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Sedentary Lifestyle

Skills and Health-Related Fitness

Defined as a type of lifestyle where an individual does not
Physical Fitness receive regular amounts of physical activity.
Ability of an individual to do daily tasks without (being)
Alcohol and Drug Abuse
under due fatigue but have extra reserve in case of
This affects one’s health since alcohol is a major cause of
liver disease and drug use as culprit for several car
Categories of Physical Fitness accident cases, depression, mental disorder, and others.

Skill-Related Fitness
Addiction to Cigarette/Tobacco
Agility Smoking leads to diseases, respiratory problems, cancer,
To change the position of your body quickly and to and hearing disease that young people should avoid.
control the movement of your whole body.
Unhealthy and Poor Eating Habits
Your eating habits can either help or prevent you from
developing many health diseases.
Ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or
moving. Stress
It causes physical symptoms including headache, upset
stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and
Ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a
sleeping problems.
short period of time.

Ability to use your senses, such as your eyes, together with
your body parts, such as your arms.
Eating Habits
Ability to do strength performances quickly. Emotional Eating
It is the tendency of its sufferers to react to stress by
Reaction Time eating frequently, even when not hungry, high-calorie or
Amount of time it takes to get moving once you see the high-carbohydrate foods that have low nutritional value.
need to move.
Emotional eaters often crave for comfort foods such as
ice cream, cookies, chocolates, fries, and other junk
Health-Related Fitness foods.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Clueless Eating
The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply
This refers to the behavior of people who know nothing
oxygen to your body tissues during sustained physical
about nutrition.
People that fall under this category may be significantly
Muscular Endurance
overweight and perhaps experience a variety of
Ability of the muscle to continue to perform without
degenerative diseases.

Muscular Strength Trance Eating

It is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert in Refers to a form of negative multi-tasking such as
a single effort. reading, watching TV, and emailing while eating, making
Flexibility a person entirely insensible to what they are doing.
It is the ability to bend and move the joints through the Another obvious example is eating inside a movie
full range of motion. theater.

Medication Eating
When we are apprehensive, depressed, distressed,
annoyed, bothered, irritated, ashamed, or guilty, we eat.
Modifiable Risk Factors
Food is most often the drug choice of all the substances
These are behaviors, exposures, and factors that can that we swallow and consume to make ourselves feel
raise or lower a person's risk of getting a disease. better.
Social Eating
People eat as a way of meeting and socializing with
people, like going out to dinner with friends, and hacking
snacks or eating junk foods while watching a movie.

Social eating can have effects in the manner we see

food and nutrition, and may lead to over-eating, obesity,
malnutrition, and other health problems.

Diet Eating
Diet eating differs from other eating habits wherein a
person believes that something good will come of it.
To achieve such a goal, one must choose a specific diet
that brings permanent lifestyle change.

Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical Benefits
 Develop healthy musculoskeletal tissues
 Develop a healthy cardiovascular system
 Develop neuromuscular awareness
 Maintain a healthy body weight

Mental Benefits
 Improved concentration and enhanced memory
and learning
 Reduction and management of stress, anxiety, and
 Improved self-esteem and confidence
 Improved psychological well-being

Social Benefits
 Encourages family and community connectedness
 Improves social skills and networks
 Reduces isolation and loneliness
 Contributes to better performance at schools

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