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Fiction Evaluation Form #7

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Book Title: The Book Hog

Author: Greg Pizzoli Illustrator: Greg Pizzoli
Genre: Fiction Publisher/Year: 2019


STYLE and Language: Using examples from the book, explain the following: word choices,
dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples.

• The word choice in the book is very simple. Nothing a 4 or 5-year-old wouldn’t
understand. “Pick out a book., and I’ll read it with you.” The sentence length in the
book is long enough for them. For example, “The Book Hog went to bed every night,
without a bedtime story.” There is no rhyme or rhythm to the story. Honestly there is
nothing to interesting in the book. It basically talks about getting to learn how to read
and about loving books.
CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: Who is the main
character? Explain the character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?

• The main character is Book Hog. He is very loving towards books, eager to learn how
to read, and caring since he reads the books to people. A young reader can relate a lot
to this book! Because it’s showing how he learned how to read with time and that is the
same with any student. The supporting character in my opinion is the Librarian. She is
the one who helps him learn to read.
1. PLOT: summarize the major events in the story-

• `The Book Hog loved books.

• He would collect many of them.
• HE would collect them form anywhere he can find them at.
• No one ever read a Storytime with him.
• But he had a secret! He didn’t know how to read!
• One day he went out looking for books and found the library.
• He was adding books to his pile to take home.
• Until the librarian said if he wanted her to read him a Storytime.
• He was shocked because no one ever told him that.
• He then went home and collected some of his books and took them back to the library.
• He then payed attention every time she would read a book.
• With time, he learned how to read on his own.
• He’s love for books grew even bigger now that he can read.
2. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme/message?

Setting: Majority of the book is taken place within the library. It seems to be in the
spring/summertime because of the clothes they are wearing and how green the trees are.

Theme: We should always have a love for books and even more when we learn to read the

ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the
categories below:
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?*
• Cartoon art

Media choices (paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk) :
• Pencil
• Thick point marker
• Colored pencil

Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations:
• Line: Every aspect of the drawings all has a hard outline. Most of the outlines are black
regarding the Hog and the other people. For all the things around Hog they are outlined
with the same color the picture is. The books are also outlined black, but not the ones
on the shelf.
• Shapes: The main shape used in the spread I have is rectangular because of the books.
He used circles for the eyes on all the animals. There is squares in some blocks a bird
is playing with.
• Color: There is only 7 colors throughout the whole book. There is light pink, salmon,
light blue, aqua, light gray, white and black.
• Texture: The only texture my page has is on the rug. It seems like it’s a rigid texture.

Explain how illustration and text are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show
that text does not explain?
• It shows how interested he is in the books. For example, on the page I am at he is next
to the librarian showing interest. With the way the illustrator drew him you can tell
he’s eyes are interested in the book and he is serious.

Page design: Summarize the following: placement of illustrations and text; the use of borders
and white/dark space; are both pages designed the same or differently?
• Both pages are designed the same. It seems to be one big picture divided into two
pages. The placement of the text is on top of the page above the pictures. Where the
text is at it’s white space but it does not look bad in the book.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book
according to the developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)
Name the stage_____________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the cognitive development from the stage:

Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:


Name the stage and the age
• 4
• School-age

Explain the social development for this stage:

• They learn to master new skills
• They can gain information and completely tasks successfully
• Persevere and receive praise

Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:
• This whole book is an example of this. The book is about accomplishing how to read
with love for books. Also, when he learns how to read that is a praise for himself. The
students will learn that it is good to be proud of yourself.

Identify the Age:
• 1-2 years
Explain the emotional development for the age:
• Self-conscious emotions appear
• Emotions depend on the presence of others
• Expanding talking vocabulary for feelings

Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the
• I choose this age for this group because when hog talks about no one reading a book to
him, he looks sad. With that it can get started many conversations with the parent about
it. They will be learning new vocabulary about emotions. Also the might start to feel
empathy for him because of the way he feels.

2. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3

Comments: (Support your overall rating)
• I absolutely loved reading this book! It has such a good message coming for a book
lover herself! I love to know that these books encourage students to read. Showing the
hard work, he was doing to learn. The reward he gave himself to learn. Also, it’s not a
hard read for the students. Simple and sweet!
Poetry Book Form #8
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera
Book Title: Imagine Author: Juan Felipe Herrera
Publisher: Candlewick Press Date: 2018


1. TYPE OF POETRY – Explain the type(s) of interesting poem(s) in the book (narrative,
lyric, humorous, free verse etc.) Explain with examples from the book.
Explain and give examples:
• Narrative and Free verse are the too that stood out to me when reading this book.
• Narrative because it can be described to where students connect to it and this book is
about a boy who left his country to go to a new one “If I moved to the winding city of
tall, bending buildings and skipped to a new concrete school I had never seen,
• Free versus because nothing ever followed in the book over then just him repeating
“imagine”. “If I practiced spelling words in English by saying them in Spanish like ---
pehn-seel for pencil, imagine”

2. SUBJECT OF THE POEM(S) Explain the interesting topics and new perspectives the
poems share with the children. Provide 3 examples.
1. Migrating
2. Learning to trust yourself
3. Believing in yourself, you are capable of everything you put your mind too.
3. LANGUAGE –Explain how the poems encourages children to play with words and
expand their imaginations. Provide 4 examples
1. Imagery “If I let the stars at night paint my blanket with milky light with shapes of hungry
2. Simile “… I loved how the ink flowed like tiny rivers across soft paper…”
3. Repetition- he ends all his poems with “imagine”
4. Another repetition is how all the poems started with the same word.
4. PERSONAL CONNECTIONS –Explain how the poems create an emotional response
for the child that encourages repeated readings. Explain with examples from the
Explain with examples:
• The number one connection it makes is to students who are new into the school or
classroom. It speaks a lot about leaving where he is from and getting use to his new
home. It makes the students want to keep reading other books because they will
understand what he went through. Not just them but their families too, they can
imagine what they went through. “If I jumped up high into my papi’s army truck and
left our village of farmworkers and waved adios to my amiguitos, imagine”

5. ILLUSTRATION – visual elements, design, page layout, word placement, art and/or
photography. Choose a 2-page spread and evaluate illustration with the following:
Visual elements: line, shape, texture, color.
• Lines are drawn in a dark brown. All the outlines are bold. All the other stuff is softly
drawn. The lines aren’t straight, they curve and don’t go straight.
• Shapes are being used with squares being tables, books, paper. Circles are in the music
notes that are drawn.
• There is texture everywhere! Paint splatters, rough hair, soft shirt, a granny tabletop.
• Colors are yellow and red for the paint splatter. Brown, green, and red for the guy.
Page design and word placement, use of white/dark space, text placement and font:
• Font is classic, probably a 20 size. The words don’t bother you when looking at the
imagines. This certain page those have a lot of white space around, but it makes sense
with the poems. There are power words in the middle, words that are coming out of his
Explain how illustrations relate to poem content:
• I like how it shows him thinking and with the words over his head like the poem says.
You would not be able to receive that imagery if it wasn’t for illustrations. They talk
about music and there are music notes all over.


• Select a poem from the book.
• Choose a theory (Piaget-cognitive, Erikson-psychosocial or emotional
development); identify the stage, age.
• Give specific examples from the poem to show the connection to the
developmental stage and age
Poem: *whole book*
Theory: Jean Piaget- Cognitive Stage: Concrete
Age 7 to 11
• It talks about walking down the street and writing a poem. Many students need that to
• It also talks about him doing music, students at this stage are learning on their own.
• Also, the book helps them get to know each other, getting conversation going as to if
their backgrounds are similar or not.
7. Overall Rating of poetry book- the book’s appeal to children (3 high - 1 1 2 3
Explain the rating:
• I personally loved this book! Coming from a very similar background. I enjoy knowing
that students are getting that information. Not everyone is the same and not everyone
has done the same things. This gives the students a little more insight to their
classmates to understand them also.
Fiction Evaluation Form #9
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Book Title: The Lion & The Mouse
Author: Jerry Pinkney Illustrator: Jerry Pinkney
Genre: Folklore Publisher/Year: 2009/ Little Brown and Company


STYLE and Language: Using examples from the book, explain the following: word choices,
dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples.

• For this specific book there is no words. It is a book without text, but it holds a lot of
meaning with the images. You are learning how to read with pictures which is new for
a lot of people.

CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: Who is the main
character? Explain the character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?

• The main character is The Lion & The Mouse

• The lion is powerful and the king of the jungles. But also, very sweet and brave
• The mouse is small and powerful. It is brave and loving.
• The readers can relate a lot to these characters because they symbolize a lot. The lion is
strong and sweet, and many people have strong characteristics but can be sweethearts.
The mouse is small and brave. Many people hold that they are calm and shy but are
very brave when it comes to important aspects of their life.
3. PLOT: summarize the major events in the story-

• The mouse happens to wake up the lion from his nap.

• The lion grabs the mouse but decides to let him go and not eat him.
• The mouse gets to go home to her family.
• One day the lion gets trapped in a trap.
• The mouse thankful for what the lion did, she freed him from the trap.
• They both got to go home after.
4. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme/message?

Setting: The jungle

Theme: Small or Big, a big heart can go a long way.
ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the
categories below:
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
• Realism

Media choices (paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
• Pencil
• Watercolors

Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations:
Line: The lines are not very defined in the drawings. They are however very important because
you can tell that everything was done is strokes. There are also no straight lines, they are all
Shapes: As for shapes there really isn’t any. Everything is done just whimsical almost.
Color: Orange, Brown, Light Brown, Light gray, Pink, Yellow, Green, Black and White.
Natural colors all over the book.
Texture: Texture is everywhere! On the lion’s hair, on the grass, and on the mouse. The
texture looks rough. He added darker colors in the fur to make it seem almost harsh.

Explain how illustration and text are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show
that text does not explain?
• For starters there is no text other then the sounds the animals make. So, illustrations tell
the whole story. They did such a great job in explain what is going on and how
everything ties in together.

Page design: Summarize the following: placement of illustrations and text; the use of borders
and white/dark space; are both pages designed the same or differently?

• The page that I did was all taken up by the lion’s body. There was no empty space at
all. So, they did good and using the space they had available.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book
according to the developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)

Name the stage_____________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the cognitive development from the stage:

Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:


Name the stage 1 and the age Infancy

Explain the social development for this stage:

• The are learning what is safe and how to trust
• When nothing is given to them right they begin to mistrust that other person.

Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:
• The mouse was in a state that she didn’t trust the lion because he trapped her. But after
seeing that he let her free, she trusted him. That is also a big reason into why she
helped him out because she knew nothing was going to happen.

Identify the Age 7 to 11 years old
Explain the emotional development for the age:
• It increases the variety of strategies for emotional and self-regulation
• They are starting to think more
• Showing strong sense of their own emotions

Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the
• I choose emotional for this book because I feel that when the mouse let the lion loose
she was happy and proud of what she did. She must have also been thankful for lion
not eating her in the first place. I feel that this shows the students that it is good to
acknowledge her feelings and if they are feeling good to spread it also.

3. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3

Comments: (Support your overall rating)
• This book is amazing simply because it has no words to it. There are not many books
like this out there. I feel that it makes the students think even more then a normal book.
They can use their imagination all the way. They can see things we don’t see and tell
us another story. Like it helps them, it helps us adults too. I feel it’s important to use
our imagination, we are all still kids inside at the end of the day.
Fiction Evaluation Form #10

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Book Title: Franklin’s Flying Bookshop

Author: Jen Campbell Illustrator: Katie Harnett
Genre: Modern Fantasy Publisher/Year: Thames & Hudson/2017


STYLE and Language: Using examples from the book, explain the following: word choices,
dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples.
• There is rhyme in this book! Very minimal but you can hear it when reading through
the book! For example, “‘It’s nice to meet you,’ he says, as he waves at the crowd, who
have stopped in their tracks and are listening now”
• Sentence length is an in-between for me just because some sentences can be short
“Franklin shuffles his feet in the quiet street” and others can be long like “Franklin tells
Luna he’s read about sword fighters and fire-eaters, about circuses and anteaters, about
flower arranging and carol singing and making apple pie.” I understand that with the
longer sentences it draws in attention to the story being told. However, if a child does
not now what it is, they aren’t going to be paying attention.
• Dialogue between Luna and Franklin is very refreshing. I say this because it does not
cause you any sort of stress to understand what they are communicating about.
• As for interesting fact? Nothing new a child will learn from this book.
CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: Who is the main
character? Explain the character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?
• Main Character: Franklin the Dragon. A very kind, loving, understanding, curious,
interested, brave dragon. The children can relate to him in who they see their love for
reading. Not just that but too see how curious Franklin is about many topics, they will
learn to go out there and find the information you are looking for.
• Supporting role is Luna a young girl. Who is brave and powerful for not being afraid of
the dragon but also understanding many things.
5. PLOT: summarize the major events in the story-

1. Franklin is introduced and we learn about his love for books and how he reads them.
2. Goes into a village near by his cave to see who he can read a book too.
3. He then finds no one and goes home to read.
4. He then finds a fisherman and introduces himself. The fisherman runs away.
5. He does home to read again.
6. He then meets a lady by the farm, and it repeats again, she runs away.
7. He goes back home to read even more.
8. Next day, he finds Luna and introduces himself, this time she does not run away from
9. The walk and talk about their love for books and the books they have read.
10. They make a list of their favorite books.
11. They then begging to make a flying bookshop on franklin’s dragon wings.
12. They go into town and begin to run after they see a dragon.
13. Luna begins to tell them about their flying bookshop, and they become interested.
14. Once they enter the bookshop, he takes them on a ride in the air.
6. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme/message?
• Setting: Fall time which the story is told within the cave and outdoors.
• Theme: Never be afraid of loving to read, many people will catch along and enjoy it
ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the
categories below:
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
• Cartoon art
Media choices (paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
• Marker
• Colored pencils
• Watercolor paints
Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations:
Line: Lines are used strongly in the pages I am looking at. Every single aspect of this page has
lines on it. Some are straight, some are curve, some are very there, some are very dominant.
They come in all colors also.
Shapes: Squares and Circles are the primary shapes being used. That is from the rug to the size
of the books/papers.
Color: There is many colors on this page, but I can say is that they are very dark shades of
colors. It is a darker red/burgundy, a dark green and a mustard yellow.
Texture: The only texture through the pages in where the artist picked up and put down their
media choice. So, not so much of texture thing but it is something you can notice.

Explain how illustration and text are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show
that text does not explain?
• Everything! This page talks about them sitting down to write a list of their favorite
books. The page shows how there is piles of books, pages everywhere, drawing of
blueprints. This helps the student understand how important this was for them.

Page design: Summarize the following: placement of illustrations and text; the use of borders
and white/dark space; are both pages designed the same or differently?
• The page is all taken up by the drawing. There is no white space because you can tell
they did some sort of shading there. But that is where the text is at. Away from the
illustration so you can get a full view of it.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book
according to the developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)
Name the stage: Concrete Operational and the age 7 to 11 years.
Explain the cognitive development from the stage:
• Asking Question about their interest
• Conducting simple observations and constructing and communicating explanations.
• Think logically with concrete objects and personal experience.
Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:
• “So Franklin goes home and reads about music and helps the mice in his cave start up a
band” I thought this were perfect for this because it shows his curiosity in learning
about music and then constructing a whole band with the mice! Shows how much
thinking he was doing while reading the book.
Name the stage 3 and the age Preschool.
Explain the social development for this stage:
• The child learns to do, to plan, to attack a task, to be active and to move.
Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:
• This is perfect because in the book you can tell how motivated they both were to start
this flying bookshop. All the planning and prepping they did just to introduce everyone
to it.
Identify the Age __________________________________
Explain the emotional development for the age:

Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the

4. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3

Comments: (Support your overall rating)
• For being a modern fantasy, I absolutely loved it! Biggest reason I enjoyed it so much
was because a dragon and she’s a human but they both have a love for books. It shows
me that you can show the student that everyone can love to read no matter who you
are. I always heard “only the good kids read”, no everyone reads when they enjoy it.
Also, loved how they talked about the many topics of books you can read out there.
One last thing is that it shows the students not to be afraid. Considering Franklin had to
stand up for himself and show he was not a scary animal.
Fiction Evaluation Form #11

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Book Title: The invisible Boy

Author: Trudy Ludwig Illustrator: Patrice Barton
Genre: Cont. Realistic Fiction Publisher/Year: 2013/ Alfred A. Knopf


STYLE and Language: Using examples from the book, explain the following: word choices,
dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples.
• There is no rhythm or rhyme to this book. Very easily played out. Word choice are
simple and not complex for the students. For example, begging sentence is “Can you
see Brian, the invisible boy? Even Mrs. Carlotti has trouble noticing him in her
classroom.” Nothing gets harder as the book goes on, it remains the same. For
dialogues are ordinary like any conversation one can have. For example, “” The rope
swing over the pool was awesome” says J.T “, “Yeah, so was the waterslide,” adds
Fiona” It’s a conversation a kindergarten or first grader would have. As for sentence
length some are longer than others “Brian looks at the floor, wishing he could draw a
hole right there to swallow him up.” I can be completely wrong, and it can be a perfect
length but seems more for the older children then the younger.
CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: Who is the main
character? Explain the character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?
• Main character: Brian, a shy and quiet boy. He is someone who does not cause
any problems, so you tend to look away from him because he isn’t causing
problems. Many children can relate to him! Many children have insecurities in
which they are too afraid to speak for x amount of reasons. Some are just quite
shy and prefer to stay that way. Some get let out from things. It’s a sad reality
but it happens quite often.
• The supporting character is this book is Justin. A new friend who came in and
friended Brian. He got him involved in everything he did, took him in a fun
new friend.
7. PLOT: summarize the major events in the story-

• Brian was always left out, from activities to parties to lunch, even in the
• Justin is a new classmate who comes in.
• They are at lunch and the other children are making fun of him because of what
he is eating. A Korean dish that was made for him.
• Brian then makes a new saying how he thought his food looked good and put it
into Justin’s backpack.

From there on out Justin included Brian into everything he did so Brian
wouldn’t feel left out.
8. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme/message?

Setting: School classroom

Theme: Be nice to everyone, everyone deserves a friend.

ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the
categories below:
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
• Realism considering she’s drawing people with a cartoon art element.

Media choices (paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
• Look like it can either be colored pencil, then it being smudged around.
Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations:
Line: The lines in these two pages are used more for outlines rather then actual drawing. The
line is around the children and the boxes around the children.
Shapes: Not many shapes come into play other than squares and circles.
Color: Colors are very muted Soft reds and browns, light greens, black and gray.
Texture: Only real texture I can see is in their hair. You can tell it’s fussy and soft.

Explain how illustration and text are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show
that text does not explain?
• This book is amazing with this aspect. When Justin includes Brian into a group project,
he starts to turn into color. While Brian is left out and alone he is in black and white. It
catches the attention so well as to showing how happy someone can become when they
feel wanted.

Page design: Summarize the following: placement of illustrations and text; the use of borders
and white/dark space; are both pages designed the same or differently?
• A lot of white space in the 2 pages I am observing. Every single sentence has its own
little square with text outside of it. There is also bubbles showing when someone is

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book
according to the developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)

Name the stage_____________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the cognitive development from the stage:

Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:
Name the stage 4 and the age school-age

Explain the social development for this stage:

• Feel increasing influence from teachers and peers at school.
• Learning to master new skills
Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:
• He’s feeling how his other classmates are getting more involved with each other and he
is getting left out. Also, he is a great drawer which gets him a good spot when having
to do a group project.
Identify the Age: 7- 11 years
Explain the emotional development for the age:
• Self-conscious emotions become part of inner standards for right actions.
• Develop ability to consider multiple sources of information to explain other’s
Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the
• I choose this because I can feel that Justin felt how left out Brian was. He wanted to
make sure Brian was okay and helped him into the group. He understands how
important it is to feel welcomed.
5. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3
Comments: (Support your overall rating)
• 10/10 I wanted to cry when I was done reading this book. It’s heartwarming. Shows
you how one person can change one person’s day by being nice. It shows you how
important it is acknowledging every student in your room. It made me feel happy for
him knowing he’s made one friend that then can lead him to gaining many others.
Fiction Evaluation Form #12
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Book Title: Stolen Words
Author: Melanie Florence Illustrator: Gabrielle Grimard
Genre: Historical Fiction Publisher/Year: 2017/ Second Story Press


STYLE and Language: Using examples from the book, explain the following: word choices,
dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples.
• This book is made of dialogue between a granddaughter and her grandpa. The
conversations they hold aren’t putting in quotation marks. They simply follow within
the test.
• Word Choices for this book might be “complex” I only put quotations around it
because the harder words are in Cree language. Considering the granddaughter is in the
primary age, I can tell she still does use complex words.
• No rhythm or rhyme to this book, more of a conversation.
• Sentence length is short “The word felt familiar in his mouth.”
CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: Who is the main
character? Explain the character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?
• Main character for the story is Grandpa (no name in the story)- He is a man who is
strong, brave and curious. He is happy to get back something that was once taken from
• Granddaughter (does not have a name) – She is the supporting role. she is a young,
curious, and loving child. Children can relate to her because of how loving she is
towards her grandpa. Many students are extremely close to their grandparents.
9. PLOT: summarize the major events in the story-

• A young child comes home from school one day after making a dream catcher.
• When walking home from school she asks her grandpa how you say grandfather in
• He answers to her that he did not remember how you say it, that he lost his words a
long time ago.
• She questions as to where they took his words too.
• He explains to her that when he was young men and women in black took them away
from their mothers.
• They took them to a school in which they made them loose their home language.
• She then touched her grandpas face while he cried.
• She gives him her dream catcher, hoping he would find his words again.
• Next day after school she came with a Cree language book.
• Her teacher had helped her find it at the library.
• He then read some of it and to him it felt like he was home.
• She asked her grandpa to read to her after that.
10. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme/message?

Setting: a walk after school on a fall day.

Theme: A curious heart is willing to help you, and a hearting heart is able to learn new things.
ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the
categories below:
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
• Realism and cartoon art. This must be my favorite one, when you can take real life
items and add a little flare to them.

Media choices (paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
• Colored pencils
• Maybe some chalk

Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations:
Line: There is a lot of lines in this because some of the picture elements are words and there is
a book which has them all around.
Shapes: Only the book which is a square in this book.
Color: Blue, white, black, brown, and beige.
Texture: Flare from the bird’s wings.

Explain how illustration and text are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show
that text does not explain?
• This page is beautiful because it is showing a cage in which birds are being let free.
Which are the words that the people took from them when he was young. With the
birds come his words, his home. It lets you see how he is finally letting everything out
and letting it come back to him.

Page design: Summarize the following: placement of illustrations and text; the use of borders
and white/dark space; are both pages designed the same or differently?
• One page is all blue skies with the text in the middle. The other page is him holding the
books and birds falling away. These pages are so well drawn that it makes the book
have another meaning to it.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book
according to the developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)

Name the stage: Concrete Operational and the age 7 to 11 years

Explain the cognitive development from the stage:

• Asking questions about their interests
• Conducting simple observations and constructing and communicating explanations.
Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:
• The granddaughter was interested in her grandpa’s language. She asked a question and
did not receive the answer she wanted so she went out to look for a solution (the book).
Name the stage 3 and the age Preschool

Explain the social development for this stage:

• The child learns to do, to plan, to attack a task
• Preschoolers ask lots of questions

Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:
• She knew she wanted to learn her grandpa’s language so she went out with a mission to
help him.
Identify the Age __________________________________
Explain the emotional development for the age:

Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the

6. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3

Comments: (Support your overall rating)
• This book is important for now a day. I say this because there are many public
occasions in which you hear “you need to speak English”. Our language is such a
beautiful part of us that has been passed down from generation to generation. So, to see
how easily it was taken form him is sad. This book is more based in Canada then the us
but still it holds a large message.
Nonfiction Form (Biography and Nonfiction Books) #13
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Title: Someday is Now
Author: Olugbemisola Phuday-Perkovich Illustrator: Jade Johnson
Publisher/Date: Quarto Publishing Group/2018 Genre: Biography
1. Explain how the cover and first pages of the book attract and hold the reader’s interest.
Give 3examples from the book

1. The title is an older lady with 2 younger children next to her, with a sign that says
2. First illustrated page is a store front in which the store name is “Whites Only
Marketplace” with a sign on the door saying, “Whites Only”.
3. The first actual page of the book is Clara and her father standing outside a “whites
only” park. He has tears in his eyes.
STYLE AND LANGUAGE – Explain how the book shares information with children.
Examples: “little-known facts;” new vocab sprinkled in the text; and selection of information
to create/maintain reader’s interest. Give 3 examples from the book
1. “Laws in Oklahoma and other states said that Black people and white people had to be
2. ” Clara Luper’s all-Black classroom had torn books, few supplies, and one person who
had to work three jobs: teacher, principle, and janitor!”
3. “In New York, like in most integrated Northern cities, Clara Luper and her students did
not have to eat outside.”
4. “The Clara Luper taught them about investigation, negotiation, education, and
ACCURACY – up-to-date research, references given, no mixing of fact and fiction.
Explain: In the back of the book there is a more about Clara Luper page. This is where it gives
more information as to who she was and how she did what she did. So, the pages within the
books are backed up with information here.
INFORMATION – Child’s interest, unusual subjects or viewpoints - personalized content –
new perspectives, first-person accounts, and fascinating comparisons. Give 3 examples from
the book.
1. The students are seeing how an integrated city is for the first time in this book.
2. They give background information as to how it was when she was growing up and how
the students she had wanted change.
3. This is a topic in which the students do not see in this era, so it is interesting for them
to learn as to how a teacher and her students changed laws.
Media (paints, pencils, pen, watercolors, charcoal, photographs, crayon, acrylics, chalk, oils):
• Colored pencil and maybe some online editing for more the solid colors on the page.
Visual elements (line, shapes, colors, textures):
• Squares for the tiles on this page, half circles for the tombs. Colors are sort of muted,
something super bright. Texture there is some on the peoples clothes, looks like
colored pencil.
How are illustration and text combined to share the information? What does illustration show
that text does not explain?
• When they are talking about something sad in the story the children have tear drops
drawn next to their eyes. It gives more insight as to how they are feeling now.

Describe the Page design: use of borders, text placement and font size, information boxes,
charts, vocab identified, use of white and dark space, illustrations placement and types of
• Font size can be a bit bigger and a different color. The pages are illustrated all around.
There is no white space other then the floor. Text placement is great also because it
stays away from the meaning the illustration is trying to get by.
2. Child Development Theories –Select 1 theory
Identify the stage 4 and age level School Age for the theory.
Explain the development for this level.
• Have opportunities to develop skills
• Learn new information and complete task successfully
• Perceive and receive praise
Explain how the book fits the developmental level.
Give 3 specific examples from the book to support your evaluation.
1. Having the skills and strengths for the students to keep going back to the only white dinner.
2. The information that Clara Luper informed them helped them develop this sense of change
within themselves and for their community.
3. After accomplishing the diner to go integrated they wanted to tackle the shop owners next.
(3 high, 1 low)
Explain the rating:
I gave this book a 3 because never in my life have I heard of Clara Luper. If I ever did it might
have been briefly because nothing rings a bell in my head. It’s amazing to see how much the
students wanted change. Which if you think about it, the future is in their hands. We are
teaching the next level of leaders.
Nonfiction Form (Biography and Nonfiction Books) #14
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Title: What if you had an Animal Nose?
Author: Sandra Markle Illustrator: Howard McWilliam
Publisher/Date: Scholastic Inc./2017 Genre: Informational
4. Explain how the cover and first pages of the book attract and hold the reader’s interest.
Give 3examples from the book

1. The cover is a boy with an elephant trunk and a picture of an elephant.

2. First page asks an attention grading question “What if, overnight, a wild animal’s nose took
it’s place?”
3. Goes right into naming all the animals’ noses, which is an animal I have never seen.
STYLE AND LANGUAGE – Explain how the book shares information with children.
Examples: “little-known facts;” new vocab sprinkled in the text; and selection of information
to create/maintain reader’s interest. Give 3 examples from the book
1. They use the word “snout” and “nostrils” instead of nose sometimes.
2. There is a “Fact” section on every page.
3. They use words like “proboscis”, “hibernation”, “keratin”. Etc.
ACCURACY – up-to-date research, references given, no mixing of fact and fiction.
Explain: Facts look like they are up to date. There is no information in the book that will
confuse the children. Since every animal has their own page, the information stays there. They
also give out information about our noses.
INFORMATION – Child’s interest, unusual subjects or viewpoints - personalized content –
new perspectives, first-person accounts, and fascinating comparisons. Give 3 examples from
the book.
1. There is a little circle that gives suggestions to the real life, for example “If you had an
elephant trunk, you wouldn’t need to go to the water park in the summer”
2. The illustrations are great; they include how the animal’s noses will look on people.
3. Some animals in the book are even new to me, so I am sure they will be new to them.
Media (paints, pencils, pen, watercolors, charcoal, photographs, crayon, acrylics, chalk, oils):
• Media looks like it was designed online and not on paper.
Visual elements (line, shapes, colors, textures):
• Textures are every where considering they wanted to look as realistic as possible.
Everything else is made for them to look human as possible
How are illustration and text combined to share the information? What does illustration show
that text does not explain?
• For this instance, it makes us picture how we would look if this was real. It shows us
how different all the animals noses are compared to others.

Describe the Page design: use of borders, text placement and font size, information boxes,
charts, vocab identified, use of white and dark space, illustrations placement and types of
• Illustrations take up all the space on the one side. On the other side it has real images
of the animals. Which I believe is great considering they get to see what it looks like.
5. Child Development Theories –Select 1 theory
Identify the stage: Preoperational and age level: 2 to 7 years for the theory.
Explain the development for this level.
• Developing new vocabulary.
• They like to talk without the concern of anyone listening
• They are begging to think outside their environment
Explain how the book fits the developmental level.
Give 3 specific examples from the book to support your evaluation.
1. They have the word “snout” which isn’t used unless talking about animals.
2. They are learning about the animals this world has to offer.
3. They get to talk about the animals they are interested in and we sit back and listen.
(3 high, 1 low)
Explain the rating:
• My favorite thing about the book was how well illustrated are the children. They have
children of every race and even disabilities! I love seeing the wide range they added.
Also, it’s a good information book! It gives good insight to the facts in the book.
Fiction Evaluation Form #15
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera Book Title: I AM HUMAN
Author: Susan Verde Illustrator: Peter H. Reynolds
Genre: Multicultural Publisher/Year: Abrams Books for Young Readers/2018


STYLE and Language: Using examples from the book, explain the following: word choices,
dialogue, rhythm, rhyme and sentence length. Also, explain unexpected insights or
interesting information the reader learns from the story. Give examples.
• The word choices for this book are simple. But, they are powerful. For example:
Mistakes, Forgiveness, Understand, etc. These are words that I feel like take some time
to learn if we do not have context for them. There is no dialogue for this book. It’s
more a first-person point of view. No rhythm or rhyme. Sentence length are short “I
can act with compassion and lend a helping hand”.
CHARACTER – With examples from the book give the following: Who is the main
character? Explain the character’s personality traits.
How can the reader relate to the character, become involved in the story?
Who are the supporting characters?
• Not necessarily a “main” character. This book describes us as humans. What we go
through, what we feel, the things we do and how we do them.
• This book is about being human. Everyone can relate to this book but the activities
they show.
11. PLOT: summarize the major events in the story-

• This book tells us about the ups and downs of being human. The words that are hurtful
but also very powerful and can make us happy. It’s about the kindness we can do. It’s
about being human and loving everything life must give us.
12. SETTING – Explain the place and time of the book.
THEME- What is the story’s theme/message?

Setting: a serious of seasons and times.

Theme: We are all human.
ILLUSTRATION –Analyze the illustrations for the book you selected (see Chapter 4) with the
categories below:
Choose a 2-page spread in the book to answer the following:
What Style (realism, surrealism, expressionism, impressionism, naïve, cartoon art)?
• Cartoon Art

Media choices (paints, oils watercolors, pencil, pen, charcoal, crayons, acrylic, chalk):
• Pen and marker
Give examples and describe how the following visual elements are used in the illustrations:
Line: All the heads are drawn my lines. Their eyes and noses and hair, etc.
Shapes: Circles and Squares
Color: All the colors possible are on this page. Everyone is a different color.
Texture: No texture, just marker coloring.

Explain how illustration and text are combined to tell the story. What do illustrations show
that text does not explain?
• The page talks about how we are all connected. I feel that when they added all types of
tones to the drawings it adds character. It shows us how we are all connected, no matter
how we looked.

Page design: Summarize the following: placement of illustrations and text; the use of borders
and white/dark space; are both pages designed the same or differently?
• Text is in the middle of white circles. Around it are drawings of tiny heads. There is
multiple circles around. It makes it a serious but loving page at the same time.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT THEORIES – CHOOSE 2 of theories below and evaluate the book
according to the developmental theories. (How the book fits the developmental stage and age?)

Name the stage_____________________________ and the age_____________________

Explain the cognitive development from the stage:

Give examples from the book show how the book fits the cognitive stage:
Name the stage 3 and the age Preschool

Explain the social development for this stage:

• The are trying new things

Give examples from the book that support the social development of this stage:
• The books talk about making discoveries and being adventures with nature.
Identify the Age: 3-6 Years
Explain the emotional development for the age:
• Language improvement
• Accuracy and complexity in understanding consequences of emotions
Using examples from the book, explain how the book fits the emotional development of the
• They are using words in which describes emotions for example, “heavy heart”, “Big
Dreams” , “Endless curiosity”.
7. Overall Rating of the book (3 highest - 1 lowest) 1 2 3
Comments: (Support your overall rating)
• Students are begging to start having emotions for larger things in life now. This book
helps them understand that it is okay, and we will get through it. I feel that many kids
feel like they are trapped and can’t find a way out. Not only that but it helps them see
how simple it is to help someone and how simple it is to be helped. This is a great

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