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What should you NEVER do How can you make a good

or say during a job first impression on a job

interview? interview?

If you’re late to a job What’s the most important

interview, how should you thing an interviewer should find
deal with the situation? out about a candidate?

Do you remember your first job What are some of the things
interview? Talk about it. you can do to get ready for a
job interview?
What’s more important... the What’s the first thing you
candidate’s personality or should do when you walk in a
educational background? job interview?

What should you wear to a job If the interviewer asks you “Why do
interview? What should you you want to leave your current job?”
what do you think is the most
avoid wearing?
appropriate answer?

What should you say if the What should you say if the
interviewer tells you “You don’t interviewer tells you “You’re
have enough experience to overqualified.”?
work with us.”?
What are the three most If the interviewer asks you “How
important characteristics of an much do you want to earn?” what
should you answer? Should you be
impressive resume?
direct right from the start?

What can you do to relax

before a job interview?

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