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People have differing views with regard to the influence of computer in the

learning process. It is widely considered that computers have comprehensively

upgrade the education by its ability. However, It can be argued that these
advantages come potential problems that could lead to decreased educational
effectiveness within a classroom.
Computer teaching plays a key role in the modern systems of education due to
its amazing ability such as: efficient storage and performance of information.
Thanks to the participant of computers, the study has gone beyond the
prescribed book. Today, it’s easier for students to find deep researchs or In-
depth knowledge online than reading all the refence books. Student can get in
touch with thousands of credible information resources, the latest updates and
lessons coming from the noted professors. Beside, there are thousands of
educational websites, e-learning courses, online tests, learning apps and
student community on the computers. In addition, Computers facilitate an
effective presentation of information. Presentation software like PowerPoint
and animation software like Flash and others can be of great help to the
teachers while delivering information. Beside, computers adds fun element to
education through colorful video, audios or films. Computer is belived to
revolutionize the education industry.
However, there are evidences showing that computers allow for problems
down the line in the child's schooling like: Technological Dependence
And Enhancing Academic Dishonesty. When the computer is used constantly in
the class, students develop a noticable dependence on this tool. A survey
shows that students, who commonly use computers, face troubles in spelling
and writing by hand. Students must practice these simple skills without
technological tools regularly to ensure that their skills do not atrophy.
Furthermore, when cheating is the new phenomenon, computer simplify the
cheating progress for students. Now, Copying and pasting information in
reports, plagiarizing scholarly articles or sharing answers in assignments or
tests are regularly used among students, especially in the examination period.
This added ease of cheating may incline more students to attempt academic
To summarise, using computers in schooling contributes both pros and cons.
Therefore, adults should carefully train students how to use computers in the
most efficient way in order to create ideal educational environment

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