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Protestant Reformation Timeline

1517 - Martin Luther develops the 95 theses (problems)

Type: Intellectual
Description of the Event: Martin Luther sees the corruption of the Catholic church (especially
indulgences) and formally starts the Protestant Reformation with his protests.

1519 - Huldrych Zwingli joins the Reformation

Type: Religious
Description of the Event: Zwingli attacks the custom of fasting and joined the Protestant
Reformation creating Zwinglism

1520 - Martin Luther denies Pope to interpret the Bible

Type: Society
Description of the Event: Martin Luther announces to all Christians that everyone should be able
to read, interpret, and confirm the Bible and the Pope shouldn’t be the only one to do so.

1521 - The Diet of Worms

Type: Political
Description of the Event: Martin Luther refuses to recant to the inquisition and the emperor,
Charles V, of his “heretic behaviour”. Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther; meanwhile Frederick
III ensures Luther’s safety by taking him to the Wartburg Castle.

1522 - The translation of the Bible to German

Type: Religious/Technological
Description of the Event: While taking his stay at the Wartburg Castle, Luther quickly translates
the Bible into German (Latin -> German) so it is easier to read for others who can’t speak Latin.
(Printing Machines were used)

1526 - The translation of the Bible to English

Type: Religious/Technological
Description of the Event: Much like Luther, William Tyndale translated the Bible to English so it is
easier to read and more accessible. (Printing Machines were used)

1531 - The Battle of Kappel

Type: Religious/Geographical
Description of the Event: Located in Switzerland, the Protestant and Roman Catholics fight;
Zwingli dies.
1534 - Anglican Church formed, King Henry VIII starts to support the Protestant
Type: Religious/Political
Description of the Event: King Henry VIII severed ties with the Pope due to him not being
allowed to divorce a noble woman named Catherine of Aragon. He forms his own church called
the Anglican Church and marries 6 other wives in his lifetime, whilst also heavily supporting the
Protestant Reformation.

1536 - John Calvin joins the Protestant Reformation

Type: Religious/Intellectual
Description of the Event: John Calvin joins the Protestant Reformation by creating a book
teaching about the Bible’s (not the Catholic Pope’s) Christian principles in Latin.

1560 - Creation of the Geneva Bible

Type: Religious/Technological/Intellectual
Description of the Event: an early prototype of the English Bible was made by Protestant exiles
called the Geneva Bible.

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