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Pier Shoates


Portfolio Artifact: Science Fair Project

What I learned: I learned that Power Point is my “thing”. I really enjoyed this project. It was
fun and kind of made me and the hubby feel like kids again! He didn’t necessarily enjoy being my
experiment, but he had fun with it as well. I learned that I really enjoy preparing presentations
and I enjoy looking for the graphics and integrating them into the presentation. I learned as I did
in a previous project, that I do not enjoy preparing data and charts. That part I could do without.
I just plain suck at it.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S

Addressed: Standard #3 3c: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety
of tools and methods to create a collection of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections
or conclusions.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This is a good assignment to teach students how
to come up with an idea and follow through on it from beginning to end. It is also a good
opportunity for family time with a fun project. Using Power Point allows students to use their
creativity to design a presentation. As they get better, they can add animation and other neat
things that are found in Power Point. I just kept my presentation basic.

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