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Khatamul Awliyā'

Seal of the Saints 16

Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, said, "The Hour will not begin
until people see rain (a rain of bombs by the bomber planes of the kuffar nations
of the world) that reaches everywhere, but the earth will not bring forth anything."
Ahmad and Abu Ya'la

"Earthquakes (resulting from aerial bomb explosions) will demolish your homes,
and lightning will burn your livestock and turn them into coal." Nua'im bin Hammad

"The days when you can find no homes to shelter you or animals to carry you have
come close. Earthquakes (due to aerial bomb explosions) will demolish your
houses." Al-Barzanji's Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat As-Sa'ah, p. 146

46.] Arta heard Abu Amir Al-Hani say, "The Romans will leave angry and when they
reach their king they will tell him, "The Arabs (Muslims) deceived us and withheld
from us what we are entitled to and broke our cross and killed some of us.' Their
king becomes very angry and amasses a large army and reconciles  with other
(enemy) nations. They will march against the Muslims." Nua'im bin Hammad's
Kitab Al-Fitān

47.] Hudhaifa said that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, said, "When Sudan (Army
Rangers) come after the Arabs (Muslims), they (black people) will be defeated and
thrown into the lowest part of the earth (or pushed back to Jordan, lowest part of
Ash-Shām). While these circumstances exist, the Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will come with
three hundred and sixty men until he reaches Damascus. After a month he will be
followed by thirty thousand from Kalb (tribe). He will send an army to Iraq and kill
one hundred thousand in Az-Zawra. Then they (Dhul Urf's army) will go to Kufa
(when Caliph Harith attacks Baytul Maqdis/Constantinople) and pillage it. When
this occurs, a banner will come from the East, led by a man from Tamim called
Shua'ib Ibn Salih who will obtain the release of the people of Kufa and will defeat
them (Dhul Urf and his army)." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

48.] Narrated by Abu Hurairah, "And all the (kuffar) nations come to fight by sea
and air except those in the land of extreme cold and in the land of extreme heat.
And the Mahdi sees that all the world does plot against him, but he also sees that
Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he sees that the world belongs to Allah and to
Him it will return, and that the world is but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from its
roots to its branches...And Allah throws down on them (unbelievers) with a
disastrous punishment, burning their lands, seas and skies. And the sky rains
down a harmful shower, with the people of the earth cursing the infidels, and Allah
wills the defeat of the unbelievers." Qalda bin Zayd's Asma Masalik li Ayyam Al-
Mahdi li Kullid-Dunya bi Amrillah Al-Malik, p. 216

Awf bin Malik Al-Ashja'i said that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, during the Battle
of Tabuk said to him, "There will be Hudna (truce) between you and Bani Al-Asfar
(Romans). Then they will deceive you (treacherously break the truce) and will
march against you under eighty (80) banners and each banner will have ten
thousand (enemy soldiers)." Bukhari, Ibn Majah

Dhu Mukhammar said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, say, "You will make a
Hudna (truce) with the Romans, and together you and they will invade an enemy
(located) behind you (i.e. the Turks). You will be victorious, take much booty, and
you will leave. Then you will camp on a hilly pasture. When one of the Romans will
approach, raise a cross and say, "The Cross has won", one of the Muslims will get
angry and take off the cross. Then the Romans will deceive you (secretly
reconciling and plotting with enemy nations for the downfall of the Caliphate) and
gather for the Malhama (war). They will gather an army against you and come
against you with eighty banners (united nations) and each banner (nation)
followed by ten thousand (10,000) men (totalling 800,000 enemy soldiers)."
Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah

49.]  Anas bin Malik said that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "O Anas, the people will
settle down in cities, and one of them will be called Al-Basra or Al-Busayra. If you
should pass by it or enter it, avoid its salt marshes, it's kilaa (vicinity), it's
marketplace, and the gate of its princes, and stay in its suburbs (or outskirts),
because for it, there will be khusf (landslide), qazf (bombardment), and rajf (tremor
or earthquake) and there will be people who will spend the night in it and become
apes and swines in the morning." Abu Dawud

50.]  Ibid

51.]  From Abu Umamah, "One group from my community will eat, drink and amuse
themselves and in the morning they will rise as apes and pigs." At-Tabarani, Al-
Barzanji's Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat As-Sa'ah

Prophet Muhammad, SAAS, said, "At the end of my nation (or close to the Hour of
Resurrection) there will be Maskh (change in physical appearance such as human
becoming an animal) khusf (landslide) and qazf (bombardment)." Tirmidhi, Ibn

52.] "Terrible things will happen in my community and people will approach
scholars for comfort and suddenly see they have turned into apes and pigs." Ash-
Sharani, Mukhtasar Tadhkirah Al-Qurtubi

According to what is narrated from Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Abu Hurairah, "Expect to
see catastrophes and earthquakes and collapse, people's appearances changing
into those of apes or pigs, and stones and the like raining down from the sky."
Tirmidhi, Al-Barzanji's Portents of Doomsday, p.114

"I swear that some people from my community will turn into apes and pigs."
Ramuz Al-Ahādith, Hadith No. 5711

53.]  Authors' Note

54.]  Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "There will be an Ayah (sign)
in the Month of Ramadan. Then there will be an Isabah (splitting into two groups)
in Shawwal. Then there will be fighting in Dhul Qa'da. Then the pilgrims will be
robbed in Dhul Hijja. Then the prohibitions will be violated in the month of
Muharram. Then there will be sound in the month of Safar. Then the tribes will fight
with each other in the two months of Rabi'. Then the most amazing thing will
happen in between Jumada and Rajab. Then a well-fed she-camel (to flee to the
mountains) will be better than a fortress (fort brigades to seek shelter from)
sheltering a thousand (Muslim fighters)." Al-Hākim, Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-

From Talhah bin Ubaydullah that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "There will be rebellion
[Isabah (splitting into two groups)]. When one side rests, the other side will
become restless. Finally a herald will call from heaven, "Your Commander is such
and such". At-Tabarani's Mu'jam

55.] Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas said, "A man from the enemies of the Muslims
from Andalusia called Dhul Urf, will assemble a great army from the polytheist
tribes. Those who are in Andalusia will realize that they have no power to face
them, so the people of means from the Muslims will flee in ships and cross (the
sea) to Tanjah (in Iraq)..." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

56.]  Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud said that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "When there is a Sayha
(Scream) in the month of Ramadan, then there will be turmoil in Shawwal, and the
tribes will form groups in Dhul Qa'da, and blood will be spilled in Dhul Hijja, and in
Al-Muharram! What is prohibited?" saying it three times. "Oh, oh! The people will be
killed in a great massacre!" Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

57.]  Hudhaifa said that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, said, "When Sudan (Army
Rangers) come after the Arabs (Muslims), they (black people) will be defeated and
thrown into the lowest part of the earth (or pushed back to Jordan, lowest part of
Ash-Shām). While these circumstances exist, the Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will come with
three hundred and sixty men until he reaches Damascus. After a month he will be
followed by thirty thousand from Kalb (tribe). He will send an army to Iraq and kill
one hundred thousand in Az-Zawra. Then they (Dhul Urf's army) will go to Kufa
(when Caliph Harith attacks Baytul Maqdis/Constantinople) and pillage it. When
this occurs, a banner will come from the East, led by a man from Tamim called
Shua'ib Ibn Salih who will obtain the release of the people of Kufa and will defeat
them (Dhul Urf and his army)." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

58.]  Ali said, "The Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will appear in Shām, and then there will be a
battle in Qirqisia until the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth are
satiated with their corpses. Then there will be an attack against them from the
rear, so a group of them will go forward until they enter the land of Khurasan (East,
Iraq). The cavalry of the Sufyāni will pursue the people of the Khurasan (East, Iraq)
and will kill the supporters of the family of Muhammad. Then the people of
Khurasan will come out looking for the Mahdi" Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

59.]  Ibn Mas'ud said, "If the Turks and Khazar appear in Jazeera and Azerbaijan
while the Romans appear in Umaq and it's outskirts. The Romans will fight a man
(The Mawla) of Qais (Quraish) tribe from the people of Qanasareen (Q). The
Sufyāni in Iraq fights the people of the East. In each side there is an enemy. After
he (Sufyāni) fights them for forty (40) days and does not get support, he reconciles
with the Romans such that neither party will owe the other one anything." Nua'im
bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

60.]  Ka'b bin Alqama said, "The Turks will invade the Jazeera and their horses
drink from the Euphrates (middle Syria/Egypt). Allah will afflict them with a plague
(the juggernaut assault of the United Muslim-Roman forces) and kills them and
none of them survives except one man." He is also quoted saying, "They will land in
Aamid (in their second invasion together with the Romans in the Battles of
Malhama, World War IV), drink from Tigris and Euphrates and go freely around Al-
Jazeerah and nobody will be able to do anything about them. So Allah will afflict
them with a snow, wind and ice (i.e. a plague) so they become non-moving. People
will come back and say Allah has caused them to perish and eliminated your
enemy and none of them remained. All of them perished." Nua'im bin Hammad's
Kitab Al-Fitān

61.]  "There come the cries of war in (the month of) Shawwal with the outbreak of
war, massacre and carnage in Dhul Hijja. The pilgrims are plundered in this month,
the streets cannot be crossed because of bloodshed, and religious prohibitions are
violated. Great sins are committed near Baytul Muadhdham (the Ka'bah)." Al-
Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fie Alamatil Mahdi p. 37

62.]  Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud said that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "When there is a Sayha
(Scream) in the month of Ramadan, then there will be turmoil in Shawwal, and the
tribes will form groups in Dhul Qa'da, and blood will be spilled in Dhul Hijja, and in
Al-Muharram, what is prohibited?" saying it three times. "Oh, oh! The people will be
killed in a great massacre..." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

63.]  "While these circumstances exist, the Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will come with three
hundred and sixty men until he reaches Damascus. After a month he will be
followed by thirty thousand from Kalb (tribe). He will send an army to Iraq and kill
one hundred thousand (civilians) in Az-Zawra." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-
Fitān, Tabarani, Ad-Dani

64.] "The enemy will cross over in ships. When the people of North Africa see
them, they will flee from North Africa along with those Muslims who had been in
Andalusia, until they enter Al-Fustat. The enemy will come forward until they settle
in the area between the Marbut and the Pyramids, the distance of five 'burud' from
them, and they will fill that area with evil.

The banner of Muslims (under Abdur-Rahman) will go out and face them on the
bridge, and Allah will give them (Muslims) victory. They will defeat them (Romans),
kill them and drive the rest of them away to Libya, to the distance of ten nights
journey. The people of Fustat will make use of their cattle and their tools for seven
years." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān cf. FN 33

65.]  Ibid
66.]  Ibid

67.]  Abi Utba, a Mala of Amr bin Al-Aas said, "Egypt will be devastated when it
gets hit by the four arrows: The Arrow of the Turks (World War III), Arrow of the
Romans (World War IV, Al-Malhama), Arrow of the Abyssinians (World War V), and
Arrow of the People of Andalusia (World War VII, Al-Malhama Al-Kubra,
Armageddon)." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

68.]  "There will be turmoil in Shawwal, talk of war in Dhul Qa'da and the outbreak
of war in Dhul Hijja." Al-Barzanji's Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat As-Sa'ah

69.] "While these circumstances exist, the Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will come with three
hundred and sixty men until he reaches Damascus. After a month he will be
followed by thirty thousand from Kalb (tribe). He will send an army to Iraq and kill
one hundred thousand (civilians) in Az-Zawra." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-
Fitān, Tabarani, Ad-Dani, cf. FN 47

70.]  Ibid

Abdullah bin Mas'ud said, "The Romans will say, 'Split with us the war booties
(spoils) like we did.' So the Muslims will split with the Romans the war booties and
children of polytheists. The Romans will say, 'Split with us of the (Turks) Muslim
children.' The Muslims will say, 'We cannot split with you the children of Muslims.'..
The Romans will invade and take over all of Ash-Shām (caliphate) except
Damascus and Ma'taq mountain near Homs (in Syria) where Muslims will keep
their children." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān
71.]  Najeeb bin As-Sirri said, "Abdur-Rahman leads the people of Maghrib in an
expedition when the Romans have taken over Alexandria. So they (people of
Maghrib) will fight them (Romans) and defeat them and get them out." Nua'im bin
Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

72.] "The enemy will cross over in ships. When the people of North Africa see
them, they will flee from North Africa along with those Muslims who had been in
Andalusia, until they enter Al-Fustat. The enemy will come forward until they settle
in the area between the Marbut and the Pyramids, the distance of five 'burud' from
them, and they will fill that area with evil.

The banner of Muslims (under Abdur-Rahman) will go out and face them on the
bridge, and Allah will give them (Muslims) victory. They will defeat them (Romans),
kill them and drive the rest of them away to Libya, to the distance of ten nights
journey. The people of Fustat will make use of their cattle and their tools for seven
years." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab A-Fitān

73.]  Uqba bin Amr Al-Juhni said, "If the People of Maghrib go on an expedition
(towards Egypt), the Romans will take over the Maghrib. Alexandria and the coast
of Ash-Shām will be devastated." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

74.]  Amr bin Shua'ib reported from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah,
SAAS, said, "In Dhul Qa'da there will be a fight among the tribes, Muslim pilgrims
will be looted and there will be a battle in Mina in which many people will be slain
and blood will flow until it runs over the Jamratul Aqaba." Nua'im bin Hammad's
Kitab Al-Fitān

75.]  Ibid

76.]  Shahr Ibn Hawshab said that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, said, "There will
be a Sound in Ramadan, a Mahmaha (murmuring) in Shawwal (14th of Ramadan)
and war among tribes in Dhul Qa'da and it's sign will be a war with many people
killed and blood will be shed in Mina, such that their blood flows on the Jamra." Ad-
Dani's Kitab As-Sunan Al-Waridah fil-Fitān

77.]  "There come the cries of war in (the month of) Shawwal with the outbreak of
war, massacre and carnage in Dhul Hijja. The pilgrims are plundered in this month,
the streets cannot be crossed because of bloodshed, and religious prohibitions are
violated. Great sins are committed near Baytul Muadhdham (the Ka'bah)." Al-
Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fie Alamatil-Mahdi p. 37

"There  will be cries of war in Shawwal and war, carnage in Dhul Hijja, again in Dhul
Hijja pilgrims (people of Makkah) plundered and the roads will be filled with
(Muslims') blood. The bloodshed will continue and increase." As-Suyuti, Portents
of the Mahdi of the End Times
78.]  Authors' Note

79.]  "People make pilgrimage without an Imam leading them. Big wars break out
when they (Romans) come down (conquers) to Mina, and they are entwined just
the way dogs entwine, and tribes attack each other. The strife is so widespread
that legs are buried in lakes of blood." As-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi of the End
Times, p. 35

"There will be a war in Mina in which many (Muslims) will die to such an extent
that so much blood will flow, so as to leave the stones there in a lake of blood." Al-
Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fie Alamatil Mahdi Akhir Az Zaman, p. 31

80.]  "People make pilgrimage without an Imam leading them. Big wars break out
when they (Romans) come down (conquers) to Mina, and they are entwined just
the way dogs entwine, and tribes attack each other. The strife is so widespread
that legs are buried in lakes of blood." As-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi of the End
Times, p. 35

81.]  "There come the cries of war in (the month of) Shawwal with the outbreak of
war, massacre and carnage in Dhul Hijja. The pilgrims are plundered in this month,
the streets cannot be crossed because of bloodshed, and religious prohibitions are
violated. Great sins are committed near Baytul Muadhdham (the Ka'bah)." Al-
Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fie Alamatil Mahdi p. 37

82.] Ibid

83.]  This is the same Baghdad referred to in the hadith: "Baghdad is destroyed by
fire in the End Times." Risalat Al-Khuruj Al-Mahdi

84.]  Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud said that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "When there is a Sayha
(Scream) in the month of Ramadan, then there will be turmoil in Shawwal, and the
tribes will form groups in Dhul Qa'da, and blood will be spilled in Dhul Hijja, and in
Al-Muharram, what is prohibited?" saying it three times. "Oh, oh! The people will be
killed in a great massacre..." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

85.]  "Before the coming of the Mahdi there will be a great event when pitch black
stones (Ahjar Az-Zayt) in Madina will vanish in blood. In that event it will be as
easy to kill a woman as to wave a whip. And this phenomenon will spread for two
kilometers, and the oath of allegiance will be taken to Hadhrat Mahdi." Al-Qawl Al-
Mukhtasar fie Alamatil Mahdi Al-Muntadhar

86.]  Ibid

87.]  "They will kill mothers, fathers, daughters, men everyone and inflict great
suffering on the (Muslim) community by conquering Persia and Iraq. Among these
there will be strifes, violence, destruction and flight." As-Suyuti, Portents of the
Mahdi, p. 36

"A most painful and grievous sight to see. Strife will go on and on..." As-Suyuti,
Portents of the Mahdi, p.36

"The last of this strife is the killing of innocent people, and then Hadhrat Mahdi will
appear, to the approval of all." Jalaluddin As-Suyuti, Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan
fie Alamatil Mahdi Akhir Az-Zaman, p. 38

88.]  "There will be a city called Zawra between the Tigris and the Euphrates. There
will be a great battle there. Women will be taken prisoners and men will have their
throats cut like sheep." Muntakhab Kanzul Ummal, vol. 5, p. 38

89.]  "In this case, killing a woman will be as easy as wielding a whip. This event
will spread twenty four miles from Madina. Then the oath of allegiance will be
taken to the Mahdi." As-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi, p. 34

90.] Hudhaifa said that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, said, "While these
circumstances exist, the Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will come with three hundred and sixty
men until he reaches Damascus. After a month he will be followed by thirty
thousand from Kalb (tribe). He will send an army to Iraq and kill one hundred
thousand (civilians) in Az-Zawra." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

91.]  "The Mahdi will not emerge until innocent people are massacred and he will
appear when those on earth and in the sky can no longer put up with such
massacres." Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami's Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fie Alamatil Mahdi Al-
Muntadhar, p. 37

92.]  "The Mahdi will emerge after the appearance of such vile corruption, whereby
all prohibitions are regarded as lawful." Al-Haythami's Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fie
Alamatil Mahdi Al-Muntadhar, p. 23

"Strifes will be seen and more will follow. Such a level of strife will come that the
first will spur the last to clashes of swords, and after this there will be such strife
that what is forbidden is regarded as lawful. Then the Caliphate will come to the
Mahdi, the most auspicious individual on earth, while he is sitting at home." Al-
Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fie Alamatil Mahdi, p. 26

93.]  Related by Mujahid that Tubay said, "A man (Sheikh 'Adeel) will seek refuge in
Makkah and will be killed (during Malhama), then after that, a long period of time
will pass (more or less thirty four years), then another man (Al-Mansur, Mahdi III)
will seek refuge in Makkah, but if you meet him, do not fight him, for if you do, you
will be part of that army that will be sunk and destroyed (in Bayda')." Nua'im bin
Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

94.]  Ammar bin Yasir said, "Once the Pure Soul (i.e. Caliph Harith) and his brother
(Sheikh 'Adeel) are killed, will be killed in Makkah, a caller from heaven (Sheikh
Jibril) calls: "Your Prince is (says his name). This is the Mahdi who will fill the earth
with equity and justice." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

Ali Ibn Abi Talib said about what the Sufyāni does in Makkah: "He (Dhul Urf,
Sufyāni I) kills (by hanging) two siblings from Bani Hashim of Quraish, a man and
his sister, they are called Muhammad and Fatima. He (then) crucifies them at the
gate of the masjid." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

95.]  Ibid

96.]  "A kind of corruption will surface from which no party will be able to protect
itself, and spread immediately in every direction. This situation will persist until
one (Sheikh Jibril) comes and says, "O people! From now on your leader is the
Mahdi!" Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami's Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fie Alamatil Mahdi Al-
Muntadhar p. 23

97.]  Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "Hasten to perform good
deeds before the emergence of turmoil like pieces of black night. A man will be a
believer in the morning and a disbeliever by the evening, or he will be a believer in
the evening and a disbeliever in the morning; he will sell his religion for worldly
gains." Muslim

98.]  Umayra, daughter of Nufayl, relates, "I heard the daughter of Hassan say, "The
matter you expect (coming of the Mahdi) will not happen until some of you will
distance away from others and curse each other." Biharul Anwar, Shi'ite source

99.]  Muzaffal Ibn Umar says Imam Abu Abdullah Jaffar Sadik said, "And he (Imam
Mahdi) will appear when people are most evilly disposed to one another."
Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim Al Numani, Al-Ghayba Al-Numani, p. 187, Shi'ite source

100.]  Abu Hurairah said: The Prophet, SAAS, said, "Woe to the Arabs from the
great evil which is nearly approaching them. It will be like patches of dark night. A
man will wake up as a believer, and be kafir (disbeliever) by nightfall. People will
sell their religion for a small amount of worldly good. The one who clings to his
religion on that day will be as one who is grasping an ember or thorns." Ahmad

101.]  Narrated by Hudhaifa, "Several men from the Quraish will escape to
Constantinople (also Jerusalem) and the Sufyāni (Dhul Urf) will send to the leader
of the Romans who will return them to him and he will slit their throats together
with their followers." Abu Nua'im, At-Tabarani, Abu Amru Ad-Dani
102.] Narrated from Ka'b bin Alqama, "There will be, after the Fitnah in Ash-Sham
(Turks Invasion, World War III), an eastern one (Al-Malhama, World War IV) which
will be the devastation of the kings and the humiliation of the Arabs (Muslims)
until the people of the Maghrib come out (the 12,000 army of General Mansur)."
Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

103.]  Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudriy narrated that the Messenger of Allah, SAAS, said,
"There will be many lightnings as the Hour approaches to the extent that a man
will come to the people and say, "Who was killed today by lightnings in your area?"
They will say, "So-and-so, and so-and-so, and so-and-so, were killed by lightnings."

104.]  "Earthquakes will demolish your homes, and lightnings will burn your
livestocks and turn them into coal." Ahmad

105.] Our Prophet, SAAS, said, "There will be such troubles and calamities that
nobody will be able to find a place of shelter. These woes will move around Ash-
Shām, fall upon Iraq and tie the hands and feet of the Arabian Peninsula. A group
of Muslims will fight against troubles in the steppes. Nobody will feel any
sympathy for them or say, "Alas!" As they try to remedy their woes from one side,
the woes will emerge again on the other side." Muntakhab Kanzul Ummal, vol. 5
pp. 38-39

106.]  Abdullah bin Mas'ud said that the Prophet, SAAS, said, "Victory will be
withheld until one-third of the (population of the) Muslims dies, one-third flees and
one-third remains fighting. Each of the martyrs of the third who are killed is equal
to ten of those martyred in Badr. Each of Badr's martyrs can intercede for 70
people, thus each of the martyrs in this battle can intercede for 700 people. The
third who will flee can be divided into three groups: One-third will join the Romans
and say, 'If Allah has anything to do with this religion (Islam), He would have
supported the Muslims.' One-third will say, 'We'd better go back to the land of our
parents,' and they are the bedouins. The last third says, 'Ash-Shām is ominous like
it's name sounds,' So they leave Ash-Shām." Nua'im bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitān

107.]  "At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted in a
similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal. Therefore do not rebuke the
people of Syria. Rather rebuke the evil people among them because amongst them
are the Abdāls. Allah will send a flood from Heaven that will disperse their groups
in such a way that if foxes were to attack them they (Muslims) would be victorious.
Then Allah will send a man from the pure musked children of the Messenger
amongst approximately 12,000-15,000 under three banners and their password
(warcry) is, Die! Die! ("Kill! Kill! Kill!") and they will be fought by the seven banners
under each is a man seeking the kingdom. They will be killed, defeated, then the
Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this
will be the case until the Dajjal comes." Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and At-

108.]  "The tribulation in Ash-Shām will calm down on one hand and flare up again
on another. This corruption will not end until an angel (Sheikh Jibril) from the sky
calls, "The Mahdi is your leader. The Mahdi is your Caliph." Risalat Al-Khuruj Al-
Mahdi, p. 63

109.]  In addressing his beloved daughter the Prophet, SAAS, said, "I swear by Allah
who has chosen me in truth! Verily the Mahdi of the Ummah is from the progeny of
Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain. At the time when anarchy and confusion would envelop
the whole world (the Caliphate); when fitān (strifes) would arise (one over the
other); when highways and roads would become insecure and groups attack each
other, when neither would the old have mercy on the young nor the young respect
the old. At that time Allah would let a person from the progeny of these two
(Hassan and Hussain) rise up to capture (and destroy) the strongholds of
misguidance and conquer hearts that have been covered by the veil of ignorance
and unawareness (and have been deprived of recognizing the truths). He will rise
up at the end of time just as I rose at the beginning of time, and fill the world with
justice and equity just as it has been full of injustice and oppression." Iqdud Durar,
p. 152, (Abu Na'eem) Dhaka'ir Al-Uqba, p. 135, Yanabi Al-Mawaddah, p. 426

"The Mahdi will not appear until innocent people are massacred, and he will
appear when those on the earth and up in the sky can no longer bear with such
massacres." Ibn Hajar Al-Haythami's Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar fie Alamatil Mahdi Al-
Muntadhar, p. 37

110.]  "Everyone bowing and prostrating themselves in prayers will be punished.

Cruelty, malice and vice will be produced, scholars and ascetics murdered, and
many cities conquered. There will be hostility to the Prophet Muhammad, SAAS,
bloodshed and destruction will be legitimate." Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi's Al-Burhan fie
Alamatil Mahdi Akhir Az Zaman, p. 37

Hudhaifa Ibn Al-Yaman said: While mentioning the problems that the Muslims will
face, the Prophet, SAAS, said, "On account of pressures to be exerted on them,
they will sell free people, and men and women will be sold into slavery. Polytheists
will have Muslims as mercenaries and sell them in the cities, and no one will be
offended by this state of affairs- neither the good, nor the bad, and the debauchee.

O Hudhaifa! The suffering of that period will continue in such a manner that they
will lose hope, and they will find comfort and relief in bad ideas. At that point Allah
will send a man from the purified ones from my progeny and the good ones from
my descendants who is just, blessed and pure without even an iota of connivance
(of bad elements) and indulgence (in the bad things). Through his assistance Allah
will endear the religion, Qur'an, Islam and its people and humiliate polytheism.

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