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Defines the basic elements of a regulatory program, with regulatory functions

consisting of discharge standards, permits, monitoring, and enforcements.
Ans: The Philippine Environment Code (PD 1151)
2. Defines ambient water quality as the average water purity, which is distinguished
from discharge measurements taken at the source of pollution.
Ans: The Clean Water Act
3. States that particular consideration should be given to the following potential
pollutants: bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilizers, pesticides, hydrocarbons, detergents,
phenolic compounds, heavy metals, radioactive substances, and other soluble organic
and inorganic substances.
Ans: Administrative Order
4. The standards for discharge of effluents to the different classifications of water
bodies are prescribed in _________.
Ans: DENR AO 35
5. According to _______, the National Water Resources Board (NWRB) is responsible for
policy formulation, administration and enforcement of the Water Code of the
Ans: Madrazo
6. National water crisis act of 1995
Ans: RA 8041
7. Creation of provincial water utilities (1973)
Ans: RA 198
8. Creation of the national water resource council
Ans: Presidential decree # 424
9. Environmental impact statement system (1978)
Ans: Presidential decree # 1586
10. Clean water act (2004)
Ans: RA 9275

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