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Collaboration Project 2019 – Self Assessment

Throughout this project I have found the most challenging aspect to be none other than the
collaboration. Basecamp proved to be much useful and simpler as a professional piece of software as
it helped organize our work and messages. I wished I used it more often as it was a much more efficient
tool for sharing resources.

I felt that when the project was running into a slump or difficulties and misdirection were occurring, I
would often feel distraught and angered at my colleagues. I believe my emotions could have been
controlled more as it made it harder to concentrate when it came to the work. I was also distracted
frequently by what was in my room or the internet as I felt bored or exhausted by the project.

Despite some issues I felt that my skills with animation in Maya and working in a group had greatly
improved and was grateful with the result of the final animation. While challenging working with
Moom I felt I had highly contributed to the project by giving the characters subtle touches to their
movements. Sharing the right files with my team also made it feel like I was properly aiding them.

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