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Doctors and Patient

Doctor: Hello, have a seat.

Patient: Thank you

Doctor: So what seems to be the


Patient: Lately, I feel nauseous, I also vomit. My stomach also feels bloated

Doctor: Do you feel pain in the stomach?

Patient: Sometimes

Doctor: Do you have ulcer before?

Patient: No.

Doctor: Do you drink coffee? Eat spicy foods?

Patient: I drink coffee every day, and I like spicy foods

Doctor: I think you have ulcer symptoms. I will prescribe you some medications, and you must stop
coffee and spicy foods for a while

Patient: Can I still drink tea?

Doctor: Yes, you can drink green tea, but Water is the best drink, of course

Patient: Okay, thank you

Two men in the barbershop

Barber: Welcome to the barbershop. How can I help you Sir?

Mr. Steve: I’d like a haircut, please.

Barber: How would you like me to cut it, Sir?

Mr. Steve: Hmmm, I will leave it to you. .

Barber: How about this, Sir?

Mr. Steve: That’s cool. I think I’d like it coloured. What do you think?

Barber: Sure, Sir. It would be nice. What colour do you want?

Mr. Steve: Light brown please.

Barber: It’s a good choice, Sir.

After 15 minutes

Mr. Steve: Thanks, it looks good.

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