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AMY PILAY April 2017

- 50 percent of the paper were mcq’s from past papers

1) 25 year old stargards requests assistance with reading tasks, lighting at work and travel,
which of the following professional below will assist him-occuptational therapist,
orientation instructor, phsycologist & GMP, Physiotherapist & Rehab, Social worker &

2) Wife calls requesting details on husbands eye test. Do you: get verbal consent, refuse call,
get written consent

3) Diabetic recently diagnosed unstable. Refraction reveals significant myopic shift compared
to last visit 12 months ago. Which is the most appropriate course of action:
a/ prescribe specs & report to GP
b/ Refer to Ophthalmologist,
c/ Discuss findings with GP before prescribing Rx,
d/ Obtain info on current blood glucose levels

4) The main cause of amblyopia in a child: anisometropia >2, accommodative eso,

intermittent exo

5) Corneal graft Px, presents with a Cl fit, the eye appears slightly red.
Most appropriate course of action would be
a/ Discuss clinical findings with corneal surgeon,
b/ examine Px and proceed
c/ prescribe artifical tears & Reshedule
d/ Send Px to emergency eye clinic

6) Q: Which of the following can match Illuminant c: Incadescent, Halogen, Flourescent

25 years old enquiring her suitability for laser refractive surgery. Which of the following is
NOT essential pre-operatively:
a/ Tonometry,
b/ Tear film stability
c/ pupil size,
d/ Gonio

7) Kolleners rule

8) Which causes a red defect- red cap test: optic neuritis, Amd
9) Lissamine green; what does it stain

10) Hyphaema – don’t do gonio

11) When do you dispose of eye drops; 28 days, 7 days

12) Prentice rule- did not have to work out the amount, all the answers were the same. Just
needed to work out the base..up down, left and write

13) Transpose from a plus cyl to a minus

14) Bvp power calc

15) What is the prescription from the power cross

16) Major cause of blindness in Aus- AMD, and most preventable cause is smoking

17) Chemical in eye. Irrigate eye for 30 minutes

18) 15 years old attends eye examination, best Va's R6/6, L 6/24 (told ambloypic). Which
occuptation shpuld he NOT pursue:
a/ Train driver,
B/ construction worker,
c/ Electrician,
d/ Dentist

19) D15 type and severity

20) Solution toxicity

Short Answers

- RGP fit with lens riding high and bubbles underneath. What is the bubbles underneath- name?
What is the cause? How would you change the fit? Rewrite the prescription, base
curve/power/diameter according to change in fit. 0.05 base curve change the rx by 0.25,
0.5mm diam change etc…all the rules of thumb

- Picture of GPC, differential diagnosis, treatment

- diff diagnosis based on case history, later shows picture: papillodema, treatment

- Colour vision: What careers can you do if you have a defect? What is the fail criterion for D15.
What test would you do to confirm ishihara?

- Patient sees purple lights, jaw claudication..treatment, diagnosis

- Patient burnt with laser. Management

- Child with amblyopia. 8 prism esotrope. And dry and cylco rx and VA, What would your
management be.

- Myopic shift: type of cataract – name of drops and percentages post op. complications.

- Visual fields: inferior nasal step, what other defects cause this effect, management.

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