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osu cn UE secu cua INGLES RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 1 ALA 10 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION {Dnde puede ver estas avisos? Ens preguntas 1 10, marcue A, 86 Cen su hoja de respuesta, ejemplo: °. 1. na payground FATHERS AWD MOTHERS ass, PLEASE, WATCH YOUR BABIES ‘respuesta: | g. ®@C) « ao s 8 * in i mst wear Ses Please, do not sve food \ mete In he boats a all times to the animals Thankst A ina compute step A. byate ina garden ina muse stop Bina shoe shop B nemo ina bookssop © neta ©. one beach 2 6 By Music sale - PLEASE BE QUIET ‘White chocolate balls. ‘3rd floor EXAM IN ROOM 3C ina dopant store Aiinseues A. ona nik box tuted or opt fase! B Shacansy box © fete elneze ©. Snsctebox 3 2 0, ao \ Sige tkets £120 Roun tetas £2.00 Besectaaane this evening at 7 ‘cocoa for$3 N - A A nashop A. ina spars sore 2 B onasueet Bina overstere é ©. ina shea © Inara sre “ ‘lean the board in the afternoons A ina classroom B. inahal © ima bookshop RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 11 ALA 17 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y responda las preguntas Enlas preguntas 11~ 17, marque, 8, C6 D en su hoja de respuesas. Egyptian Pyramids “The wonderful Pyramid ofthe Sun in Teotihuacan and the largest Pyramid ofthe Fist Quin King in China are visted by thousands of people every year. However, the Great Pyramid of Giza Is the work's most famous pyramid. It was builtin the Sahara Desert in northern Egypt, and fs an area 0f 52609 square meters. The bad weather of the Sahara has actualy made the pyramid become smaller 9 meters From its real ze. The pyremig which was cleaned in 2012, was sucha fascinating piece of engineering, that t was the tallest bulding inthe work for over 4000 years! Most Egyptologist, people who study Egyptian history, agree tha the Great Pyramid was bult around 2560 BC, aisle more than 5,000 years ago, It took tens of thousans of Workers and 20 years to make. The pyramid has over 2.000.000 Fock blocks. How heavy are they? Mast ofthe blocs are 2000 or 3000 kilograms The Great Pyramid of Giza wes bul from orcers bythe King Khu for deaa kings. His dosest frend, Herron, was the pyramid’ architect. The Great pyramid i part ofthe three pyramids at Giza, and tis the largest and tallest. The other ones are the Pyramié of Khan with two known rooms, and the smaller Pyramid of Menkaure, with thee smaller pyramids next tot Ejemple: einie Me est pole 0. Trecrtpyamisorcne ff HEROS renee OOO Ete mi sain 14. Teiestbyamid fonda 13. su was eprint ho cine Aled ie ating Sore een ih everbody Fetus Sed wate do 12 het dora ayettgst co? 14, Feros sa A bls yams rani a. leas br rami. con few el prove yam © cence Gomis iain 115, The time spent bullaing the pyramid was of 117, The pyramid that has other pyramids around Is ent years. ‘A. The great pyramid four thousand years B Merkaure Fe thousand years hatte 16. The Great Pyramid wes made A. by 2000 workers 2000 years ago. wth 2,000,000 rock blocks, RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 18 A LA 24 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION. Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio Ens preguntas 18-24, marque A, 8, C6 D en su ja de respuestas. ‘The hamburger ‘There Is controversy over the origin ofthe hamburger. The book "The hamburger; A history by Josh Ozersky says Its German, However, where the Inventor ofthe hamburgers from fs stil not cea: Ttcould be Charlie Magreen, vio sold meatballs between two pieces of soft bread in 1885 Or maybe Frank Menches. from Ohio, who sold a sandwich ‘made of meat and soft bread In Hamburg, N Y. In IMS. Another possible inventor was Louis Lassen, from Connecticut, who served some meat pieces between two slices of toast In 1900 There was also Hetcher David, a Texan who sold a meat sendwich with sft breed Ina world exhibition In 1904 However, meat and bread ke todays hamburger- were more commen in Hamburg, Germany, in the nineteenth century, tt was called a Hamburg steak and was an everyday dish forthe German Immigrants that lft Hamburg for te United States. Anyone could prepare it. and they could eat while standing up or walking, So the hamburger already existed inthe arty twereth century, but was only food for working men and served in restaurants near factories at midday, However, after the Introduction of the automobile In the market and people's new wish for meals to eaton the oad, the popularity of the hamburger increased from 1920 on Ejemplo: A lived in Germany, BL as American Had a strange erg. repuese: [o OOOO) 0. Ozersky thinks thatthe hamburger was fst made by a person who 118, A ifferent form of bread was fist usec in @ hamburger in 22 The kind of hamburger brought fom Germany to the US was A. Ohio AL hard tof Texas B. interesting to make, Connecticut easy to cat 119, The hamburger became known by people form allover the worldin | 23. At the beginning ofthe last century, some people ate hamburgers for AL 1885, AL breakast. B. 1900, B lunch C1904 © cirmer. 20. Who made @ hamburger with meat prepared in a particular shape? | 24. What changed the way people thought of the hamburger in the 19205? ‘A. Charlie Nagreen. AL a new path BL Louis Lassen B. anew job. Fletcher David 3 new machine 2, Hamburgers in Germany were diferent fro the American ones in that bey were very popula fad mare meat CL were know later RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 25 A LA 31 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y responda las preguntas. Enlas preguntas 25~ 31, marque A, 8, C6 D en su hoja de rspuesas. River dolphins River dolphins were ist described by Hens Marie Ducotay in 1817. He alo gave them their name. There ae 38 kind of colpins, but 33 are sea dolphins ‘and only Sof them make their home in large rivers. Although the pink dolphin Ives in the Amazon rver i an also be found in the Orinoco and Madeira Rivers in smaller numbers, Whe they are mostly pink, ver dolphins can alsa be lgth gray or brown, but sience has not found out why they have thelr lovely color. We guess they become pinker when they are excited, as happens tous when we are mad. River dolphin, like the ones in southeast sia orn la Pata rive are clever; hwever the pink Gopi n the Amazon are the everest, but not as much 2 dolahins inthe Alantic ocean. Pink dolphins make sounds to show They enjoy being dose to people; some stories of people clos to the river being pushed by them are popular in the amazon. Ifa pink dolphins des, people tink Something bad may happen, however, itis happens, they wil use the ‘dead animal's ol help other animals with heath problems like infections, but they won't use the meat unfortunately, river dolphins have ded as we have built new towns around their area and changed the rain forests. Aso, they are caught with other animals tobe shown in aquariums. Ejemplo: [A. recored dolphins in deal B. explored dolohins freshwater. called dolphins Gtferenty ©. In 1817, 2man rerpuene: TS OOOO) 25. how many types of dolphins are there inthe waters of out planet? | 26. pink dolphins are 2 ‘A. Sometimes dangerous 5 BaP © 3. The Atlantic CO swolaono oe seeuwATO veageMeD 27. most pink dolphins cn be seen inthe 30. People tink river dolphin could A. Amazon river ‘AL Bring bad luck 8 Orinoco river B. become food Madeira ver get six easly 28, what's the reason why pink dolphins are that color? 131, Dolphins have been in danger because of ‘A. People bother them AL Heavy storms ‘They have felng B. people's buldings Nobodys sure anima meals 29. pink ater dolphins are less brillant than dlphins in AL Southeast Asa 8 ta Pats Theatre RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 32 A LA 36 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y responda las preguntas Enlas preguntas 32~ 36, marque A, 8, C6 D en su hoja de respuestas. ‘What to wear? Hello dear reader. It's February and London Fashion Week has just ended. Fashion shows have been happening around the city. Magazines are fullo chats about who the model of the moment Is. Superstars and Joumalsts have announced what te best crested wil be wearing in the coming seasons. Honesty, clotes can make you happy. Ihave decided that tomorow I wil dress success, 'AL7-30 AM, T remember my promise. decided that dressing fr suecess means more than putting on my dothes the right way. I need to look good and fee! good! The right clothing wil make me feel confident and all my problems wil disappear. Coleagues will be proud of me and I wil get 2 better poston, open my lost and notice that most of my dothes are blac, brown and are. They hang down say on their hangers. Ar they depressed? I decide that a bright colors needed for successful Gressing, and choose a red sweater. Now, Lalo want to look cool and casual~1 ake the blue jean shots, Final, It's cold outside; black tights and long boots area fashion rule, [lok in the mito. I eae that I wore exactly the same clothing two days ago. That was the day lost my purse and had an argument with my partner. Not what you would calla successful Cay. [lookin my closet. My back, ‘7ey and brown clothes sem fo fall even further down. I shut the drawer of my closet and think that suecess sa state of mind and decide net to ay attention to London Fashion Week 32. Whats the writer Going in this text? 35. The wrter’s opinion changed because \- advertise the best Loncon Fashion Week 'A. nothing good happened winen she wore the same Geserbe the routine she flows while geting dressed B. she realizes that she couldn feel or look beter, advise about the right colors to wear {C._she had only dark color clothing to wear. Show tht fashion fs unnecessary for success Der clothes looked really miserab 33. In this letter, the reader can find 36, Catherine could ade to her letter the folowing the rght clothing forthe rain |AL You do not have to worry as long as you have shorts and Ughts to ‘nat willbe in fashion each season put on because they are basic peoes of clothing who the madel af te moment ar magazines ts 8. IF you want to be satisfied with Ive you snould get dressed the ume when London Fashion Week took plac, dferently from the models ofthe London Fashion Week, G.I does not matter what you wear; what Is important IS how you 34, At the beginning, she thought that If she dressed for success feel and the thoughts you have about yoursel! she would be able to understand he oubies. . Do not wear dark colors because you can get depressed. Buy a BB. she could be a mode in fashion shows. (Cher workmates would admire her 1D. her picture could appear on magazines. Colorful clothing, which mates you feel better. RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 37 ALA 46 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y selecione la palabra correcta para cada espacio Enlas preguntas 37 46, marque A, 8, C6 D en su oja de respuesas, Looking after elephants in a 200 Elephants love (0) ‘a bath and their regular daly care includes a two-hour shower and brush in summer, and a dust bath in winter, to (37) ‘old skin, ther TeeE must alo be looked at every day as stones get stuck (38)_—__ tel toes. That’ the easy (38)____ thelr eating habits, FRowever, demand a let more attention, according to 200 owne: Michael Booth, who (0) —__ described the elephant as an enormous fire that GET SOc i Sh” Spare cea inet Greene eee a ase ae a oR: tte cts) SR yea eyo ep ‘Amale elephant is roughly the same size as a bus, so it isn ‘t a good (46)_ to make an elephant angry! oA tiven 8 stng tg ©. cong BOO® a Rs & ene © oe 0. kot 2 es cw b. ene wk cee se oat b. pe emis iit 43. A. continue B. spend © ove D. stay 4a. A. totals B. weight numbers D. quantiles 45. A, costs B. buys pays BL charges 46. A. purpose B. idea opinion Be thought RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 47 A LA 56 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y selecione la palabra correcta para cada espacio Ens preguntas 47 ~56, marque, 8, C6 D en su ja de respuestas. ‘The digital divide Arecent (0) howel thatthe number of people inthe UK who do not (47)___to get internet connection has increased to 44%. 70% said they were not (48), {0 get online. This number has (49) from over $0% in 2015, with most giving lack of computer (60)____ asa reason for not dang it others sad was because they coulint (51) is (32, there being an excllent network with (53) sp fo Connect to the internet {or everybody In the UK, there are stil many people that refuse to take the fist Now the cost of this service is decreasing and Its speed is increasing. This would (54)__people to get connected before they are left far behind However, those efforts haven't been enough and (55)____ the dita gap continues or notte direct impact willbe on people without Internet ino wilmss many opporanes, (S6)--—in the creas Ejemplo: A study B. raion ©. phon . search tenes: Ta OOOO) 47. A, anproach oven . pret, D. develop 48, A. tunes convinced . promoted ®. handed 49. A, increased chievet . ited . improved 50. A. aisites talents methods D. is 51 AL manage support ©. ofors D. stow 52. A. Despite Trough . besides D. without 53. AL ety contact ©. path D. acces 54 A. ercsurnge tice ©. demand D. request 55. A ess whether ©. since D. ether 56. A. partly daly neatly ©. ‘uly RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 57 ALA 64 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y selecione la palabra correcta para cada espacio Enlas pregurtas 57 64, marque A, 8, C6 D en su ja de respuesas Useful things. Few things are (2), than having everything you need with you. Tam a single father and t have to lok (57) two teenagers; both of them are beautful and dever. My car becomes a very useful thing when it comes to (38), ‘them tothe maseum oF tothe department store. (59) ‘their frends in these places is important fr them. However, the (60) important thing on my st’ my call phone. (61), shopping and bought medern one two months (62) 11's useful since Luge tas an alarm clock to wake up (63) '5 odock andi can (64) check information onthe web oF send text ‘messages to my coleagues. Ejempio: ok oat ont «. es rome [9 OOOO) 57. about 8 ater © around 58 A tle 8 taking © taken 50k Met 8 eet Meeting 60. A. more 8. ost much 1. Age 8 went ©. gone 62 ever 3. akeady 290 Aa 8. ino con 6k cute 8 ako once ors ace useage seuneee RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS DE LA 65 ALA 72 DE ACUERDO CON LA SIGUIENTE INFORMACION Lea el texto y selecione la palabra correcta para cada espacio Ens preguntas 65 ~ 72, marque A, 8, C6 D en su Hoja de respuestas Money Money has (0)____ part of human history for the last 3,000 years. (65) i, people had to change tel thngs Tor food or Jewelry in return, (66). twas not cSsy because they needed (67) Useful enough to offer; if they hed wood and needed salt, they had to fnd someone (6)____wanted wood and this white substance. 1n 600 8.C, Croesus, the last king of Lydia, introduced the frst money system: round plces (69 from gold. This system helpec the country improve (70) is intemal and extemal business, becoming (one ofthe richest places in Asia Minor. In 550 B.C, the Chinese started (71), paper money. ‘The 2ist century brought along afferent ways of (72) svth money onthe itemet. People can also send money to fiends or family members. 0 been Bs wore renee OOOO] 65. A Thought 3. over Without 66. A However Bako c. Instead 67. something nothing everything 68. A. which what who 698. A. making make 70. A. any B. both cach 7k uses Busing © used 72k pale pay © paying

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