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Carl Vincent D.

Macabugto BSBA-FM 22
Public Finance

In the budget priorities for 2020 the Administration Duterte

made a decision that the PNP will receive a higher budget for
this year, the general public services focus of this project.
The allocated budget for PNP will receive a higher budget of
PhP733.8 B to support the fight against crime, lawfulness and
other, they will serve our country to continually peaceful. In
education the primary and secondary are including to the budget
for the buildings and conduct trainings for learning skills and
developing good values and attitudes in the youth. To get this
goals the DepEd will granted PhP551.7 B. The health of all
Filipinos is important, also included for the budget
approximately PhP166.5 Billion will provided for the health
sector. In terms of Government Service Delivery, the Duterte
Administration pursues good governance measures to foster an
enabling business environment, eliminate red tape and
corruption, and uphold justice and the rule of law. The
lifestyle of Filipinos is agriculture, fishing and forestry the
administration allotted a budget PhP142.7 billion to make the
AFF Sector more productive and climate change resilient, ensure
food security, and help uplift the lives of farmers and fisher
folk. One of the project is the Build,Build,Build program of
duterte administration the allocated budget for the
infrastructure, renovation of highways PhP972.5 billion also it
includes the Information Technology for Communications such as
internet, the availability of Wi-Fi in Public Area. The last for
the budget priorities is Youth and the Marginalized, the
government help for the youth for work opportunities in the

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