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We are all a part of something or the other. A mystery?, a twisted tale?

, a tale nobody knows how it

works? or how it ends? Yes obviously how it ends is the question which bothers the most.

We all come across with chaos in life, be it in school , the office or even your home. Small problems
which we try and ignore that time results into something so big in the end which we all cant take in.

This the moment when we realise that the situation has got so bad and we have to take a step further to
eliminate the problem. But generally does that even happen ?? we generaly end making the situation
worse when we try to take things in our hands, the thing created by us and hence we realise that what a
big mistake we had done and now whatever we do we cant escape this. Life could have been different
for some people if they could get a chance to go back in time and try to fix the things.

I know that it is not possible atleast not for the living creatures on this planet. So everybody related to
you someway try to guide you to the wise path so that someday you might realise that whatever you did
in the past made you what you are right now, but was it like this always? ,did the earlist human planned
out how their future would be?well nobody knows if they did. But yes! If they didn’t planned out how
the future would be then we wouldn’t wear the clothes we have right now and neither could I type
anything on my laptop as well. Well I am not a philosopher neither a proffesor I am just a young guy
who just got balled out from his job. A job everybody in his town wanted. But I got the thing wrecked
and lost my job . So for me if I could go back in time and fix the things that I messed up maybe I wouldn’t
be writing this. But the suprising part is that I am not sad about the fact that I lost my job, but yes I am
sad that my parents had to go through a lot of trauma when they heard that I messed up. They wanted
me to get this job from a long time. But parents are your parents after all they are still supporting me
and want me to have a good life ahead. I on the other hand have improvised on a few aspects to be a
better son now, well that’s it the real problem going on in my life. I am jobless and I have to again give
six more months to complete my graduation.

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