Explain with reasons.

86. Write down the algorithm for converting decimal number to binary first.

87. What is the basic difference between 'magnetic tapes' and 'floppy disks' ?

88. What was the name of first microprocessor built by Intel ?

89. What was the name of first super computer. When it was introduced?

90. Write a short note on blue pacific Super Computer.

91. What are JavaScript literal and what are its types?

92. Can you say that URL and semantic web sites are same? Justify your answer by defining the both

93. What is the Brute Force Strategy?

94. What is java script?

95. How can you explain control unit?

96. What is Turing machine? Who invented it and also explain how a Turing test is conducted?

97. What is the problem with Brute Force Strategy approach?

98. What was the name of first computer in which binary numbers were used instead of decimal
numbers ?

99. Write differences between Shareware and Trialware software.

100. What is function of Goal Seek command in Excel?

101. What do you mean by Comments?

102. How can an operating system be viewed as a resource allocator?

103. What is the role of application software in Education?

104. Give four properties and two methods of window object ?

105. What is the difference between High-level and Low-level programming languages?

106. Multiple in pseudo code

107. Explain RAM and hard disk are electronic or magnetic tape

108. In javascript html create your name id and gpa

109. If x=”intro to computer” and y=”cs101” z=xy write statement

110. Describe the syntax in java script statement

111. In html tell the name of student

112. What is heuristic?

113. In programming, what is an object?

114. What is spreadsheet? List any two jobs that it can do.

115. In JavaScript, what is event handling? What are the two types of events?

116. Explain how many ways businesses monitor their employees?

117. What is difference between Design and System Architecture?

118. How many ways are there to call a function in a program? Explain with example.

119. Write a JavaScript program having two functions sum and mean.

120. What BIOS stands for?

121. List down the Analytical Engine's components name (any two)

122. Why uploading a web page is important? Describe in 2 – 3 lines.

123. Differentiate uni-Processor OS from Multi-Processor OS.

124. Why do we call JavaScript an Object-based Language?

125. When does recursion occur?

126. What are the types of computer network according to the distance between nodes?

127. What is meant by semantic error?

128. List down the names of two array methods available in JavaScript.
129. How can you define a consistent web design? Why is it needed?

130. How can we include images in a web page using HTML and Java script? Image in HTML

131. The event handler attribute consists of three parts. Write about each of them.

132. What is software design methodology?

133. What is the name of HTML tag, that has Href attribute and What is the Purpose of Href?

134. Give reasons why we need semantic web?

135. What is Randomized Algorithm?

136. Why microprocessor uses the binary number system and not the decimal or any other number

137. Why do we need an Interactive Form in a webpage?

138. What are compilers used for ?

139. What is Script?

140. How can you manipulate the address of a file (resource) accessible on the Internet?

141. Write Hyper Link for a Web Page and for an Email Address

142. What is the difference between Interactive-mode and Batch-mode Application Software?

143. How spreadsheet is helpful in doing “what-if” scenario analysis in a business? Explain with the
help of an example.

144. How do you justify that UNIX is better than Windows operating system?

145. Draw flowchart to find the sum and average of three numbers

146. If you are asked to perform analysis of an algorithm then explain which two parameters will you
consider the most importan

147. Name the programming technique that is used to active a procedure on an event occurrence.
Also mention its way of working

148. Write down three main parameters on which you will select a programming language to solve a
particular problem?

149. An application doesn’t need to know about the exact physical characteristics of the drive where
it stores data. Explain its reason.

150. Identify an object and a method in the following javascript statement Window.close()
151. Correct the html code for password input field:

<INPUT category=”password”name=”name” size=”widthInCharacters”>

152. What is the key feature of batch programs?

153. Name two languages which are used for client side scripting?

154. What is the purpose of MODEM ?

155. What is Home Page of a web site?

156. What is the key feature of object-oriented design?

157. Write one purpose of using spreadsheets ?

158. List down two advantages of writing Pseudo Code Answers

159. How can we calculate total number of rows in the truth table?

160. Differentiate between Vector graphics and Bit-mapped graphics.

161. What does TCP/IP stand for?

162. Why there is a need to use primary key in database ?

163. What is image processing?

164. Define testing with respect to programming

165. How can we define a computer screen

166. Write JavaScript code to convert the number 236.2363611111556 into currency format and
JavaScript statement to show output.

167. What is a Relational Database? Give the names of any three RDBMS software. (2+3)

168. Define the following terms. Object Event Handler Local Variable
Scope of Variable Array

169. How a designer makes Structured Design? Structured Design is known as a Top-down design.

170. In programming, what is a loop?

171. How JavaScript Arrays are heterogeneous ?

172. What is the database?

173. Differentiate between LAN and WAN with one example of each
174. What are Trojan Horses ?

175. Elaborate Rester Graphics with examples.

176. What are the important properties, methods and event handlers of image object?

177. Write a note on : Coding guidelines Guidelines for developing short programs.

178. Define Vector or Object-Oriented Graphics and Bit-Mapped or Raster Graphics

179. What is Array? Marks 2

180. What is time bomb?

181. What is bandwidth

182. can we replace a human doctor by Expert system?

183. ways of navigation Heuristics?

184. Define network organization and its advantages and imp features

185. characteristics of Internet? Marks 10

186. Profile and responsibilities of Team Leader? Marks 10

187. Due to computer how many jobs are available and how many jobs are eliminated?

188. How many members are in operational team and what there key responsibilities

189. What are key weaknesses of the web?

190. Breifly describe Telnet VoIP Instant Messaging FTP IP/TCP

191. Describe the organizational structure? What is preferred structure for the organization

192. Pixel?

193. Difference between Internet and Intranet Function

194. Commonsense to avoid viruses and explain antivirus TCP/IP

195. An attack on Yahoo servers Spreadsheets

196. Codes for uploading file Hierarchy in an organization Team lead

197. COO Developer

198. Write down the requirement of Desktop Publishing? User requirement

199. What is coding?

200. What is Deterministic Algorithm?

201. What is the impact of web on our Society and Business?

202. What are the Sub categories of Artificial Intelligence? Briefly explain any two.

203. What is the difference between microprocessors and microcontrollers? Give one example of

204. What is a packet in the network environment? What kind of information does it contain?

205. Suppose we have a big project. Draw hierarchy of the people involved in the project?

206. How can you open a link in a new window browser

207. Write a note on other virus like programs (10)

208. What is holographic storage?

209. What is semantic web and how is it different from normal web? (2 marks)

210. Write the types of computer networks? (2 marks) Answer:

211. What are structured vector graphics? (3 marks) Answer:

212. Define the term 3D Rendering?

213. What is an intelligent system?


215. Who is a computing professional?

216. What is ICMP?

217. What is ARPANET and who developed it? (5 marks)

218. Write down the advantages of Natural Language Processing. (5 marks)

219. What is meant by universal access of internet services? (

220. Define Primary key and Queries? (3 marks) Answer:

221. What is a compound condition? Give example. (3 marks) Answer:

222. Can a human doctor be replaced by an Expert System? Give reasons to support your answer

223. What does NIC stand for?

224. Name any two software which can be used to make a presentation

225. What do you mean by FTP or File Transfer Protocol? Write steps

226. Is tabular data storage better than flat file data storage?

227. What are Local or Function-level Variables?

228. What is a function? Give one example.

229. What is the Data Normalization? Also define its goal. (2 marks)

230. How DoS attack is a cyber crime? For what cyber crime can be used? (5 marks)

231. What are the elements of website design? Any one (1 mark) Answer:

232. What kind of information can be stored in a database ?(2 marks) Answer:

233. Why hub is used in networks? (2 marks) Answer:

234. Write names of the DoS attack’s phases? (2 marks) Answer:

235. How many types of errors can be found during a program development? List them. (3 marks)

236. Why the number of temporary workers is on the rise? Discuss main reasons? (5 marks)

237. What is “My Personal Agent”? (1 mark) Answer:

238. For what purposes FTP is used in networks ? (2 marks) Answer:

239. How can you define a readable program? (2 marks) Answer:

240. What are the advantages of multimedia presentations? Write any five. (5 marks)

241. Explain the following issues of Data Management? (3+4+3) Answer:

242. SMTP stands for what? (1 mark) Answer:

243. How marketing strategies are changed with the progress in computing? How new marketing
strategies are implemented?

244. What are application software? List down the names of three application software (3 marks)

245. Why Local variable is preferred over Global variable? Difference b/w both

246. What kind of new jobs are created because of computing? And which old professions are being
eliminated? (3 marks)

247. What are Logic- or Time-Bombs?

248. Why should we, as computing professionals, be interested in studying the social implications of
our creations? (3 marks)

249. What does WAN stand for? (2 marks)

250. Differentiate between on Load and on Unload(3 marks) Answer:

251. What is an IP address? (1 mark) Answer:

252. Define semantic web with respect to the present web?

253. In Babbage's Analytical Engine, what was initially used to store information ?

254. What is the basic use of supercomputers?

255. What is the difference between ‘single-line text input field’ and ‘password input field’ ?

256. What is Object in JavaScript ?

257. What are the main responsibilities that Kernel plays in Operating system?

258. Write steps to sort an unordered list.

259. Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

260. Differentiate between OL and UL.

261. Convert binary number 100100 into equivalent Decimal number. Write the truth table for
Boolean Expression.

262. Z= x + (x. y)'

263. write down 4 examples of internet explorer

264. what was the purpose of ada's first programing language

265. =What is the Title of the web page for following code segment?





266. How Operating System software does manage a device when a particular application is
executed? Explain with at least one example?

267. What do you know about WWW and what are the basic elements of web design?
268. What do you know about Neural Networks and give any two examples.

269. Determine the correct reserved words of JavaScript from the following list and explain them
briefly. 1. Document 3.alert 4. Delete 5. Function

270. Write function using JavaScript. The name of function will be "display( )". The "display( )"
function will display the following string as shown below: X3 + Y2 [Hint: Use string methods sub( ) and
sup( )] The "display( )" function should be called at onLoad event.

271. Write the JavaScript code for the Function SumOddNumbers(maxNumber) that can add non-
negative odd numbers up to maxNumber and return their sum.

272. "while" loop is more preferable than "For" loop?

273. Write complete html and java script?

274. What is the function of Network Interface Card ?

275. if s = ”All is well that ends well” then write JavaScript code that use ‘e ’as delimiter to split the
given string and show output using java script statements.

276. Describe the applicability of Ockham’s razor principle in the field of computing.

277. Mr.ali is developer who selected the object oriented design for the development of a system.
Discuss why did he not selected the structured design.

278. I want to develop a software system for an air line company,just name the steps needed to
develop the system.

279. If A1 =15,B1= 35 and C1=11 then what will be the output for the following

280. Find out the error in the given HTML script




</HEAD >

281. Which HTML tags will be used for single line and multi line input text?

282. How can you declare a variable in JavaScript with “undefined” data type? Give a simple
283. Form is also one of the good features of HTML. Just provide the general HTML syntax of form
with its necessary attributes.

284. Draw the hierarchy of Programming languages with respect to their complexity from more
complex to easier.

285. Suppose you are a developer, explain what will be the difference between development
specifications and your client’s requirements?

286. Write a short and brief note on Mini-computers and Portable Computers

287. List down the names of any two search engines.

288. What is the name of first programmable, mechanical and digital machine?

289. What is meant by Output devices? Write the names of any 4 Output devices.

290. What is difference between Computer Hardware and Computer Softwares? Also give Examples.

291. Large scale software development process

292. OS system about hardware and software use and purpose type

293. Write Javascript code ask for click on button like Id, name, GPA etc.

294. Differentiate between parallel and serial port? what type of port connected with printer? Chose
input and output device

keyboard b. scanner c. plotter d. LCD screen e. headphone

295. Tell the highest marks of the student and also describe the formula also which you calculate the
marks in spreadsheets

A2=60 A3=70.15 A4 = 90.05 A5=90.15

296. What is meant by concurrent license?

297. Write the name of any three methods that are associated with the “window” object

298. What is Spreadsheet software and what can it do?

299. Is it possible to run an application in the private memory space of another application?

300. Why HTML is not a programming language? Discuss.

301. Every programming language, due to its limitations and weaknesses cannot deal with all kinds of
situations/ requirements. They can work only in some specific context. So, tell any one weakness of each
of the following languages.
FORTRAN Pascal 3. C++

302. Write down any scenario where checkbox and radio buttons could be used?

303. Write a function in JavaScript to display “Virtual University of Pakistan” in the status bar of your

304. Before the use of operating system, which concept was used in computing?

305. Keeping in view the types of programs, suggest what kind of program should be developed?

306. Suppose you are developing an attractive web page. What limitations in JavaScript could make
you choose another option? In word processor which feature we use for checking synonyms and which
one for presenting data in tabular form?

307. It is required to test each phase of SDLC. Discuss how does it affect the whole development

308. Write HTML code that generates an input field with name “text”, 40 columns and 5 rows?

309. Differentiate among (while, do while and for) loops with respect to repetition of a statement?

310. Write HTML Code for the following output : I have a bike: I have a car: I have an

311. Draw two separate Flow Charts demonstrating the Conditional and Loop structures.

312. Write and briefly explain the out put of the following HTML code.



<TITLE>My First Page</TITLE>



Welcome to first HTML Page



313. Briefly explain the main purpose of the given phases of the SW lifecycle.

1. Feasibility study
2. Architectural Design

3. integration testing

314. Write HTML code for taking input of First Name in one text Field and Last Name in another Text

315. What is meant by integrated circuit?

316. what is “+” String Operator in JavaScript, Elaborate with example.

317. what are syntax and semantics of an algorithm which is more severe if it has not been handled

318. Describe the tasks we perform in design phase?

319. Suppose a Programmer develops software and tests it on Windows 98 only. Due to time
constraint further testing had not been performed.

320. Is it necessary to test software on other platforms like UNIX/Linux etc? Discuss.

321. Using while loop; write a JavaScript program to display the same output as the following code
can display.

document.write (“5”);

document.write (“6”);

document.write (“7”);

document.write (“8”);

document.write (“9”);

322. Suppose an IT manager has to write a memo. Name the best suitable word processing software
he/she can use.

323. If X=”Introduction to Computing”; Y =”CS101”; Z=Concatenate(X,Y); Then what will be the

output of the following statement? document.write(Z);

324. How interactive mode softwares are more attractive than the batch mode softwares?

325. How WYSIWYG based word processors are much better than Markup-based word processors?
Justify your answer with reason.

326. Write down any two features of spelling and grammar function of a word processor?

327. How many entry and exit points exist in conditional statements?
328. Why it is necessary to take print preview of a document before printing it?

329. How can an operating system be viewed as a resource manager?

330. In HTML input tag, what will be the value of type attribute for hidden and checkbox input fields?

331. Write the names of any two languages which can be used to write script for user’s browser.

332. What could be the possible values of “type” attribute in <INPUT> tag? Mention any six.

333. Each computer program deals with data and methods. Describe critical approaches of the
modern aged programming languages and the old aged traditional programming languages for handling
the data and methods.

334. Suppose a Web developer wants to permit the user to make multiple Selections from list of 5
Options. Which element is used for doing this?

335. When “=” Sign behave as an “assignment Operator” and when it behave as an “Equal to” in
JavaScript? Explain with examples of Codes.

336. Differentiate between Cybercrime and Cyber warfare.

337. What do you know about the following ? Describe briefly.

338. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software Spread Sheet Network

Topology SMTP

339. What is the difference between High level and Low level programming languages?

340. Name three operations that you can perform on a database

341. Describe the following terms?

FTP. Telnet Protocol . IP Address

342. What are local variables? Compare them with global variables?

343. What is database? Describe Data Integrity?

344. What is Information Technology?

345. Briefly mention any three problems in old modes of presentation development

Imp topics

Lec no 8 Binary Number and logical Operator .

with will be output by AND Operator ect.

Lec 5, 9 and 12 About HTML .

HTML’S output and ask you to write html code.

Lec no 10

What is software development process and write is phases.

What are major types of software and explain them.

What are Utilities software and write name of some Utilities software.

Language Translators

Difference b/w Compiler and Interpreter.

Lec no 11

What is Core Tasks of an OS (long Q Possible).

What are major types of OS.

Lec no 13

From lec 13 they can ask Questions like write name of Engineering SW.

Lec no 15

What is Client-Side Scripting language.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Client-Side Scripting language.

Lec no 16

What are necessary Requirements for Algorithm.

What is Greedy Algorithm explain with example.

What is Deterministic Algorithm.

Define The Brute Force Strategy.

Lec no 17

MCQS may be possible form Flowchart’s shapes.

Write syntax of while loop.

Lec no 18

Which things that JavaScript can do and cannot do! .

Lec no 19

What are Event-Driven Programs.

Types of Prog. Languages.

Lec no 20

What is SW Life Cycle? Describe it phases.

Lec no 21

Why JavaScript Variables are Dynamically Typed?

JavaScript Data Types.

They can ask to u declare a variable and store particular value (Value will be given).

You have to write syntax .

Lec 22

One Question must from lec 22 about Excel.

1. Mainframe A. Network Traffic

Enterprise Servers
Computers controller
Web Browser
2. Mosaic B. Laptop
Windows XP
3. Operating System C. Micro Processor
Network Traffic
4. Router D. Software Piracy
5. Spread Sheet E. Windows XP
6. Mobile Computer F. Enterprise Servers
7. Intel 4004 G. VisiCalc
Micro Processor
8. Cyber Crime H. Web Browser
Software Piracy

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